
Smoked Baby Seal

Mike Supino - 5-13-2005 at 02:58 PM

1 (5 to 8-pound) seal roast, trimmed neatly
1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 cup Italian dressing
1 tablespoon cayenne red pepper
1 cup salt
1 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon pepper
1 cup chopped onions
1-2 cloves garlic (minced)
Put seal in large container; cover with mixture of all remaining ingredients. (Can slice holes in meat so it can soak inside better, or pierce completely with fork.) Cover good; soak overnight or about 10 hours. Rotate often, about every 2 or 3 hours to marinate.
Put on smoker and let smoke for 6 hours; turn and smoke 4 more hours or until tender.

This recipe also works well with fish.

Packoderm - 5-13-2005 at 03:02 PM

If a metal garbage can is too small of a container, would it still be considered a baby seal? Also, does the seal's head add to the flavor during the smoking process, or is it safe to remove it and keep intact to use as a garnishment?

Bob and Susan - 5-13-2005 at 03:17 PM

mmmm...when's the barbarque:lol:

Frigatebird - 5-13-2005 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Hose A
Silly me.
I thought I was the only sicko on this forum, but I see there are at least three of us.:O:lol:

Our fates are sealed. :spingrin:

Packoderm - 5-13-2005 at 05:23 PM

Ever try puting strips of bacon over it?

Sharksbaja - 5-13-2005 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Packoderm
Ever try puting strips of bacon over it?

Here in Canada we traditionally kill the little bastards too!
We look forward to our annual "club baby seal day" with much gusto.


Nuke Baby Seals for Jesus....

The Objective Presentation of Baby Seal Clubbing
I have searched the world wide web over and have yet to find a page that suits my needs... a page about clubbing baby seals without the environmental whining or the obviously slanted viewpoints. So I wrote my own. An unbiased presentation of the method and means of clubbing helpless, innocent baby seals.

Here, a seal is dragged from its mother. I'm sure that in a larger picture, she would look none too pleased. How does a mother seal express her displeasure? What about the baby? I'm sure that's what all of the screaming is all about... It'll end soon.

In the above montage, "sealers" are using a long picklike tool to both separate and then kill the seals. (I have been told that this tool is called a "gaff") Although usually lethal, occasionally the seals are skinned alive. This, i'm sure, is quite painful and an unpleasant experience. The little, white fuzzy ones don't seem to be moving very fast... maybe they want to be clubbed? I doubt it, but Mother Nature is an odd one.
I wish i had one of those pick thingies. They look cool.

Here is another example of a helpless seal being dragged to certain doom. This man seems to be enjoying his work. Many nations now allow the clubbing of baby seals including Canada and Norway.
Evidently nothern fishermen with their big boats can't compete with the fuzzy little devils, so they like to see bashed seal skulls. In fact at one point they would pay $0.20 per seal. Sounds like easy money to me.
The meat used to be used as did the skins, but now the primary reasons seals are killed are for their penises (used in Chinese aphrodesiacs) and for enjoyment. (This doesn't seem to be the case in Canada. Hmm, anyone elsewhere care to comment?) Maybe I should take a vacation to Norway...

Yes, in fact i should check out the club scene in the far north.

How can you not club a face like that?

I don't know... sometimes the idea of clubbing innocent animals to a screaming, bloody death calms me. Being a fourth year engineering student, i need some source of solace in my life. Sometimes it just makes me hungry. I don't know.

Maybe its just engineering students who have a certain fascination with seal clubbing. You'd be surprised how often the suject of seals and impact testing somes up in casual conversation.

Since i'm not one to impose my views upon others, i'll let each of you decide for yourself how you feel about this growing economic and recreational activity.

Phil S - 5-14-2005 at 09:50 AM

In searching titles, I laughed my head off when I read it. I figured it would be great for reading the 'responses'. And sure enough. You can depend on this forum for diverse opinions.

bajalera - 5-15-2005 at 10:12 AM

I always use more garlic than that.

