
Does time in Baja add good karma?

Gypsy Jan - 5-22-2005 at 10:03 PM

Tried to post this on the Randy Mac board, but, in my case, not available.

The question is: If you go to Baja, do you become a better, more spiritual person, on whatever level?

elgatoloco - 5-22-2005 at 11:54 PM

Can't hurt.

I guess it depends on how you spend your time...

Mexray - 5-22-2005 at 11:58 PM

I guess it goes without saying (I'll do it anyway) that if you are the 'ugly American' type, you're probably in a big 'Karma Debt' classification, anyway.

If you're in the 'do a favor - pass it along' category, it sure it can't help but add a few pebbles to the 'Karma Pot'. I'm not all that convinced that 'Karma' actually has any meaningful effect on one's actual life. I tend to believe in good old 'common sense' - but that's by-in-large a result of one's life experience and parental guidance in the formative years.

In sparsely populated Baja, the 'do a favor - pass it along' is not only good old common sense, but also a sense of hey, we're all here in this together - give a hand when you can. If that's a Karma sort of thing, then so be it. If it makes you feel good to toss a few more pebbles in the pot, then all the better.

Bruce R Leech - 5-23-2005 at 06:54 AM

yes on the highest level. you also git younger every day.:lol:

when I first came to Baja I was 97 years old and now I am only 55.:lol:

[Edited on 5-23-2005 by Bruce R Leech]

Short answer

BajaRob - 5-23-2005 at 07:13 AM


LarryB - 5-23-2005 at 10:52 AM

Yes it does but only temporarily. You loose it all within a few weeks of returning to the US. I sometimes think after loosing it upon return I end up with a net karma loss because I become so miserable thinking about not being in Baja.:rolleyes: Life is funny.

Let's use

jrbaja - 5-23-2005 at 11:40 AM

Baja Ruby as an example, she's been here once!:moon:

PacO - 5-23-2005 at 12:04 PM

That's it Jr, way to divert this straight to the chiitter.
I'd say that karma has not as much to do w/location as personal integrity.

bajaruby - 5-23-2005 at 02:47 PM

Thank you PacO,
JR... Back where you belong.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

bajaruby - 5-23-2005 at 02:51 PM

on the karma, I always feel better after I've had a Baja fix from. :saint:

Eli - 5-24-2005 at 09:29 AM

I'm with Paco on this one, it's an intigrity issue, doesn't have any bearing on where you are.

I remember once on the cover of a national geografic, looking at a picture of a beautiful east indian woman streaching her arms, the light in her eyes just beaming beyond belief, she was awaking from a night sleep under newspapers on a sidewalk. I thought she was the most perfect example of good karma, as she reflected true happiness, ni modo the desolate place of her repose. I learned a lot from the picture and will always carry it in my minds eye.

Let me guess

jrbaja - 5-24-2005 at 09:53 AM

paco and margie/ruby have been u2u'ing each other.:lol:
Gypsy, what most of these clowns do get in Baja is drunk. Has nothing to do with karma and they are too afraid of the locals to be of any benefit to anyone, including themselves.
There are some on here who actually aren't afraid of being outside of their enclaves who do a lot of good for the people. I imagine that this does help but it has nothing to do with where you are.

PacO - 5-24-2005 at 11:54 AM

You know, Jr, we must have met when I was falling down drunk! You do know me! It is even more b-tchen to be omniscient rather than just plain ol' b-tchen! I am so very afraid of the locals. How I don't urinate all over myself every time I cross the border is just a miracle (of depends).:light:
Maybe your karma will be that you are incapacitated some day and will have to listen to some pedantic blowhard postulate 24/7. That would be some beautiful poetry there. Well, a fool can dream, can't he?

Very good there pacman

jrbaja - 5-24-2005 at 04:14 PM

wishing harm to others is very american indeed. you are awesome!

bajalera - 5-24-2005 at 07:16 PM

Another short answer: of course.

pappy - 5-24-2005 at 09:41 PM

i think it depends on what you do/say/act when you are there, or just can't go there and expect it-