
Continuing our trek towards Margaritaville

BoenBaja - 5-30-2024 at 12:18 PM

Well, it’s been a while since I checked in with y’all so I thought I’d catch up. We were able to stay one night in Yellowstone but arrived early enough in the day to make the loop down to Old Faithful that afternoon, but damn, wouldn’t you know it? We missed the geyser spouting by about 5 minutes! Anyway we hit several snow flurries that day and the next whilst driving through the Grand Tetons, then heading west into Idaho for a one night layover at Ririe ID. The next day drove up through the Craters of the Moon, but the weather didn’t cooperate so with all of the fog and drizzle didn’t see too much. Couple that with the visitor center and the loop road being closed for upkeep construction it was pretty much a bust. We stopped at Kraay’s Market and Garden in Bellevue ID where we spent the night (Harvest Hosts) and bought some locally caught sockeye and smoked salmon. Next day it was on to Ontario OR (Passport America) for the night and then on to Alpine Drive Alpacas in Hermiston OR (Harvest Hosts). The next day we took a leisurely drive down the Columbia River Gorge on the Washington side until we arrived in the late afternoon at Dog Mountain RV Park in Stevenson WA (PA). The next day it was over to Tillamook OR to stay the night at the Blue Heron French Cheese Co. (HH) where we had a great lunch and bought a variety of wonderful cheeses. We then drove slowly down the Oregon coast to spend 2 nights at the Umpqua Lighthouse State Park and then another short/meandering drive to our current location Cape Blanco State Park where we’ll spend 2 nights overlooking the Pacific through a forest of pine trees. More to come!