
Sourdough bread at Leys or Soriana?

Santiago - 1-21-2025 at 05:21 PM

Anyone know if we can get sourdough bread near the Cabo airport? Don't see it available on their websites.

4x4abc - 1-22-2025 at 01:21 PM


mtgoat666 - 1-22-2025 at 01:45 PM

you looking for birotes? try a restaurants that sells torta ahogada, there are a few in cabo, they may be able to hook you up with birotes.
also, i suspect there are some bakeries around town that sell birotes.

Tioloco - 1-23-2025 at 09:37 PM

Ruba's bakery and bistro

Santiago - 1-24-2025 at 07:42 AM

Thanks, that just might work

dutra - 1-31-2025 at 06:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  

Yes, there is a bakery near La Europea store in san jose. They have sour dough and its not cheap but its good.

Santiago - 2-1-2025 at 01:17 PM
Is this it? Punta Espiritu Panaderia Artesanal

dutra - 2-2-2025 at 06:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Santiago
Is this it? Punta Espiritu Panaderia Artesanal

Yep thats it