
suggestions for internationalmonthly cell phone plan

1Bajalover - 10-20-2024 at 09:57 PM

can anyone recommend a good cell phone plan while i am in mulege for months? I have Verizon and am hoping to find a (reasonably priced) plan to sign up for while in Mulege - one where people in U S can call/text me on my
u s number and me them for one set monthly rate-something someone is using or has used that actually worked well would be ideal to get info on-

Thank You for any suggestions/experiences with this

soulpatch - 10-21-2024 at 05:07 PM

FWIW we use Telcel and it works fine in all the areas of the USA we travel to with data and phone calls.

What we've told people that really want to text or call is to use WhatsApp.
As long as you have their contact in your phone and they are on WhatsApp you're good to go.

We can call anyone anywhere in the world using it, pretty much.
We just talked to friends in Spain while we were in Buenos Aires and also with people in the USA from BA and Mexico.

Video calls work great, too.

I hope that helps.
Unless, of course, you need to keep that US number.

surabi - 10-21-2024 at 05:44 PM

Several of my friends in Canada who I have told to please use whatsapp to communicate with me in Mexico seem to have the hardest time figuring out how to use whatsapp. They just seem to be completely confused as to how to send a message or make a phone call, never notice that I've sent them a message, or don't know how to answer a whatsapp call.

I really don't get it- it seems so simple to me. And it's not like I'm some spring chicken. It takes me a little while to familiarize myself with some new app, but it's not that hard.

[Edited on 10-22-2024 by surabi]