Take a club

jrbaja - 5-15-2005 at 12:58 PM

and go to La Jolla. I hear there's some pretty good "deals on seals" going on at the childrens pool!!

kellychapman - 11-19-2006 at 11:46 PM

this is horrible......I could not believe one would kill a baby seal for a coat....and now people eat them too.....Is this a sick joke....:?:

capt. mike - 11-20-2006 at 04:58 AM

Kelly, what are you doing? surfing thru old posts?:o

Iflyfish - 11-20-2006 at 11:09 AM

They rise readily to the fly and contrary to common belief are ferocious fighters. I have seen them tail walk for yards at a time.

You have to watch out for the sharks however who love to take them off your line before you can land them.

I could never figure out what to do with the eye balls, so now on rare occasions use them in instead of olives in my martinis. This is a real conversation piece and is great for picking up chicks. Those eyes really get to you, warm the heart etc.


DENNIS - 11-20-2006 at 02:01 PM

A few years ago, I beat one to death with the bumper jack off my boat. After I tore it apart I stuffed a handful of it in my bong and tried like hell to lite the gooey stuff but, you cant.
So, regardless of what these guys above say, you cant smoke a baby seal.

Cypress - 11-20-2006 at 03:09 PM

My Tlingit buddy in southeast Alaska said they tasted like pork.:yes:

LOTS of things to do with a seal.....

Summanus - 11-20-2006 at 03:30 PM

True seal story...kind of..:rolleyes:

During the blizzard of the century, a snowmobiler in Alaska had trouble starting his rig, so he got it into his pickup and hauled it to town to see his mechanic buddy.

The driver gets out, the fur on his parka hood and his moustache frozen white with his breath....says to the mechanic..."It won't run a lick."

The mechanic takes a look and turns to the snowmobiler..."Looks like you've blown a seal." "Nope", says the driver as he wipes off his moustache, "that's just frost."

BajaWarrior - 11-20-2006 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
My Tlingit buddy in southeast Alaska said they tasted like pork.:yes:

Nah, they taste more like a bald eagle...

DENNIS - 11-20-2006 at 04:40 PM

Oh, I was thinking of something else.
Actually, when they are on the menu, most people compare the flavor to french poodle, the younger ones, of course. Not those chewy old ones.

Iflyfish - 11-21-2006 at 01:21 PM

Tastes just like chicken to me.

Iflyfish when not clubbing seals

by the way where do seals leak anyway? Oh, no, not in the same water I am fishing, no! no! tell me it isn't so!

last time i ate seal

sylens - 11-21-2006 at 04:48 PM

it tasted just like chicken.:lol:

thinking of substituting seal for turkey this year:P

my (newfie) canadian friends gave me a pin to wear that says, "save our a seal.":bounce:



BajaDanD - 11-22-2006 at 12:41 AM

I hope the Peta people arent reading this


Dressed up for dinner

BajaDanD - 11-22-2006 at 12:44 AM

No seals were actually harmed in the making of this photo "NOT"

[Edited on 11-22-2006 by BajaDanD]

HOONAH ALASKA 1 (29).jpg - 47kB

kellychapman - 11-22-2006 at 01:30 PM

I think I have lost my mind.......well even more so...I still cannot believe all this. It is beyond my wildest dreams.....:?::?:

Yet another seal dining experience

John M - 11-22-2006 at 02:12 PM

Well, it was with a wonderful joy we read these posts. They certainly piqued our interest in the finer aspects of seal dining.

Then.......our fine daughter (Debbie) showed up to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with us. She also read this thread and with great excitement proclaimed "I've eaten baby seal before!"

As it turned out, after "grilling" her further the real story comes out....She and a friend were at a Sushi restaurant when her plate arrived with non-descript items in wide array. Hesitant at first, she finally consented to sample everything.

"it wasn't bad" was the quote she repeated time and again.

After much celebration and imbibing of the spirits (saki mostly) she asked calmly, "Ok, what was it?"

The answer, through her liquor confused hearing, was "that last food was baby seal!"

"OH NO!" It wasn't baby seal was it?

And now the real words spoken became clearer - "it was baby sea eel" - oh what a relief - let's have more saki!:spingrin::spingrin:

John M.

Cypress - 11-22-2006 at 02:16 PM

Baby sea eel!!!:tumble::lol::D

DENNIS - 11-22-2006 at 02:19 PM

The other other white meat.

Are there any Nomads who are Innuits?

