i tried to post to a thread and click the post button and got this message:
Your last post was less than 0 seconds ago, and you are not allowed to post that frequently. If you double posted on accident, your first post has
been posted, it's just your second post that was stopped. Click here to continue.
i clicked "here" and my post never attached to the thread.BajaNomad - 5-7-2005 at 10:16 AM
Since you're now able to post, I'm assuming this was earlier and you're not having that problem right now... correct?
There's an issue that presented itself when I corrected the time on the server early this morning (thus altering the time on the forum board).
There's a 'flood protection' feature in the forum software that limits how often users can post. Because of this check by default, even if it's set
to zero (0), users weren't going to be able to post until after the timestamp of their last post.
So, after noticing that, I went into the software code itself and disabled this protection temporarily (I'll put it back in place later today).
Dougwoody with a view - 5-7-2005 at 12:24 PM
yes, it was only that one time and i have since posted to that same thread without event.