
Is it easy to find weed in La Paz?

Suncoast - 12-13-2024 at 09:31 PM

We're heading down for a couple of months this winter, of course I'm not going to try and cross 2 borders with anything that can cause me issues, however I do like to imbibe in the devil's weed, it helps me sleep. Usually I use gummies or vape in Canada. I'm just wondering if it's illegal to possess it in Mexico and also how easy it is to find and is it any good? With legalization in Canada you can get some good bud!! The Baja would have some really nice growing conditions I would think. Any input from you guys?

mtgoat666 - 12-13-2024 at 10:15 PM

Ask any cop where to buy mota :thumbup::thumbup:

chippy - 12-14-2024 at 07:07 AM

Cab drivers, bar tenders and fisherman or so I've been told;).

pacificobob - 12-14-2024 at 05:43 PM

Good council from lencho. And no, any quality weed is usually imported.

JZ - 12-14-2024 at 06:37 PM

I don't smoke. At least since college.

But anytime friends who smoke come down to Baja or Mainland my MX friends are able to get it for them easily.

I don't allow it on the boat or truck, etc.

About 10 years ago we were rolling into Loreto on the boat and my friend from San Francisco flashed his bag. I stopped the boat, and after a heated argument made him throw it into the drink as 2 other friends watched on.

[Edited on 12-15-2024 by JZ]

stillnbaja - 12-14-2024 at 07:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by stillnbaja  
per JZ.....
I'm 100% serious. Politics rots the brain more than smoking weed. How did talking about politics ever improve your life?

we'd sure rather have the runt smoking weed! :lol:

Please keep this kind of uncivil crap in OT where it belongs is tolerated. :fire:

gosh I'm sorry Lench....don't forget to delete.

Ateo - 12-14-2024 at 09:08 PM

In this day and age it's quite sad that people have to worry about a little weed.......but you should until it's legal everywhere.

When I was n Mexico City last month there's a park of Reforma where it's ok to smoke and there were hundreds of people there......all super high. Mellow crowd......

If they were drunk it would've been a different story.

Hopefully your'e getting some U2U's from stoners in La Paz that'll hook you up proper.

Good luck. Wander town for a few days and you may find some.....

Lee - 12-15-2024 at 09:43 AM

I've heard a small amount of THC is legal if you're MX. Might apply to gringoes but not in checkpoint searches. Hide whatever you bring.

What I've seen is local gringoes have the best stuff and it's usually from NOB. Ask around.

surabi - 12-15-2024 at 10:55 AM

Find some Mexican hippie types, or surfers, they'll hook you up with some. Tons of Mexicans smoke weed, it's not a big deal.

Funny story- the gal who cleans for me called one day to say she'd be late- she had to take her mom to the doctor. When she arrived, she told me the story.

Her mom, who lives with the cleaner's sister had sort of collapsed the day before- she was just in a chair and could hardly move or talk. They thought maybe she'd had a stroke and rushed her to the clinic, but the clinic couldn't find anything physically wrong with her after doing a bunch of tests. So they brought grandma home, where she was still acting out of it and just went to sleep.

The next morning, the cleaner took her to her regular doctor, who also couldn't find anything wrong, but asked "Did you eat or drink anything different from normal yesterday?" Grandma said, "Well, my teenage grandson made some brownies I ate."

Udo - 12-16-2024 at 11:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chippy  
Cab drivers, bar tenders and fisherman or so I've been told;).

That is my go-to group! Find the oldest junkiest cab. Tip him well.

Suncoast - 12-16-2024 at 11:59 AM

Thanks for the advice guys, I'll ask around if we head out to Tecolote. Seemed like a potential crowd of Kite boarders and free spirited folks there!

BigOly - 12-17-2024 at 03:09 PM

Cannabis in Mexico

Wikipedia › wiki › Cannabis_in_Mexico
Cannabis in Mexico is legal for both recreational and medicinal purposes. It became legal for recreational purposes in June 2021.

AKgringo - 12-17-2024 at 04:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BigOly  
Cannabis in Mexico

Wikipedia › wiki › Cannabis_in_Mexico
Cannabis in Mexico is legal for both recreational and medicinal purposes. It became legal for recreational purposes in June 2021.

Your link didn't work for me. If it is legal for personal use at home, it may still be illegal to transport, share with others, or use in public.

I don't know if that is the case, but it would be a concern for me if I ever decided to try it again.

Don Jorge - 12-17-2024 at 04:40 PM

It is a bit more complicated than many assume due to the legislative and judicial progress made towards "legalization".

I have been told by friends in Mexico that nothing has been published in the "Diario Oficial de la Federación" regarding legalization and recreational use of canabis. The only way it is "legal" now is jumping through a permit process which is a bit tricky and for a gringo even more so.

Search it, the google rabbit hole is long and twisty.

Bottom line, if a gringo gets caught with their hands in the cookie jar you will have to pay for those cookies and depending on your negotiating skills you may or may not get to keep the cookies.

mtgoat666 - 12-17-2024 at 05:04 PM

Extortion of citizens and tourists by cops is illegal. But that doesn’t mean that cops dont rob and extort money from citizens and tourists.
Pot is decriminalized, not sure if it is “legal” or just not prosecuted. Reality is that most cops and military will make tourists miserable if they find pot on tourists.
Transport across the intl border is a big no no, usa and mexico will flock you up if they catch you with weed in any physical state (loose, vape, gummies, etc.)