Summanus - 11-22-2006 at 08:59 PM

If so, perhaps we could call on you to post a favorite way to prepare baby seal...or any seal for that matter?

For myself, while at Albertsons I looked in both the meat department and seafood luck, but did find some Chicken of the Sea canned seal in the ethnic food aisle. I tried it creamed on toast points...reminded me of SOS chow. Quite good with an robust shiraz.

Eskimos have been eating these seaborne rabbits for some time. Clubbing seems to leave the fur more intact, thus making the mittens for the little wife much easier.

We await recipes of the far north!

[Edited on 11-23-2006 by Summanus]

Iflyfish - 11-22-2006 at 10:48 PM


Ok, you got me on that one, PUKE!!!:barf::barf::barf:

I lfyfish when not :barf::barf::barf:

Sea Lions??

Tomas Tierra - 11-22-2006 at 11:39 PM

Any tasty recipes for these??

I assume the big Knot Heads are tuff and stringy...

Cypress - 11-23-2006 at 07:14 AM

Seal liver is said to be extra tastey.;D:D

jimgrms - 11-23-2006 at 07:31 AM

Iknow you are joking, but you are still seriously sick :?::?:

Frank - 12-8-2006 at 12:30 AM

I found it! Iceland has some great Labs.

Iflyfish - 12-8-2006 at 12:33 AM


Those aren't seals, they are decals.

started too early today?


Capt. George - 12-8-2006 at 04:29 AM

Is it apprapo to clean the blood off baby seals before serving them? They're so much more colorful then just that blinding white. The red streaking also seems to get the digestive juices flowing...

Jeez, I thought I was back at the firehouse. I am so pleased that I have so many Nomad peers. Lets all "meat" and seal our fates at the Casa de Loco in San Diego...

Maybe we can start a Nomad "Club"?

Capt. George, hmmm, perhaps a new guide service????

kellychapman - 12-8-2006 at 11:55 PM

you guys make me sick......I am not coming back to this thread again.....barbarians is what you are......:O

Capt. George - 12-9-2006 at 04:30 AM

I'm sure we're all clubbed by that.

Frank - 12-9-2006 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish

Those aren't seals, they are decals.

started too early today?


Looks like a black Lab retrieveing dinner to me, did you scroll down?

Iflyfish - 12-9-2006 at 03:31 PM


I hope you don't kiss that dog!


Cypress - 12-9-2006 at 03:40 PM

Adult seal is better ground after the layer of fat is removed. You can make cracklens out of the fat with a little lean attached. Makes good crackeling bread.:D:D

Frank - 12-9-2006 at 07:07 PM

You mean seal rinds? They are good dipped in vinegar and pepper.

Bob and Susan - 12-9-2006 at 07:45 PM

"you guys make me sick......I am not coming back to this thread again.....barbarians is what you are......"

kelley its obvious you don't fish...

only when you have 3 or 4 prize fish taken from you by the same seal in one day will you "realize the truth"...:lol:

i like chicken better

Capt. George - 12-10-2006 at 03:34 AM

Save the seals! save the seals!

they have decimated the stiped bass at Cape Cod, hook a fish, fight a seal.

They have over-populated the entire Cape, but save the seals, save the eels, save the my ass, maybe it's their time to fade away, everything will and does at some point, including us.

save the fishermen & hunters...

The only seals I care about are, Christmas Seals!

y'all have a very Merry one Baked Ham & Stuffed Seal......

Because I am a Lady....

kellychapman - 12-10-2006 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George
Save the seals! save the seals!

they have decimated the stiped bass at Cape Cod, hook a fish, fight a seal.

They have over-populated the entire Cape, but save the seals, save the eels, save the my burro, maybe it's their time to fade away, everything will and does at some point, including us.

save the fishermen & hunters...

The only seals I care about are, Christmas Seals!

y'all have a very Merry one Baked Ham & Stuffed Seal......
and because your proabably an ol' goat I will not respond to your "everything eventually fading away" comment as that is the purpose of my attidude on this thread. Merry Christmas and may you enjoy the pleasure of stuffing a seal....

Lee - 12-10-2006 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George
They have over-populated the entire Cape, but save the seals, save the eels, save the my burro, maybe it's their time to fade away, everything will and does at some point, including us.

