academicanarchist - 5-30-2005 at 04:11 AM
We have periodically discussed the status of Descanso, as to wether or not it was a mission. I attach a section of an 1823 map that shows northern
Baja California. The alleged foundation of Descanso was 1817.
David K - 5-30-2005 at 07:45 PM
Show us more of the map, on the north side... above where you cut it off. In other words, include San Diego please.
San Diego and northern Baja California
academicanarchist - 5-31-2005 at 03:07 AM
Map history?
John M - 5-31-2005 at 04:58 AM
AA - Would you provide a bit of history about the history of the map?
A wonderful item to have!
John M.
David K - 5-31-2005 at 08:49 AM
If you notice, 'Mision San Miguel' on this great map (thanks for showing) is a ways north of 'Punta San Miguel'... I believe that it is at the
Descanso location on this map... as San Miguel was eventually closed and Descanso took over... although the two did exist seperately for a time.
I also suspect 'Descanso' wasn't an official mission name, more of a site reference... like Calamajue the local Indian name for the first location of
Mision Santa Maria.
This probably agrees with your theory AA, that Descanso was a new location for San Miguel rather than a new, seperate mission? However, most books
like to consider it a new and seperate mission from San Miguel. Too bad none of us where there, back then!
Thanks for the map... would like to see more of it!
bajalera - 5-31-2005 at 02:45 PM
What an interesting map, Robert! Assuming that the "Limites de baja" refers to the separation between Alta and Baja, I've never seen it so far south.
academicanarchist - 5-31-2005 at 03:41 PM
It is an 1823 map of the northwestern territories of Mexico, including the Californias, Sonora, and New Mexico. The original is in the Library of
Congress. David, check your e-mail. I sent the entire section for Baja California to you.