
sending money to Mexico

bajagrouper - 6-10-2005 at 10:52 AM

I want to send a hundred dollars from the USA to a friend in Mexico for her birthday,what is the best,easiest or least expencive way to do it? thanks in advance

Bob and Susan - 6-10-2005 at 10:56 AM

International Postal Money Order from your local Post Office


JZ - 6-10-2005 at 11:16 AM

Go to You can send it in about 5 minutes and she gets it immediately. Costs about $11 though, maybe a cheaper rate for availability 1 or 2 days and not minutes.


yankeeirishman - 6-10-2005 at 11:16 AM

Western Union is instant and no "mess".

Mike Supino - 6-10-2005 at 11:31 AM

Just a note: DO NOT SEND CASH!
The chances of an arrival to the intended party is next to zero.

Dinero South

MrBillM - 6-11-2005 at 12:45 PM

There was an news article in the last two weeks regarding U.S. banks setting up an agreement with Mexican banks whereby Mex Nationals in the U.S. (or anyone, for that matter) could deposit the money in the U.S. and receive an account number which they could call or write to the recipient in Mexico who could then go to a Mexican bank and retrieve the money. All for a relatively modest service charge.

Since Western Union's rates are extreme and Billions of Dollars are wired South each year, the Banks see a bonanza available.

Me No - 6-12-2005 at 08:04 AM

It is now possible to buy a prepaid debit card, good at most atm's around the world. No bank account required. You mail the card and phone the person with the pin number. You can also buy two with the same number to have one here and one there, whereas you can deposit money anytime you like. The person on the other side can then withdraw up to 300 dollars for the standard atm fee. Which has just gone up from 3 to 5 dollars. Its totally going to change the way money is sent south.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Me No]

Bob and Susan - 6-12-2005 at 08:16 AM

The fingerprint card will do that..

Already in use on the East Coast...

you get a debit account or credit card

Swipe your finger and...

Your choice of accounts to use come up at the retailer...

Still the cheapest, safest, money is a International Postal Money Order
This IS the way MOST people send money home.....
Trust me :lol::lol:

Marie-Rose - 6-12-2005 at 08:22 AM

Bob and Susan

Last year we had problems getting someone to aceept an international money order as they said it took forever for the bank to clear them. Have you experienced this?

yankeeirishman - 6-12-2005 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Marie-Rose
Bob and Susan

Last year we had problems getting someone to aceept an international money order as they said it took forever for the bank to clear them. Have you experienced this?

Hello Marie-Rose!
Hey...we had some problems as the same. There seems to be alot of phony legal tender flying all is worried about the acceptance.

bajagrouper - 6-12-2005 at 09:51 AM

Thanks all for your replies,it turns out that the USPS had a service called Dinero go to your local post office ,give them the money and they wire it to any Bancomer in Mexico in 15 min. ol

Bob and Susan - 6-12-2005 at 01:47 PM

There is a Nigerian scam on Ebay where they send 3 or 4 fake Postal Money Orders for $700 and $900 and you are supossed to send the balance back

The fakes look very simular but still are fakes...I have seen about 12 of them.
Solution: Just don't send the merchandise until you can cash the Money order.

Dinero Seguro at the Post Office is too expensive.

The International Postal Money Orders ($.90)are accepted by all banks and the loss or theft protects you...unless the US government goes broke.

Still the best deal....

Me No - 6-12-2005 at 01:54 PM

Hi Bob and Susan. Hows the project coming along?

I've never been able to figure out the Mexican post office. I always have to use DSL. Besides that our post mans donkey is always broken down, so our deliveries are even slower. Can you explain to me how to get a letter from up here to down there for less than the cost of wiring the money.:spingrin:

bajalou - 6-12-2005 at 01:55 PM

The Int. Postal Money Orders ($.90) might be the cheapest but when will they get to the recepient in Mexico???? If you're using USPS and Mexican Postal Serivce it might be a month or more.


JZ - 6-12-2005 at 02:01 PM

Use western union right from your PC. Send $500 for $14.99. Do it in like 3 minutes. They get the money in like 15 minutes. Saving $10 doesn't equate to the inconvience of driving to the post office and whatever time it takes to get down there.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by JZ]

Bob and Susan - 6-12-2005 at 05:28 PM

Put a stamp on the letter....I'm pretty sure its 37cents Maybe 60 cents

Takes about 5-6 days to Mulege...things are a little bit different today.

If it gets lost or stolen you get a refund!!! WOW!

Send global express if you are shipping product...
It go so fast no one has time to look inside.

PS... We pay all our bills online...we don't trust the bill companies because they blame the local post office and 50% of their income is on late payments...go figure.

$14.99 to move $500 is 3% Now thats stealing!!!!

Me No...give the postman a gift at Christmas and a carrot to the donkey.
You'll be suprised what this will do for your service.

U.S. Postage

MrBillM - 6-12-2005 at 07:41 PM

U.S. Postage to Mexico went up to 60 cents for the first half-ounce a number of years ago. It may be more now. Check their website.

Anonymous - 6-12-2005 at 09:59 PM

That shows how things have really changed...

People actually send email and do internet banking like us instead of sending letters nowdays.

letters are $.60
global Priorty $7.00

Both are delivered in a week

The US Postal Service no longer operates to send "grandmas letters" but to provide direct mail advertisers and package shippers a way to get their product to you.

Also it supports private businesses by allowing them a inexpensive delivery system.

Fedex flys mail....that's whay they can afford expensive increases in gas...the government pays the gas bill.

UPS flys the mail gas

So do the commercial airlines...they bump the mail if flights are full

UPS and private companies pay $1 to get packages delivered if delivered to a local post office.

GM is going broke now...look for that new Postal Truck in your neighborhood to be GM in the near future. :lol::lol:

Bob and Susan - 6-12-2005 at 10:00 PM

that was me