This looks existential, to me. Can't we all live together?

(I've reframed from posting my favorite seal receipe. It's not the babies that get cooked.)


Capt. George - 12-11-2006 at 06:07 AM

an old goat? bet I'm younger then "you have ever been".

wahhh, wahhh, wahhhh

typical enviropyscho babble. Go eat something with a face!

Capt Youth

Lee - 12-11-2006 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George
an old goat? bet I'm younger then "you have ever been".
wahhh, wahhh, wahhhh

typical enviropyscho babble. Go eat something with a face!

Capt Youth

If you're eating seals in Baja, just want you to post it here.

Enviropsycho babble trumps psycho babble seal eaters.

Unless this is just talk.


Thats a good one...

kellychapman - 12-11-2006 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George
an old goat? bet I'm younger then "you have ever been".

wahhh, wahhh, wahhhh

typical enviropyscho babble. Go eat something with a face!

Capt Youth
typical enviropyscho babble....very good one....and I should not have called you an old is just usually people with some of their attitudes make me think they are.....
maybe you are younger then I have ever been....and maybe you haven't....does not really matter.....I am not much for wahhh wahhh wahhh Capt. Youth...unfortunatly I am more of aggressive type....and should learn to keep my mouth shut...

Bob and Susan - 12-11-2006 at 07:59 PM

please answer this....

why doesn't anyone eat dolphin...the mammal

and captn george not the dolphin they catch in FL:spingrin:

Iflyfish - 12-11-2006 at 07:59 PM

I live in the Pacific Northwest. Salmon is the backbone of a significant part of our economy. They used to be abundant but the wild species are threatened by lots of changes in the environment, some to the point of extinction. I would like to see a five-year ban on fishing for salmon to allow for a full cycle of these fish to reproduce and give them a chance to rebound. This of course will not happen until or unless the crisis is to such proportion that the solution will not work.

Having said that I now see sea lions, a protected species, decimating the salmon in the rivers. We have dammed the rivers and now the salmon are sitting ducks. When the rivers ran free the seals could only go so far upriver, now they have a freeway to the place where the salmon all gaggle up to await their turn at the fish ladders. Big score for the sea lions. Bad news for the salmon.

It is incredibly frustrating for anglers to have their catch stolen off their line by sea lions who have learned to let the anglers do their catching. Just look for the struggling salmon and bite them off below the head. Sea lions do not normally eat the heads anyway. So the angler is left with a head for chowder, though few keep them.

The point is that there are competing interests at play here. It is very hard to resolve the issue of which species has precedence. This debate generates a lot more heat than light. On another topic on this list I understood Jerry to be suggesting that the solution to human created problems was to do away with the humans. Now this may be the most elegant solution of all and one that we may already be participating in.


Lee - 12-11-2006 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Big score for the sea lions. Bad news for the salmon.

It is incredibly frustrating for anglers to have their catch stolen off their line by sea lions who have learned to let the anglers do their catching.

The point is that there are competing interests at play here. It is very hard to resolve the issue of which species has precedence. This debate generates a lot more heat than light.

Bad news for salmon? Better, in this case, is being caught by anglers?

Frustrating for angelers to have their catch stolen? Wait. Wait. Don't tell me. The anglers came before the seals.

Hard to resolve the issue -- the evolved species has precedence. Anglers, again. We're all on board now.

I'm up for clubbing anglers. Yup. Eliminate the humans. Smoked anglers anyone?


Frank - 12-11-2006 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
please answer this....

why doesn't anyone eat dolphin...the mammal

and captn george not the dolphin they catch in FL:spingrin:

This is where I draw the line....VERY GRAPHIC so be warned.
Im not riding in Kellys enviro boat, but there is a line we all know when its been crossed. To eat a Dolphin would be like eating a Chimpanzee or something. :( Humane death, then BBQ.

Tomas Tierra - 12-11-2006 at 09:33 PM

VERY GRAPHIC to say the least!!!

