
Entering Mexico Today

bajalou - 4-18-2005 at 06:44 PM

They had the lottery and today I was the lucky winner.

Coming into Mexico at the downtown Mexicali crossing, I got the red light and was waved to secondary - not too unusual. Pulled over and was instructed to back up and pull clear over by the fence where there was a table. No problem. The the inspector opened the back door (crew cab PU) and started
unloading the packages etc. Another agent told me to help unload so why not. We had to unload al the packages, clothing, food misc. onto the table and the agent went thru every one opening all the little compartmenst on my bag, etc. What he took out of a bag he replaced in about the same way it was (folded etc). Then behind the back seat examining every item, under front seat, glov box etc. Then OK to replace the stuff from the table. Wife took care of that and he looked at everything in the back of the truck. Took everything out of the cooler, and replaced it. Didn't make a mess, was cheerful asking about San Felipe etc. Finally Ok to go and so I did.

If I was this lucky coming the other way, I'm sure we would have had a great mess to try to clean up to reload the truck.

Every day an adventure


Red light

Price - 4-18-2005 at 07:11 PM

We have never gotten THE RED LIGHT - I hope when we get the red light we are as luckey as you ! We have always had a good experience entering MX - last time we were there we were stopped at the check point - and they checked everything - first time this has happened (check point before SF) They were very nice & had no problem - We are going down the first week of May - hope for problem free trip !!!!!

bajalou - 4-18-2005 at 07:16 PM

Most of the time when yhou get the Red Light it's just a quick glance thru your stuff - and away we go - this was 50 times a thurough.


woody with a view - 4-18-2005 at 07:56 PM

red light?


never seen a red light?:spingrin:

thebajarunner - 4-18-2005 at 08:06 PM

Red light...???
There used to be this rather shabby motel in Mexicali that had a red (oops, better save that one for another time/ perhaps another board)

Baja Arriba!!

Bruce R Leech - 4-18-2005 at 08:12 PM

as long as you stay legal it is a pleasant experience.

bajalou - 4-18-2005 at 08:20 PM

You're absolutly right Bruce - today I had no worries - they wondered about my wife's "Esential Oiles"?? (I do too) and some of her vitamines and some fresh sage she had from her mom's garden but no problems.

It's a different story when you do have some undeclared auto parts. But even then they have been curtious and professional, even providing drinks and lunch when the time came.


crossing border...

eetdrt88 - 4-25-2005 at 09:04 PM

heart rate increasing,nervous twitch begins,sweaty palms for certain,spastic mumblings bothering wife and children,imagining an episode like the one you described..........and then all the sudden i find myself driving south from TJ witha a big grin on my face,hmmm strange how these things work