
2024 Spring Clinic

BoenBaja - 6-10-2024 at 12:27 PM

Well, another fantastic clinic this spring was once again sponsored by the La Balandra Rotary Club of La Paz, BCS, Mexico. The club provided rooms (that included breakfast) at the 7 Crown Hotel and Rotary Club members would provide lunch at the clinic every day. The clinic opened its doors for the Baja patients on Sunday March 3rd and finished seeing its last patient on Monday March 11th. There were a total of 128 visits to the clinic, 73 patients treated, among which 23 prostheses were delivered (one failed), 50 additional patients were seen for adjustments which included foot changes, sock changes, liner changes, consultations, etc.

Donations for the clinic are always greatly appreciated. You can send your tax deductible donation to:
Limb Restoration Project a Nonprofit Corporation
c/o Doug Pinkley, CPO
411 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122-0000

Thank you for any donations and thanks for allowing us the opportunity to inform all of you in about our clinic, (established 2004!)

Paul & Shelley Boe