That has definatley crossed the line! Good thing there are a zillion Dolphins out there..Friggin BRUTAL!!! I'm no enviro wacko either, but dam, that aint right!!
Rode a very large wave with a couple of dolphin today, I swear the one smiled at me when he went back out to sea.

edit: would love to see something like that done to the piniped population:saint:

[Edited on 12-12-2006 by Tomas Tierra]

BajaDanD - 12-11-2006 at 09:54 PM


independence.jpg - 47kB

BajaDanD - 12-11-2006 at 10:01 PM

Here is a seal taking a yellowtail

independence 1.JPG - 49kB

Tomas Tierra - 12-11-2006 at 10:27 PM

DFG says we can shoot marbles with a slingshot to get rid of them:light:

Ever seen a seal laugh???pull out your sling shot and marbles and you will-

jerry - 12-11-2006 at 10:57 PM

frank that is definatly one FRANK vidio
how much different would the reactionit be if it were, tuna, beef,pigs, chickens
it sure isnt pretty but its the part of life that is kept from the populas but in order to have tunafish, steak; pork chops and fryed chicken some one has to be the butcher
sad bunch of humans arnt we??

Capt. George - 12-12-2006 at 04:50 AM

Kelly, you should not keep your mouth shut......20 yrs NYC Firefighter, I've got skin thicker than a seal, keep on blabbin.

Lee, Todos Santos, it figures! Probably already lost (or never had) the provider instinct.

Survival of the fittest? If it weren't for that, you would not be in Todos Santos with the rest of the Artsie Fartsies right now....How's that for heat?

Anglers before the seals? Actually I had fished the outer beaches of Cape Cod without seeing a seal (during bass season) for over 20 years. Now they're reproducing at an alarming rate and causing financial strain on many commercial fishermen....screw the fishermen and their families? I don't think so.

Lee, do you eat things with faces??

Dolphin, how could you not eat something with a smile like that?!?!

Capt. Fred Flintstone

capt. mike - 12-12-2006 at 05:37 AM

i wonder if these seals taste anything like vaquita?:?::O

Tomas Tierra - 12-12-2006 at 08:37 AM

where have all the white sharks gone?? a good healthy population of those guys would help the problem...although clubs and shotguns sounds more efective...and with clubs and shotguns, we wuoldn't have to swim/surf with seamonsters.....

Cypress - 12-12-2006 at 09:05 AM

The Canadian Sealers Association has an interesting website loaded with information on the nutritional values, products and just about anything else you want to know about seals.;)

Capt. George - 12-12-2006 at 09:10 AM


you must still cary the provider/hunter genetics...good for you!

how about fight or flight..

our babied population is turning into a nation of whining whimps.

there are so many seals, sea lions now that even the whites can't keep up. Are they still listed as endangered? wadda croc a chit.

rts551 - 12-12-2006 at 09:20 AM


Pod of Orcas in front of the house in Nov. Maybe they are helping you out this year.

Capt. George - 12-12-2006 at 09:31 AM

I, and more importantly, the pangeros trying to support their families and Pueblo, would greatly appreciate their help.

gonna visit us in Alaska next summer?

probably won't get back to Ojos till September, ouch!

the captain

Tomas Tierra - 12-12-2006 at 09:37 AM

yes George...

The force is strong in this young(ish) jedi..

The population of those fuggas is out of control around here(channel islands). nuthin you can do, protected..we are already scared sh-tless about getting our commercial permits yanked for ANY little violation.. If "they" caught us messing with a piniped we would be strung up on the wharf in Santa Barbara (right next to arlington west) and stoned ( the bad kind) by the would be protectors of the know the kind, never been to the outer islands to see the thousands and thousands of these things all over the beach, but still fighting to protect the "endangered"
seals and sealions...AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH......the truely endangered species that needs protection (or a solid buy out program!) is ME, the commercial fisherman...

its not enough to restrict us to the brink, but now the mlpa's and other closures that are coming down the pike....We're doomed!!!

is it to early to start drinking?

Cypress - 12-12-2006 at 12:31 PM

Tomas T., A commercial fishermans income, at one time, was determined by his energy and his ability. It's now based on qoutas. You're allowed only to catch a certain amount.:( Wouldn't advise anybody to jump into the commercial fishing game.:(


M - 12-12-2006 at 01:15 PM

If those ocean raping Japanese bast*rds are going to kill dolphins (and everything else), as they obviously are, legal or not, how much does a bullet cost? I couldn't watch anything after the part where the guy was cutting up a dolphin while it was still flipping around. I sat and cried.
Once, out puttering in my Porta Boat with Graham, we were surrounded by a heard of dolphins in the THOUSANDS. Some were as long as my little boat and they could have easily dumped us in the drink for a laugh. Happily, they came up for a visit and chatted at us. It lasted for about an hour untill the straglers got bored with us and left us to catch up with the herd. One of my favorite times.

