
Just curious - a future trip

Alm - 5-29-2024 at 05:09 PM

If I were to go from BOLA to Chula Vista-ish, Sweetwater Summit campground in particular.
Is it better 1) taking Hwy 5 via San Felipe and then Mex D2 toll road to Otay and 125 toll on the US side, or 2) cross North at Mexicali and then Hwy 98 and 8?
It's been a long time since I drove Hwy 98 and 8 there and never been on Mex D2, there was no need. Google says that Mex D2 is a little shorter but this is 2 toll roads, D2 and 125, with toll stops I doubt it's faster.

PaulW - 5-29-2024 at 05:21 PM

My suggestion what I would do is Hwy1-5, San Felipe, Mexicali east, 8 and skip the other choices.

David K - 5-29-2024 at 06:10 PM

North on the 5, then a toss up between long lines at hot Mexicali or go west to Tecate and cross there (my typical route of past years).

AKgringo - 5-29-2024 at 06:18 PM

I haven't driven those roads enough to compare them, but I did drive D 2 to Tecate and crossed there. What I liked about it was avoiding Mexicali traffic, and some pretty great scenery.

It is a steep, winding grade though, and you will be sharing it with trucks. The day I drove it I encountered both rain and hail showers near the summit, which added a bit to the thrill of the ride!

mjs - 5-29-2024 at 10:36 PM

We make the drive from San Felipe to San Diego fairly often. The fastest and least stressful way (for us) is 5 north, cross at Mexicali west (we have Sentri), then 98 to 8.

You have to climb the mountain regardless but always seems to take longer going through Tecate and from there into SD. Naturally YMMV.

Lee - 5-30-2024 at 06:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PaulW  
My suggestion what I would do is Hwy1-5, San Felipe, Mexicali east, 8 and skip the other choices.


pacificobob - 5-30-2024 at 08:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mjs  
We make the drive from San Felipe to San Diego fairly often. The fastest and least stressful way (for us) is 5 north, cross at Mexicali west (we have Sentri), then 98 to 8.

You have to climb the mountain regardless but always seems to take longer going through Tecate and from there into SD. Naturally YMMV.

Good council above

mtgoat666 - 5-30-2024 at 09:18 PM

Mexicali is slightly faster route.
If you got sentri, and are just vacationing, i suggest taking 1 and crossing at TJ since it is a prettier and more interesting route.
But if time is limited and you care more about the destination than the journey, then take mexicali route.

JZ - 5-31-2024 at 07:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Mexicali is slightly faster route.
If you got sentri, and are just vacationing, i suggest taking 1 and crossing at TJ since it is a prettier and more interesting route.
But if time is limited and you care more about the destination than the journey, then take mexicali route.

Ignore this. Cross at Mexicali and go down the 5.

TJ is a mess, and the traffic through all the little town is annoying.

It's not any pretty on the 1. The 5 is great.

surabi - 5-31-2024 at 07:12 PM

I think people are capable of making their own choices, based on the various answers they receive, without anyone dictating to them what to "ignore", just because it wouldn't be your choice.

Alm - 6-2-2024 at 09:29 AM

Thanks everybody, it seems like Mexicali and 98-8 is the consensus. I've been leaning towards this already, maybe because I've been on 98-8 before, also trucks traffic seems to be less of an issue on the US side.
Hwy 1 doesn't appeal to me anymore, I've been there too many times. While the first 2/3 of the way from BOLA is stunningly beautiful, it is a constant balancing between speed and safety on many curves, and the last 1/3 is dusty, slow and nothing to look at.

I recall there was Indian gas on reservation on Hwy8, love filling up at those places.

I like driving

AKgringo - 6-2-2024 at 11:34 AM

Even if I have and idea about the "best road" to get where I am going, I look forward to taking other roads just to see what's there.

If I have a reason to head toward L.A. I will probably take a different route that 2D to Tecate, just because that is the route I traveled last time.

David K - 6-2-2024 at 12:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Even if I have and idea about the "best road" to get where I am going, I look forward to taking other roads just to see what's there.

If I have a reason to head toward L.A. I will probably take a different route that 2D to Tecate, just because that is the route I traveled last time.

Bravo to you! It's about the journey (not the destination), after all.

surabi - 6-2-2024 at 12:30 PM

I once drove from Ottawa to Austin. I drew a straight line on the map between the two and took every road that was closest to that line. Sometimes that meant I was on the freeway, but I mostly was on a lot of country roads and drove through lots of small towns. It was a great trip.

Alm - 6-2-2024 at 04:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Even if I have and idea about the "best road" to get where I am going, I look forward to taking other roads just to see what's there.

If I have a reason to head toward L.A. I will probably take a different route that 2D to Tecate, just because that is the route I traveled last time.

It's been a long time since I drove to SD via Hwy 8, was mostly bypassing SD and LA to the East or taking Mex 1 via SY/Otay. So it's going to be be a fresh-er experience this time. Besides, Mexicali crossing has not reached the saturation point for me yet, I am still making unnecessary turns and loops before getting on the Blvd to Calexico West Sentri.

AKgringo - 6-2-2024 at 04:38 PM

I don't think I have ever made it through Mexicali west without discovering different detours than I had encountered before!

surabi - 6-2-2024 at 10:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I don't think I have ever made it through Mexicali west without discovering different detours than I had encountered before!

Worst detour experience ever was in Guatemala in '76 right after the huge earthquake. The highway was blocked by a huge landslide, so traffic was routed on a dirt road that was barely wide enough for 2 small cars to pass by each other from each direction. Of course there were larger vehicles, so traffic would inch along for a few minutes, then people would get out of their vehicles and talk and argue like "Okay, well if you back up a foot and move a bit to the left, I'll be able to squeeze past you, etc."

This went on for about 8 hours, throughout the night, but the detour was only around a section of the highway that had it not been blocked, would have taken maybe 5 minutes to drive.

Tioloco - 6-3-2024 at 12:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I don't think I have ever made it through Mexicali west without discovering different detours than I had encountered before!

Worst detour experience ever was in Guatemala in '76 right after the huge earthquake. The highway was blocked by a huge landslide, so traffic was routed on a dirt road that was barely wide enough for 2 small cars to pass by each other from each direction. Of course there were larger vehicles, so traffic would inch along for a few minutes, then people would get out of their vehicles and talk and argue like "Okay, well if you back up a foot and move a bit to the left, I'll be able to squeeze past you, etc."

This went on for about 8 hours, throughout the night, but the detour was only around a section of the highway that had it not been blocked, would have taken maybe 5 minutes to drive.

My... how worldly and adventurous you are..... Tell us more of your wild real life experiences, please!

surabi - 6-3-2024 at 10:12 AM

What's wrong with you? How does your personal attack add to this thread?

Tioloco - 6-3-2024 at 10:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Alm  
If I were to go from BOLA to Chula Vista-ish, Sweetwater Summit campground in particular.
Is it better 1) taking Hwy 5 via San Felipe and then Mex D2 toll road to Otay and 125 toll on the US side, or 2) cross North at Mexicali and then Hwy 98 and 8?
It's been a long time since I drove Hwy 98 Chand 8 there and never been on Mex D2, there was no need. Google says that Mex D2 is a little shorter but this is 2 toll roads, D2 and 125, with toll stops I doubt it's faster.

Choice number 2 is probably a faster route. If no Sentri, try to avoid Sunday afternoon as your border crossing day.

AKgringo - 6-3-2024 at 11:07 AM

I recently drove 2 D eastward from Mex 5, and felt that the toll booths were a non-issue as far as cost, or delay.