
Palapa bugs?

turtleandtoad - 5-24-2005 at 03:57 PM

While in Los Cabos I saw an exterminater spraying the fronds of the palapa's.

Anyone have any idea what kind of bug he might have been spraying for? And is it something I should worry about in the Mulege area?

There's a number of possibilities

jrbaja - 5-24-2005 at 04:04 PM

and yes, you should.

Bruce R Leech - 5-24-2005 at 04:44 PM

lots of BUGS . Palapas are just what they look for when searching for a home. I love Palapas because as long as there are some here the bugs don't like my house.:lol:

always where a Brod brimmed hat wile under a palapa.:lol:

[Edited on 5-24-2005 by Bruce R Leech]

thomasb - 5-25-2005 at 08:44 AM

Spiders, alacranes, matavenados, termites, roaches, lizzards and even mice all live in palapas!! While not all of them are bad like the spiders (especially the wolf spider- eats mosquitoes and flies) and the lizzards.

The other can cause damage either to the palapa or to yourself! We always fumigate our palapas 2 or 3 times a year.

thomasb - 5-25-2005 at 08:46 AM

Spiders, alacranes, matavenados, termites, roaches, lizzards and even mice all live in palapas!! While not all of them are bad like the spiders (especially the wolf spider- eats mosquitoes and flies) and the lizzards.

The other can cause damage either to the palapa or to yourself! We always fumigate our palapas 2 or 3 times a year.

meme - 5-25-2005 at 09:23 AM

We have a 20ft (diameter) palapa on our patio that is 8 years old. We have Never fumigated it! Never seen any need to? if anything lives in it, they sure don't bother us!!

That's the difference between

jrbaja - 5-25-2005 at 09:56 AM

San Felipe and Baja Sur. Mas tropical, mas animales.

Bruce R Leech - 5-25-2005 at 10:08 AM

not to mention the constant rain of dust that filters through.

they sure look nice but they are hard to live with.the fire danger is the worst problem if they were soaked in gasoline they wouldn't be any more dangerous.

it sure is funny...

Sharksbaja - 5-25-2005 at 12:04 PM

... how bias people are, especially about Baja homes.:fire: And I am not just talkin' palm fronds here. More people that DON'T have one complain(about palapas) much more than the people that do. So my advise is to alternate one block house then one palapa and so on. That way we could control idiots and drunks with fire a bit better. And they are much less permanent:lol:
The real answer:lol::

Palapas are great if you own one, bugs or no. If you don't own one...they all suck, period. Plus everyone knows critters like cookaratchas,scorpions, spiders, lizard, snakes Bla, bla , bla never inhabit "regular" homes.
It doesn't have a good ring to it..... "La Pole-Barn" or La Cinder Block" or maybe "La Cemento y rebar". That is why we got one, cause it's fun to say "La Palapa". But actually, "La Casa Roca" does sounds pretty cool.

Besides, Bruce is trying to sell his home, I don't think he be pushin' palapas.:lol: Kind of like being a Dodge owner trying to like Jeeps and Toyotas:bounce:

meme - 5-25-2005 at 02:42 PM

:lol::spingrin::lol:Well, now there's another thread that could get REAL lonnnngg and touchy! Dodge, Jeep, Toyota??????


mulege marv - 5-25-2005 at 02:49 PM

im a dodge owner ! THE BEST TRUCK EVER BUILT (cummings ring a bell ?)! I have had more jeeps and TOYotas on a rope behind my truck than i can count ! and i had palapas, key word HAD. lots of scorpions
i must not have a regular home ?

[Edited on 5-25-2005 by mulege marv]

ok Marv

Sharksbaja - 5-25-2005 at 03:45 PM

...I conceed.:smug: I suppose living 24/7 under a palapa would be a thing of study. But for us soggy NW folks a month or so a year requires a few bugs and scorpions. Oh, I wasn't speaking up for Jeeps and Toyotas. Here is my March on the beach in front of Mulege. I also have a "regular" home and it has it's fair share of inhabitants:lol:

Hey, I really like all the GIFs. Nice touch!