Cypress - 12-12-2006 at 01:28 PM

M, Tears don't have any affect on people that butcher dolphins. :(

movinguy - 12-12-2006 at 02:44 PM

I'm big on conservation, but as the late great JR pointed out at the beginning of this thread, the "Children's Pool" in La Jolla is uninhabitable by children or anyone else due to the level of seal excrement. And they ain't leaving anytime soon . . . :mad:

Capt. George - 12-12-2006 at 04:20 PM

my son-in-law a commercial lobsterman/scallop dragger is being slowly clubbed by the marooons in government while the foreign fishing fleets rape the chit out of everything...The 3/4 boats out of L.A., San Diego and everywhere else are being slowly decimated...but save this and save that continues day after day???

the bleeding hearts! had 40 miles of beach on the Cape Cod National "Seashore", a (supposedly) National "Recreation" Area. Fought the gestapos in the Interior Dept for 15 years..a waste of time. All that beach is now down to 8 miles at the most to 1 1/2 or nothing at the least.
Save the piping plover, a bird that flies to South America and is killed for it's feathers....

How's this for our government: We had a covenant attached to the original Deed of Conveyance that conveyed the Province lands over to the Feds (JFK and his gang in '61). In the "Covenant" it was stated in no uncertain terms that "traditional rights of hunting, fishing and access" would be honored in perpetuity......wrong! Was told "times change", so says I, documents and covenants don't, Superintendant, were you an Indian Agent in another life?

His answer, our Government speaking mind you, don't like it "sue us"! So my despise of all the armchair and "professional" environmentalist knows no bounds. They are despicable and self serving with less care about the environment and wildlife then any of us with a shred of provider instinct left in us.

No fight left in me, I choose to hide out in Baja and Alaska and do what I can, when I can and with whatever I can....Amerika, land of the free, not anymore...............Capt. George

Then why not

kellychapman - 12-12-2006 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by movinguy
I'm big on conservation, but as the late great JR pointed out at the beginning of this thread, the "Children's Pool" in La Jolla is uninhabitable by children or anyone else due to the level of seal excrement. And they ain't leaving anytime soon . . . :mad:
swim in a public pool like most people have too if they do not have a pool in the know where the buffalo used to roam??? :no:

movinguy - 12-12-2006 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by kellychapman
Originally posted by movinguy
I'm big on conservation, but as the late great JR pointed out at the beginning of this thread, the "Children's Pool" in La Jolla is uninhabitable by children or anyone else due to the level of seal excrement. And they ain't leaving anytime soon . . . :mad:
swim in a public pool like most people have too if they do not have a pool in the know where the buffalo used to roam??? :no:

And by the way, buffalo make terrific burgers also. :cool:

Foreign fishing fleets.....

kellychapman - 12-12-2006 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George
my son-in-law a commercial lobsterman/scallop dragger is being slowly clubbed by the marooons in government while the foreign fishing fleets rape the sh-t out of everything...The 3/4 boats out of L.A., San Diego and everywhere else are being slowly decimated...but save this and save that continues day after day???

the bleeding hearts! had 40 miles of beach on the Cape Cod National "Seashore", a (supposedly) National "Recreation" Area. Fought the gestapos in the Interior Dept for 15 years..a waste of time. All that beach is now down to 8 miles at the most to 1 1/2 or nothing at the least.
Save the piping plover, a bird that flies to South America and is killed for it's feathers....

How's this for our government: We had a covenant attached to the original Deed of Conveyance that conveyed the Province lands over to the Feds (JFK and his gang in '61). In the "Covenant" it was stated in no uncertain terms that "traditional rights of hunting, fishing and access" would be honored in perpetuity......wrong! Was told "times change", so says I, documents and covenants don't, Superintendant, were you an Indian Agent in another life?