[Edited on 12-18-2024 by mtgoat666]

bajatrailrider - 12-18-2024 at 08:37 AM

The Only thing you need know is how many dollars. Offered to first policeman then go on your way.

bajatrailrider - 12-19-2024 at 02:59 PM

Good One lowlencho

David Nuevo - 12-21-2024 at 04:48 PM

Or you could simply grow up and enjoy Baja without chemical assistance.

surabi - 12-21-2024 at 06:06 PM

Oh, you're passing moral judgement on other people's choices? How about all the people who enjoy Baja with a beer in their hand? Should they "grow up", too?

FYI, marijuana is a plant, not some drug cooked up in a lab. And everything on the planet is made up of chemicals. Including you.

Lee - 12-21-2024 at 07:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David Nuevo  
Or you could simply grow up and enjoy Baja without chemical assistance.

I'm thinking you don't know Baja and probably don't have a lot of friends down there.

Have to admit I judge alcoholics. For about a minute or two.

Experienced the sacred herb in Nam in '65. Never grew up I guess.

Bwana_John - 12-21-2024 at 08:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Experienced the sacred herb in Nam in '65.

As did a lot of young servicepeople who might have never run into it otherwise.

Where did that stuff come from? I assume it wasn't Mexican skunk weed... :O

Millisandri - 1-17-2025 at 06:44 AM

Possessing small amounts for personal use is technically decriminalized, but that doesn’t mean it's totally safe everywhere. The law still leaves a lot up to local enforcement, so it's best to be cautious.

Lee - 1-17-2025 at 10:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Millisandri  
Possessing small amounts for personal use is technically decriminalized, but that doesn’t mean it's totally safe everywhere. The law still leaves a lot up to local enforcement, so it's best to be cautious.

I'm repeating myself but here goes. If a checkpoint finds even a small amount, they will take it and hassle you. Cops even a bigger hassle. Don't get caught.

David Nuevo - 1-17-2025 at 01:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Oh, you're passing moral judgement on other people's choices? How about all the people who enjoy Baja with a beer in their hand? Should they "grow up", too?

FYI, marijuana is a plant, not some drug cooked up in a lab. And everything on the planet is made up of chemicals. Including you.
I'm enjoying Baja with a beer right now. It's made from plants and water (a chemical!) and as far as I know is legal here. I drink beer because I like the taste and refreshment, not to get high - which is the only reason to use "recreational" THC (C₂₁H₃₀O₂)...OOH - another "chemical". Not a moral issue, simply common sense.

David Nuevo - 1-17-2025 at 01:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David Nuevo  
Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Quote: Originally posted by David Nuevo  
Or you could simply grow up and enjoy Baja without chemical assistance.

I'm thinking you don't know Baja and probably don't have a lot of friends down there.

Have to admit I judge alcoholics. For about a minute or two.

Experienced the sacred herb in Nam in '65. Never grew up I guess.

I'm thinking you don't know what you're talking about. I'm presently in my little casa less than two miles from a little Baja town where I have been honored to make dozens of friends over the last 50 years. I "experienced" plenty of that smoke the same time you did, and I don't like alcoholics any more than you do.

Lee - 1-17-2025 at 01:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David Nuevo  
Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Oh, you're passing moral judgement on other people's choices? How about all the people who enjoy Baja with a beer in their hand? Should they "grow up", too?

FYI, marijuana is a plant, not some drug cooked up in a lab. And everything on the planet is made up of chemicals. Including you.
I'm enjoying Baja with a beer right now. It's made from plants and water (a chemical!) and as far as I know is legal here. I drink beer because I like the taste and refreshment, not to get high - which is the only reason to use "recreational" THC (C₂₁H₃₀O₂)...OOH - another "chemical". Not a moral issue, simply common sense.

How old are you? This makes no sense at all.

If your beer is 5%+ alcohol, you're getting a buzz whether you like it or not. More you drink more buzz and tolerance you have. If you didn't like the buzz, you wouldn't drink.

Your nonsense looks hypocritical. You know nothing about THC or the reasons the public uses legal THC.

You come across as a moralist. Judging anyone here and their poison belongs in OT. Troll.

David Nuevo - 1-17-2025 at 03:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Quote: Originally posted by David Nuevo  
Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Oh, you're passing moral judgement on other people's choices? How about all the people who enjoy Baja with a beer in their hand? Should they "grow up", too?

FYI, marijuana is a plant, not some drug cooked up in a lab. And everything on the planet is made up of chemicals. Including you.
I'm enjoying Baja with a beer right now. It's made from plants and water (a chemical!) and as far as I know is legal here. I drink beer because I like the taste and refreshment, not to get high - which is the only reason to use "recreational" THC (C₂₁H₃₀O₂)...OOH - another "chemical". Not a moral issue, simply common sense.

How old are you? This makes no sense at all.

If your beer is 5%+ alcohol, you're getting a buzz whether you like it or not. More you drink more buzz and tolerance you have. If you didn't like the buzz, you wouldn't drink.

Your nonsense looks hypocritical. You know nothing about THC or the reasons the public uses legal THC.

You come across as a moralist. Judging anyone here and their poison belongs in OT. Troll.
So now you're judging me as a moralist and a troll?
I said "HIGH", as in drunk, not the negligible effects of two beers which is about all I normally do. As opposed to the use of recreational - not medical - marijuana, the purpose of which is to seriously alter mental function. As for what I know about THC, I had enough about 50 years ago in my college days to figure it doesn't have to be "cooked up in a lab" to be a drug.

surabi - 1-17-2025 at 08:19 PM

No, the purpose of marijuana is not to "seriously alter mental function".
You are seriously naive if you think you can spot someone who has just smoked a joint because they are going to appear to be "HIGH as in drunk".
And FYI, recreational and medicinal marijuana are the same thing, just like a glass of whiskey is still the same glass of whiskey whether you are drinking it just because you like the taste, or whether it calms down your cough or relieves your back pain.