[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Sharksbaja]

turtleandtoad - 5-29-2005 at 03:05 PM

New Question,

Is it possible for all you gearheads to stay on subject for 10 minutes?:?::lol:

No, I mean I've been told that one of the critters is actually the Japanese bark beetle but according to the locals, you can slow them down a little by using "Red" palm because it's a harder wood, but "Red" palm isn't listed in my book. Does anyone know what the real name for the Red palm is?

bajalera - 5-29-2005 at 07:18 PM

Palma Colorado [Erythea brandegeei] is listed [p.90] in the Baja California Plant Field Guide, by Norman Roberts. Also called Palma de Tlaco. Description says the trunks are tougher and more durable than Washingtonia palms, better for use in construction.


JESSE - 5-29-2005 at 07:49 PM

Scorpions are the main reason.

dono - 6-2-2005 at 08:12 AM

We lived in a house on gringo hill in SDJ that had a palapa roof that was so bad that during dinner you would have to lean over your plate to keep the sawdust out of your food. on my third dodge diesal, i killed the first 2 on eastcape rd

Al G - 10-14-2005 at 09:39 AM

Dodges are rolling dumps looking for a place to happen. That's why you need so many. Most expensive too. they wear out fast and not many fools around to dump them on when you done.
Give me FORD

Al G - 10-14-2005 at 10:00 AM

I was only kidding. Chevy rules! Sorry TnT back to the subject. Every Casa should have a palapa (if only an out building) as tradition. The best way to stave off SoCal is to not turn Baja into it. Be faithful to it, in everything you do. Keep Baja....Baja.
My favorite creature the wolf spider, needs a place to live too!

[Edited on 10-14-2005 by Al G]

comitan - 10-14-2005 at 10:09 AM

THe dust coming from the palapa is from termites their worst enemy. I bought a bottle of insecticide from a ranch store 10 years ago still have another 10 years worth, kills them dead. Looked up the ingredients on Google Not one is legal in the USA.

Rumor has it

jrbaja - 10-14-2005 at 11:04 AM

that if the palms are cut (bamboo too) between October and December, (less moisture in the plants) and on or within a few days before or after the full moon, it substantially decreases the infestations of bugs and termites.
They swear by this in both Mexico and Japan.:light:

Bajalero - 10-14-2005 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by comitan
THe dust coming from the palapa is from termites their worst enemy. I bought a bottle of insecticide from a ranch store 10 years ago still have another 10 years worth, kills them dead. Looked up the ingredients on Google Not one is legal in the USA.

comitan , whats the name of the product and what are the ingredients?. Could sure use something that works.


comitan - 10-14-2005 at 11:37 AM


Tyson 4E Plus Tridente

Clorpirifos (Tricloro-piridini-fostorotloato)

Moderadamente Toxico Aplication Urbana "CUIDADO"

bajajudy - 10-14-2005 at 12:17 PM

I guess that our palapa guy knew what he was doing!
We have never had any of the above mentioned symptoms.
It sure is nice when something is done right...especially when you didnt even know it until 10 years later!

However when we have to replace our palapa roofs, I do think that I will go with the red curved tiles. Anyone have any horror stories about them?

comitan - 10-14-2005 at 12:21 PM


I'm with you, when I replace it will be with the red transite to match my other roofs.

bajajudy - 10-14-2005 at 12:28 PM

The ceramic tiles or the plastic ones?

comitan - 10-14-2005 at 12:32 PM

Judy we are in the age of plastics I think they last longer and stay on better, but do not have the mexican ranch house look. Compromise!!!!!!!!!!!

bajajudy - 10-14-2005 at 01:03 PM

I was leaning toward the plastic ones. You cant really tell the difference from a distance. Also, I have heard that the ceramic ones can cause red dust...not from termites obviously, I wonder what from?

bajajudy - 10-14-2005 at 01:50 PM

You mean like galvinada laminazada?
Thats a little too warehouse looking for me. We used it for our pump house, painted it a pretty color and it has lasted a long time.

comitan - 10-14-2005 at 02:20 PM


They have metal panels now that are pressed out to look like tile, and tile color but they look fake and made from a very light metal. I had a neighbor install them on a carport, I told him I would screw them down every place he could, It withstood Marty?

bajajudy - 10-14-2005 at 05:45 PM

Or a pronghorn. You got my curiosity up and I dug around and found out that their name means antlelope/goat.