His answer, our Government speaking mind you, don't like it "sue us"! So my despise of all the armchair and "professional" environmentalist knows no bounds. They are despicable and self serving with less care about the environment and wildlife then any of us with a shred of provider instinct left in us.

No fight left in me, I choose to hide out in Baja and Alaska and do what I can, when I can and with whatever I can....Amerika, land of the free, not anymore...............Capt. George
I hate them and what they have done. I am from what once was a fishing town...Bandon Oregon....Charleston area. Once was a fishing community...not anymore...just a fleet of fishing boats rusting away, tied up and no job to do anymore. Those days are long gone. It is those foreign fishing fleets that caused the chain reaction and they are still taking anything they can get in their boat.....I too have chose to hide out in Baja because I just could not take it anymore....and do what I can, whenever I want....

jerry - 12-12-2006 at 07:44 PM

and people jumped on my borro about the so called inviromentalist?? its terrorists and its big bucks out of every bleeding heart that suporting them be it owls, seal sea lions, plovers , and all the little plants that somone discovered all the well wishing in the world wont make a bit of difference the lawers and organasations that they reprosent are feeding on peoples and thier money
our polititions are i selling us out to the highst bidding lobbyests its like a bunch of prostetues there little honor or loyality left to this great county its fast bucks and me me me III got mine and tomorrows somone elses problem
one more thing my typing isnt the greatest but my heart is in the right place so if ya few who dont like it suffer with the rest of us you might notice im a bit peeed

mtgoat666 - 12-12-2006 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by movinguy
I'm big on conservation, but as the late great JR pointed out at the beginning of this thread, the "Children's Pool" in La Jolla is uninhabitable by children or anyone else due to the level of seal excrement. And they ain't leaving anytime soon . . . :mad:

I'm all for letting the seals have a couple hundred feet of beach. The seals provide lots of entertainment for tourists, and I think humans can carry there fat butts a couple hundred yards to the north and swim at the cove, or go a mile north and swim at LJ shores.
BTW, I think the seals have more right to object to San Diegans ocean pollution than humans have to complain about a few seal turds.
Personally, I think if we ban seals because of their fecal matter, then we should ban dogs from dog-turd beach in OB. Them dogs and their owners are worse than seals doing what comes naturally.

Mike Supino - 12-12-2006 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
i wonder if these seals taste anything like vaquita?:?::O

No, more like vagin*!

Bruce R Leech - 12-12-2006 at 08:49 PM

this thread is the best:light:

You gotta have salt and pepper

Sharksbaja - 12-12-2006 at 09:24 PM

because the overzealous protector of the seas has absolutely no taste. And no hard knowledge either.
Yep, the salmon fishery has been declared a failure by the experts. WTH does that mean?
I heard that before. Like 15 -20 yrs ago. Then magically, the salmon came back in record numbers in the late 80s. Things were good. Then..........WTF happened??

Yep, those sea lions are voracious and smart too. Why are there so many? Gee, aren't Orcas supposed to control our finned best friends? Hmmmmmmmm???

Ok people, simmer down. Get real, it wasn't just the Japanese and Russians draggin' the Continental shelf. Don't forget the long-liners. Don't forget the drift netting, in-shore gill-netting. We all participated but we never set aside areas for long-range study. We could have learned much.

We're all a bunch of idiots when it comes to managing natural resources. They should dop the "natural" part. Let's face it's always better product than farmed. That is if it can be farmed.

What to do? What to do?

Hey! Iknow! Sell yer boat! Sell all the boats. Hang all the fishermen. Better yet, sell your countries fishing rights to the Japanese and Koreans. That might help................feeding some rich cat in Tokyo:O

Stop exporting products from our waters or....


kellychapman - 12-12-2006 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by movinguy
Originally posted by kellychapman
Originally posted by movinguy
I'm big on conservation, but as the late great JR pointed out at the beginning of this thread, the "Children's Pool" in La Jolla is uninhabitable by children or anyone else due to the level of seal excrement. And they ain't leaving anytime soon . . . :mad:
swim in a public pool like most people have too if they do not have a pool in the know where the buffalo used to roam??? :no:

And by the way, buffalo make terrific burgers also. :cool:
thank you as that is the point...I love buffalo prime rib and burgers. Buffalo meat is the best as far as red meat ...I love Emu too as it is so lean......that is why it would be so nice not to exinquish and to respect the animal.....yummmmmmmmm would I love a buffalo burger...

