
Sun Stroke Remedy

Diver - 4-26-2005 at 10:05 PM


It was a long time ago....

Back in '72, a group of us took the 24 hour train from Nogales to Mazatlan.
The train used to leave one day and arrive the next morning. So we arrived at the Hotel Costa d'Oro on the beach north of the big high-rise hotels and hit the beach by 11:00am.

Needless to say (8 college kids on a train) I didn't sleep much during the train ride so I fell asleep for too many hours on the beach and got FRIED. I showered, drank a bunch of water and ate a few aspirins before we left for dinner at Senior Frog's.

Now if you have ever been to Mazatlan and been to Senior Frog's than you know. If you haven't been there I can only try to explain the sheer size and mouth-watering taste of their jumbo shrimp wrapped in bacon. They are consistently the largest shrimp I have ever seen and also among the most tasty (they are really shrimp). The rest of the meal is always great and the complementary Koluha on the rocks at the end is the kicker. Bottom line is that you don't want to miss this place; I hear it is still the same.

As we waited outside the restaurant to get in, I started feeling a bit weird. My stomach seemed ready to come out my mouth and things around me stopped making as much sense as I normally expected (being sober and all).

My friends took me back to the hotel, by which time I was conscious but fairly delerious. Something about having kids...where was my wife....(I had no kids or wife) Apparently, I scared the buddies enough that they went looking for advise. The only americans they found were the New Jersey band that was playing in the lounge. The bro's were great and came up to our room to checked me out. They sent someone to the sundry store for "Juga de Tortuga" lotion. They told the girls to get me naked and put the lotion on me every few hours (do you love it ?). Then they lit a joint and put it to my mouth (I was too forced). Well, as unbelievable as it may seem, the delerium ended by the time the roach was killed ! I was able to relax and fall asleep until morning.

The lotion was amazing also. I took 1 day off from direct sun and then went on as normal; I never even peeled. Bought a quart of the stuff to take home.

So, get yourself some... no more turtle lotion, I guess ? Well get some kind of lotion, get some cute college girls, get naked and let them rub it on you; smoke a doobie and all will be coooolll....

Sunstroke Delirium or Deturium on the noodle...

RandyMacSC/SO - 4-27-2005 at 02:28 PM

Enjoyed tour story Diver. Reminded me of my time in Mazatlan years ago minus the sunstroke. Okay the tatas were all there but no bad sun days.


[Edited on 4-28-2005 by RandyMacSC/SO]

[Edited on 4-28-2005 by RandyMacSC/SO]


eetdrt88 - 4-30-2005 at 01:11 PM

i just told my wife of this great cure for sunburn you have educated us all too....funny,she didnt seem to share my excitement over this great new medical breakthrrough:biggrin::biggrin:

woody with a view - 4-30-2005 at 01:24 PM

college girls, naked, doobies, and lotion:o

sounds like a good time to me!!!:bounce:

Sounds like

jrbaja - 4-30-2005 at 02:39 PM

I better be whippin up a few of those Bambongs toot sweet!:lol:


synch - 5-25-2005 at 11:44 AM

You can use the small bamboo branches for the stem

Must be Bill Clinton here....

yankeeirishman - 5-25-2005 at 04:47 PM

"Then they lit a joint and put it to my mouth ". Hey...did you inhale? :lol:

Very good story. These shrimps you had.....Tolume has the same big boys there....cooked on a wood fire with chunks of pineapple and green pepper. Excuse me now...I am going out to get a sunburn and all.....I want some girls to rub me too:lol:

backninedan - 5-25-2005 at 05:55 PM

Hmmmm, wonder if that miracle cure works as a preventitive also???

synch - 5-26-2005 at 02:37 PM

Did the girl put Diver's "stroke" remedy in sun stroke?