
KML File of 2024 El Camino Real Hike

Fatboy - 10-4-2024 at 07:03 PM

Lets see if this works.... Hopefully it has each day as its own track.

This should cover my 5 day hike from Los Corralles to San Sebastion to My Turn Around point to the La Rabia portion to My Last Day Hike out.

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David K - 10-5-2024 at 08:51 AM

Downloaded fine on my Google Earth. Thank you!

Of interest to readers/ hikers: has notes at the south end of La Rabia and to the east on the San Sebastian trail...

La Rabia trail: G103 ECR travels up this canyon to continue northward; however, it is in bad shape and difficult to find.

San Sebastian trail: Gc1 Some sources claim this branch of the trail is a new construction and others claim it to be the original ECR. We are guessing that both were used during the mission era. Certainly, the rancho name of San Sebastian sounds as if it comes from the time of the missionaries and historical accounts go back to at least very near in time to the active missions.

At San Sebastian, is a photo with this caption:
Travelers passing through this area in the mid-19th century wrote that San Sebastián looked to be an abandoned mining camp. Water is available here, and today all that exists are a stone corral and a dilapidated building. The photo at waypoint tie trail looks out over this site. In 1868, William M. Gabb described San Sebastián: “Here we found a fine stream of water, a pretty fair shanty of palm-leaves, and, what was more desirable than either, a flat of several acres, almost free from stones, and with a profusion of excellent grass”

John, what was the reason you didn't get to the top of the mesa not far from the end of the blue track (Day 3)? It would seem to beckon one to at least get to the top for a view and see one of the long, straight runs of ECR so easily spotted from space. CaminoRealBaja has a photo of an odd boojum growing like a snake near that point (G125)

Fatboy - 10-5-2024 at 09:13 AM

that was a section of trail that I really wanted to reach....

Day 3 was a hard day, I went up the wrong drainage a few miles back and the route finding through there was a nightmare.

By the time I had reached the end of my track at that point it was late in the day, after 5 pm I believe, and I was tired and still needed to find a place to camp.

I ended up backtracking about a 1/2 mile to camp, which involved crossing a canyon, so I was pretty beat by the end of that day.