
Pothole Warning San Felipe to BCS Border

RFClark - 7-1-2024 at 09:44 AM

Hi All,

We just drove up from El Cerritos to San Felipe. The road in BCS is OK except from Santa Rosalie to San Ignacio. There are a lot of small potholes there.

From the border of BCS to San Felipe there is currently no road repair work taking place. There are many areas where the road is crumbling with 1” - 2” potholes. Additionally there are random small 1’ diameter deep potholes in otherwise good road.

There is an epic pothole north of Jesus Y Maria. It is the width of the SB lane. There are other large deep potholes going north as well. They are difficult to see from a distance.

Drive carefully don’t drive at night!

baja-chris - 7-1-2024 at 09:56 AM

It's so bad that traffic often drives in the incoming lane to avoid the holes. Had some dangerous encounters coming around blind curves and finding a vehicle coming toward me in my lane, forcing me off road in one case. Worst I've ever seen Highway 1 in my 35 years of driving it.

RFClark - 7-1-2024 at 02:20 PM