Even with your typing....

kellychapman - 12-12-2006 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by jerry
and people jumped on my borro about the so called inviromentalist?? its terrorists and its big bucks out of every bleeding heart that suporting them be it owls, seal sea lions, plovers , and all the little plants that somone discovered all the well wishing in the world wont make a bit of difference the lawers and organasations that they reprosent are feeding on peoples and thier money
our polititions are i selling us out to the highst bidding lobbyests its like a bunch of prostetues there little honor or loyality left to this great county its fast bucks and me me me III got mine and tomorrows somone elses problem
one more thing my typing isnt the greatest but my heart is in the right place so if ya few who dont like it suffer with the rest of us you might notice im a bit peeed
very well said if I may say so myself....keep up on this thread and your typing will get better.....:lol: keeps getting better and better....and a hot topic for sure.....:bounce:


Tomas Tierra - 12-12-2006 at 11:53 PM

not all fisheries operate under direct quotas..still some profitable, sustainable ones out there,not many though...if you can get a permit to fish them..Something I will not be encouraging my son to get involved in, unfortunatly:(

Tomas Tierra - 12-12-2006 at 11:54 PM

Originally posted by kellychapman
......I am not coming back to this thread again.....barbarians is what you are......:O

Capt. George - 12-13-2006 at 05:59 AM

baby otters make the greatest jumbo hot dogs!

a little seal blood and ground plover make a great (nature lovers) chili topping. wash it down with a cold coca-cola, now, that's country!!!!!

the captain

Lee - 12-13-2006 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Capt. George
No fight left in me, I choose to hide out in Baja and Alaska and do what I can, when I can and with whatever I can....Amerika, land of the free, not anymore...............Capt. George

I'm sorry life is so hard for you. I feel your pain. On some levels, I even relate to what you've written.

Got to go where ever you find happiness. Here's to Nomads! Salute!


Capt. George - 12-14-2006 at 03:15 PM


please don't shed too many tears on my behalf.

life ain't too hard for me, no work, just play, no rules, just do. No store bought meat, just road kill. How about you?

I'll survive but thanks for your concern, maybe you can start a save el Vikingo de Punta Abreojos??? I may even go democrat if you do!

the captain

Lee - 12-14-2006 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George

please don't shed too many tears on my behalf.

life ain't too hard for me, no work, just play, no rules, just do. No store bought meat, just road kill. How about you?

I'll survive but thanks for your concern, maybe you can start a save el Vikingo de Punta Abreojos??? I may even go democrat if you do!

the captain

Well I draw the line at trying to be a democrat again. No thanks! Leave that stuff to the die-hards out there.

Wasn't really shedding real tears -- just reallly relating to where you're coming from Capt. Like I said, I can relate and think there's a crew here who can relate too.

I'll get back to saving the tortuga eggs from the ATV'ers.

Capt. George - 12-15-2006 at 03:43 AM

Have a nice omelet while you're at it.

Really tasty with jalapenos..

The "reel" conservationist. capt;;D

Frigatebird - 12-16-2006 at 10:13 AM


Too much time on my hands.

Seal8x10.jpg - 38kB

Capt. George - 12-16-2006 at 11:50 AM

is that your son??

I ain't touchin this with a ten foot pole....

clubbing shirt

John M - 12-16-2006 at 11:52 AM


Hi everyone, This is Mrs M, Yesterday I was shopping at Walmart and there in the men's department were all kinds of T-shirts.
I found one that was perfect, It said "Lets go clubbing" there was a caveman with a big club, plenty of room to put a Baby Seal on it for special effects. But of course they were out.

Merry christmas to all and Happy Holidays

Capt. George - 12-16-2006 at 11:55 AM

And a very Merry Christmas Seal to you!

Frigatebird - 12-16-2006 at 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Capt. George
is that your son??

I ain't touchin this with a ten foot pole....

Nope. It is a Smoking Baby Seal,...the British singer. His parents had absolutely nothing to do with his questionable behavior.:spingrin: