
Forum societal and cultural ramifications

Sharksbaja - 6-23-2005 at 11:59 PM

Some think that by engaging others philosophically that it does not warrant the time to read it or believe it. Especially when the dialog is in cyber-space. A deep subject indeed. AS a stimulace for debate on current subjects we enable each other to espouse their/our wisdom. And then we play.
Does the dialog cross cultural borders and barriers? Are we unwittingly adding pious and prejudice or is it the other way around.
We can ask ourselves and others questions not easily approached or answered in everyday verbal America here on the forum.
Does this shorten the societal and cultural distances.
Do you feel more or less welcome in Mexico because of all we say.
Do you feel more or less inclusive.
Does this forum enlighten your attitude about Baja.
Are you more or less comfortable with authority figures in Mexico now that you've heard so much.
Can you or do you envision the people and their society any different now as an informed Nomad.

If you answered any of these, any way, than it has affected your attitude. Thanks to a common thread we all share, companionship, we do postulate and we do react.

The best part being every response is unique and has the posters personality behind it.

Have they changed your mind?


jrbaja - 6-24-2005 at 07:50 AM

I still think that there are just as many P-nche gringos who come down here and make asses of themselves on a regular basis!:lol:

dang it JR

Sharksbaja - 6-24-2005 at 12:10 PM

I was hoping to find out if the pincies learned anythang new from you.:D

Dave - 6-24-2005 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
I was hoping to find out if the pincies learned anythang new from you.:D

Shark, please, please watch your language! Kids read this forum too.;D

There is one or two things that can be learned from these type Forums,

Skeet/Loreto - 6-24-2005 at 12:31 PM

Who likes Porn
Who likes to Smoke dope
Who is Hateful

But the most important thng we learn is that Baja is our love no matter How many different people go there, we learn How diferent we are in our reactions to Baja, we learn the Beauty and the Ugly, but most of us Learn.


Sharksbaja - 6-24-2005 at 12:36 PM

but do we learn tolerance and patience?


Skeet/Loreto - 6-24-2005 at 12:42 PM

I could give you a list a mile long on the things I learned about myseld and the Mexicano People while living in Loreto, but Sir I am concerned that the Youngins of Today would not in any way understand "What I am talking about".
The main thing would be "compassion"
Nex,t How to be Happy while being Dirt Poor.
What it means when a "Person speaks for another and what is expected in Return"

Question: Can anyone on this Board define the Statement about One person Speaking for another?
Also Example.


pokey - 6-24-2005 at 12:47 PM

but do we learn tolerance and patience?

It just cost us 950 pesos to register our oldest daughter in kinder garden. Plus the cost of uniforms. Not a major expense for us but imagine being a single mom with several kids. Education can be quite costly if you have three or four kids (not uncommon) and your making 700 pesos a week.


That depends

Sharksbaja - 6-24-2005 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Question: Can anyone on this Board define the Statement about One person Speaking for another?


on if we are talking about the "me" on the forum or the "me" in real person. Cause it seems sometimes as if I am defending someone else here, maybe my alter ego. :lol:


mulege marv - 6-24-2005 at 12:55 PM

well i thought gringos were the only ones who came down here and made asses of themselves (as JR put it) until easter. when the mexicans from the mainland come over to vacation. i have never seen so many inconsiderate, rude people since leaving the states (and i know i am going to get this so i will say now yes, i know its there country). But quads going by my house all hours of the day and nite at 60 mph, leaving garbage everywhere, drunk & loud. when i aksed them to slow down on the road they responded by going faster. miles of places to ride and they went up and down the road all the entire week. so its not just the gringos, you dont have to be a certain nationality to be a jerk. were they all like that, no ! just the ones i encountered.

Why can't we all just get along?

jrbaja - 6-24-2005 at 01:02 PM

because we are all different.
But, just because we don't agree, and we argue, sometimes even heated!, I think that we all do some MAJOR learning on here about many things as Skeet says. Including humanity.
I think many on here would be surprised at the number of people I have argued with (almost everybody!) on here that have become friends after meeting in person.
That's because I don't find politics, dead seas, gringo enclaves and who lives in them, drunken arrogant P-nches, egotism and all the other do do that we argue about more important than humanity itself.
And that's at least what we should all at least try to be. No better and no worse than any other humans on the planet! Even if they do happen to be republicans!:P

I said P-nche Gringos Marv

jrbaja - 6-24-2005 at 01:06 PM

and for the intelligence impaired, that doesn't mean all gringos!:saint:

intelligence impaired

mulege marv - 6-24-2005 at 01:13 PM

that was good ! i could probably qualify for that catigory. by the way JR without offending you (i hope) i found you an avatar.


jrbaja - 6-24-2005 at 01:17 PM

Maybe a while back Marv but something in the grumpy grandma dept. would be a little more accurate at this time.:no:

Sharksbaja - 6-24-2005 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by jrbajaThat's because I don't find politics, dead seas, gringo enclaves and who lives in them, drunken arrogant p-nches, egotism and all the other do do that we argue about more important than humanity itself.
And that's at least what we should all at least try to be.

Bravo JR. I am glad you delineated between debate and pure hatred. I am afraid that a few would not understand the relevance of partaking without malice intent. It seems some only reply as such. Some can't see through the smoke and fire so they just point their nozzle and fire blindly.


Skeet/Loreto - 6-24-2005 at 01:43 PM

I mean in the Mesicano culture. What does it mean when One Mesicano Speaks for another; It is a common thing, happens all the time.

Muelg Marv. I have witnesses the same thing at ensenada blanc on several different Week ends including Easter.

The people from Villa constitution come over and take over the Beach for a Weeks Party, they make more money so they can buymore Toys.

Tolorance;/In tolorant?
I was intolorant when I was surrounded by about 15 large Sharks while trying to catch Yellowfin tuna 35 miles out in the Sea Of cortez. When they started bumping the Panga I proceeded to Bop them on the head. Intolorant.

Tolorance-- when I have to explain to people that I find the word "Gringo" offense.
when I have to explain to people that "Profanity is ignorance Made Audiable".

I appreciate the Tolorant People on this board who forgive me for my bad spelling, even the Intolorant who do not forgive me.



jrbaja - 6-24-2005 at 01:56 PM

WTF is a Mesicano? Skeet, I hope that's your spelling (or lack of) problem!:mad:


jrbaja - 6-24-2005 at 02:06 PM

"I mean in the Mesicano culture. What does it mean when One Mesicano Speaks for another; It is a common thing, happens all the time."

There's a couple brothers who work with me down south. One of them (once doce) now has a cell phone. They met some girls at a dance in Los Barriles and Louis, (the shy one) gave one of the girls the phone number.

The girl called and thinking it was Louis started talking "stuff". Apparently she really liked him.

Now, 11 - 12 being the kind considerate brother took full advantage of this opportunity to show this girl how outgoing Louis really is. (Not!):lol:

So, this was going on on a daily basis and this girl is really getting to like Louis. 11-12 and I are absolutely loving this spectacular opportunity.:lol::lol::lol:

Unfortunately for you guys, and me, I had to make an unplanned journey to the north before Louis and the girl met again so this story is "to be continued".

But, I see what you mean Skeet!:bounce::lol:

"11 - 12 being the kind considerate brother..."

Sharksbaja - 6-24-2005 at 02:38 PM

Is the lads name 11-12, and is he so named because of his Baja time schedule? I AM SPEAKING FOR THE OTHER GUY:lol:

Me No - 6-24-2005 at 02:45 PM

The internet is a funny thing. People can slander others, steal from them, and still come off as "the good guy". Meanwhile, those that fight back, make valid points to explose those that do such things for what they are, can be widely construed as "full of Hate".

With that in mind, how the el could anybody consider what goes on here anything more that mental self gratification.:lol::lol:

As probably the only original poster, 1994, from amigos de baja who still follows what goes on here on the web, I say, don't worry about what others say or do here too much, everything changes face to face.

Yes, Mike H and Zac. I posted on amigos a year before there was ever a general discussion. It started out as just a fishing site. FYI

bajaden - 6-24-2005 at 06:53 PM

Sharks, you sound too inteligent to get into a debate with. As far as learning from this fourm, I think it depends on whether you have an open mind or not. I think those who don't know who they are. I do think that the older you are the harder it is to change your core values. Thats why I bring my grandson down as often as possible to expose him to the people down here. To show him that everything in the world doesn't exist at toys or us.

As a newcomer, I have enjoyed the experience.

Eli - 6-24-2005 at 07:01 PM

I don't think that Nomads has changed my attitudes about Mexico or People in general, except maybe myself.

There have certainly been people on this board, (Bernie would top the list), that have brought me out, I am more "verbal" for having known them, I guess.

Not everything I say is set in stone, I am testing and serching for a vision, expect I will be for the rest of my life.


Baja Bernie - 6-24-2005 at 07:02 PM

Only 94 posts and I think your direct approach to this board and it's people is growing on all of us. I bring my grandkids down for the same reasons. Toys and are us indeed. Heck, they don't even have a store in Baja--do they???
Luck tomorrow---I go through that every two years and it ain't even fun---I always wonder how certain people can enjoy their life styles as the nurse says, Relax!

I like Bajaden

Sharksbaja - 6-26-2005 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by bajaden
Sharks, you sound too inteligent to get into a debate with. As far as learning from this fourm, I think it depends on whether you have an open mind or not. I think those who don't know who they are. I do think that the older you are the harder it is to change your core values. Thats why I bring my grandson down as often as possible to expose him to the people down here. To show him that everything in the world doesn't exist at toys or us.

As a newcomer, I have enjoyed the experience.

Taking your grandson is an example of your concern for the next generation and the people you love. Bajaden, you do have the "gift of gab" however and it echos well here.

you said:
"Sharks, you sound too inteligent to get into a debate with."

Ha, ha! That is so nice of you to say. But, really one of the keys (and you have one) is having the ability to articulate and form a coherent message that keeps a focus on the main thrust or body of the conversation. It also helps to have a basic handle on the English language so you can bluff your way through if necessary.

One must be careful though, the Nomad Seas get mighty choppy sometimes and there are many seasoned cyber-warriors sailing near by. So reef your sail and put your best peg-leg forward.

All kidding aside though, I believe that most older people are more rigid in their beliefs. But one must also realize the personality issue also. This forum extracts and instills from us continally. This flux is what drives the debate. A head-on collision here can wake up even the most reclusive individual. In this forum, unlike in "real-time" conversation where limits are more necessary and fear may hinder the talk it becomes clear that this IS an advantage to "face to face" discussion.

Bajaden, you do have the "gift of gab"

P.S. I do fear the day I completely screw up the post and everyone gangs up on me.:(

bajabum - 6-26-2005 at 02:12 PM

Geez, whats with all the irrelevent banter and pshyco babble?

I have always found this board to be a place where Baja enthusiasts could share thier experiences and information for other Baja enthusiasts to enjoy and learn from and to assist others (when asked) by sharing knowledge. Not a place to rant and rave and posture on topics that can in no way improve ones adventures while visiting Baja.

David Ks corespondence definetly qualifies for that in a big way....JRs definetly does not. Who cares whom has been there the most times, lives or does not live there, how much they know about Baja or if and what level one participates in assisting the misfortunes of the locals.

Baja is dependent on us P-nche Gringos visiting as tourism is one of the top industries. Contrary to JRs opinion that mere tourists are just asses, most of the people I have met in Baja over the last 25 years have been very concientious, sharing, caring, polite people simply there to have a good time and enjoy the natural wonder and allure of Baja. I have found that sportsmen and tourists tend to take better care of Baja than the Mexicans do!

jr, if you want ride your high horse on a mission to save the Mexicans...more power to ya, but dont condem us P-nche Gringos who only visit Baja and do not live there and please stop littering this board with your jibberish most of us simply wish to use this board in peace as a venue to share relevent information and stories with other Baja enthusiasts, your contributions dont really seem to fit in.

hey bum, if the subject is too deep....

Sharksbaja - 6-26-2005 at 02:20 PM

and you don't understand ONE word of the context, maybe you should stick to something you do do well, fish!


jrbaja - 6-26-2005 at 02:48 PM

It's nice that you have such wonderful, trouble free vacations in your "I"ve been coming to Baja" blah blah blah rant. Obviously, most of you tourists feel that way.
On the other hand, living here and seeing the tourists in many areas, every day, you might see it a little differently as those of us that live here do.
Sorry yall are so narrow minded as to pretend that every gringo that vacations here is as "perfect" as you seem to think you are.

bajabum - 6-26-2005 at 03:36 PM

Sharks....Its not that things are "too deep" or I missed the context of anything but that to me this board is a gathering place for people that have something in common (Baja) to share experiences and information not a place to be given lessons on how to be a better citizen while visiting Baja and jr makes it sound like everyone that dosnt live there dosent understand and abuses the place and its people. My experiences have been that most of the people I have met on my wanderings in Baja have been good concientious guests enjoying themselves in a foriegn land. Its a popular tourist destination, people do things and act like people on vacation, many of the businesses survive on and create the environment that jr complains about. People go there to unwind and have a good time not to save the world.

Not sure why

jrbaja - 6-26-2005 at 03:51 PM

so many take what I say so personally. Or why they think I am including everyone when I talk about what I see here on a daily basis. That is by no means the case.
But, after seeing the fishermen fight with each other because of too much Tequila, the expats fist fighting over which is a better vehicle, patching up countless marooons after wrecking their atv's, picking up trash that says budweiser and coors in some pretty remote places, watching the Mexicans being denied access to their own beaches, walls being built for protection from the locals, and on and on, it gets a little annoying.
I also find it hard to believe that all "Nomads" on here are the caring wonderful people that DK seems to think they are. Especially when their mentality says that fighting over words is a solution to everything.:no:
And I am not one who believes that ignoring problems make them go away. Perhaps if it is brought out in the open and discussed, some will think before acting stupid.
Would it help if I used "flash cards?"

Me No - 6-26-2005 at 03:58 PM

Bum, are U the Bum that lives at San Lucas Cove. The second trailer in. 10 ft. from the high tide line, with several permanent structures?

If so, your really are a P-nche Gringo, like you say in your posts. Now go back and read everything very carefully. Are you REALLY at P-nche gringo, if so, at least you are subhuman enough to admit it.

Bajabum, you are put off by this post for what?

Sharksbaja - 6-26-2005 at 05:50 PM

I still don't get your rant. I was hoping some could illustrate what the effects on people who are in intimate contact with the Baja culture and society and the influence it may have on them. JR had nothing to due with the original thread......he's just a bonus.:lol::lol:

Now that's FUNNY!

jrbaja - 6-26-2005 at 08:15 PM


bajaden - 6-26-2005 at 08:37 PM

Sharks and Bernie, thanks for your response. I'll be droping off line for a while. Gotta pack up the old computer for the trip. My wife says Im a little long winded too. Bummer, be carefull. Taking sides is a serious business. You know, kinda like a north and south thing. You know who won that one. My point is, that its better to be open minded about these things. As I said in one of my other posts, I like some of Davids posts, and I like Jr's also. The fact that they have a problem with each other is their business.

Sharks, I still wouldn't want to debate you. I'll buy you and Bernie a cervesa though, or a soft drink if you prefer. I put that in for Jr. I don't want him to think I'm one of those guys sitting at the bar all night.

No hay pedo BajaDen

jrbaja - 6-26-2005 at 08:44 PM

and that's ok too! Just don't get so drunk that you start talking too loud, starting fights, trying to pick up on other peoples girlfriends or falling down!
But, if you do do these things, hopefully you will ride your ATV home through the arroyo without a helmet.:lol::lol::lol:

Good to have another open mind on this board and congrats on your new life! Very wise decision.:light:

Sharksbaja - 6-26-2005 at 09:03 PM

You da man Den. How right you are about the little lady.... she has been a tad condesending about my "new hobby" lately. Travel with care. Yak at ya later. I gotta go give her mo attention now.

bajaden - 6-26-2005 at 10:14 PM

Adios, and Vios Con Dios. And for those who don't believe in God, Well go with whoever.

No U da man Sharks...............


Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 06:23 AM

Three women harboring the same feelings. Yiks! Us old dudes don't have a chance.

North vs South. Is that Baja Norte vs Baja Sur or..............Cleaver and a warm beer or two will do nicley.

We are constibuters all and I have a T Shirt to prove it.

Braulio - 6-27-2005 at 07:23 AM

It's kind of hard for me to get too philosophical about the meaning/worth of this board because it really has no relevance or ramifications as far as Baja goes.

With a few exceptions it's basically a toy for bored people.

Myself included.

movinguy - 6-27-2005 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Braulio
It's kind of hard for me to get too philosophical about the meaning/worth of this board because it really has no relevance or ramifications as far as Baja goes.

With a few exceptions it's basically a toy for bored people.

Myself included.

This is what the home page says:

Baja Nomad
A travel center for explorers of Baja California, M?xico

You are right Braulio - more often this seems like a place for jaded windbags to vent . . .:barf:

Wouldn't it be nice

jrbaja - 6-27-2005 at 11:17 AM

if the "jaded windbags" who live in Baja, see what's going on here, and aren't afraid to talk about it all switched to showing family vacation photos and stories on the last bola get together they all went to as a "group"?
Sounds like a real Nomadian type curriculum to me! Can't we all just think the same about everything?:barf:
Thus the pink houses springing up everywhere eh?
I think I'll get a Tacoma soon ************************ :lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 6-27-2005 by BajaNomad]

movinguy - 6-27-2005 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by jrbaja
if the "jaded windbags" who live in Baja, see what's going on here, and aren't afraid to talk about it all switched to showing family vacation photos and stories on the last bola get together they all went to as a "group"?
Sounds like a real Nomadian type curriculum to me! Can't we all just think the same about everything?:barf:
Thus the pink houses springing up everywhere eh?
I think I'll get a Tacoma soon ************************ :lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 6-27-2005 by BajaNomad]

Interesting, JR, that when I used the term "jaded windbag" you automatically assumed I was referring to you. Hmmmmm . . .

Let's try this again with some help from Webster's:

"Nomad" - a person who roams about ; a wanderer

This should be differentiated from:

"Realtor" - a gringo who sells homes in Baja to other gringos

Not everyone is out to get you, JR. Geez, you're worse than my rat terrier. :mad:

Cincodemayo - 6-27-2005 at 11:46 AM

What the heck is a rat terrier? Can't look any worse than that puppy I posted about earlier!

movinguy - 6-27-2005 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Cincodemayo
What the heck is a rat terrier? Can't look any worse than that puppy I posted about earlier!

Mine's favorite hobby is growling . . .:cool:

Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 11:55 AM

Well, Here I go. I?ve been hanging on this one because I have been a very strong supporter of new blood coming on board to increase the knowledge we all?or most all want to share in a somewhat positive way. Anyone who has been here for long enough to have to shave know that this is true.

Now, I guess, because I?m an old windbag, I really take exception to a few newby?s trying to decide what us oldsters are allowed to post here. Granted no one seems to pay strict attention to what should be posted and how impolite people can be when they jump on a topic and move it to a subject that they might have an interest.

I guess I will fall back upon that which older people on this board told me when I was a newby---if you don?t like the subject just don?t go there and if you go don?t feel that your elders need to be given the benefit of your superior knowledge.

I probably totally missed to skiff as it left the dock, but I thought Shark was trying to draw some of us out and hopefully, didn?t seem to work, improve communication on the forum and cause it to be a tad more friendly.

movinguy - 6-27-2005 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
Well, Here I go. I?ve been hanging on this one because I have been a very strong supporter of new blood coming on board to increase the knowledge we all?or most all want to share in a somewhat positive way. Anyone who has been here for long enough to have to shave know that this is true.

Now, I guess, because I?m an old windbag, I really take exception to a few newby?s trying to decide what us oldsters are allowed to post here. Granted no one seems to pay strict attention to what should be posted and how impolite people can be when they jump on a topic and move it to a subject that they might have an interest.

I guess I will fall back upon that which older people on this board told me when I was a newby---if you don?t like the subject just don?t go there and if you go don?t feel that your elders need to be given the benefit of your superior knowledge.

I probably totally missed to skiff as it left the dock, but I thought Shark was trying to draw some of us out and hopefully, didn?t seem to work, improve communication on the forum and cause it to be a tad more friendly.

You did miss the skiff but no offense intended BB - my only point is that according to the home page this is a web site first and foremost for travelers. 'Nuff said. :bounce:

Cincodemayo - 6-27-2005 at 12:08 PM

Thanks for the info.

Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 12:24 PM

I understand that but you guys would sure be misssing a lot of real good information if only travelers posted here. I guess I'm safe because I saw the handwriting on the wall and sold my place almost 2 years ago (still miss the heck out of it) so I now qualify as a Nomad

Think I will start a thread on how many Nomads will have to drop off because of that definition.

It should be interesting to see how many of our friends will suddenly become unwelcome at a home they have contributed to for so long.

Heck! I guess that is okay 'cause I didn't like a couple of them anyway.

whats it worth?

Sharksbaja - 6-27-2005 at 12:38 PM

From one "bag-o-wind":

It is so amazing how people will chime in in order to flatten out the thread. Why? Beats the bajeezes out of me. I suppose that IS the way they communicate. Sort of like cutting someone off on the I-5 at rush hour just to slow down in front of them. So while we cruise along the thread at 70mph some idiot cuts us off doing 70kph:lol: Probably on their way to BOLA in their new Tacoma:lol::lol:

I gotta hand it to ya JR, you have sucessfully isolated the disease. I'll I can say is....more chemo!

Sides, who's taking sides? You people decide who's on who's side.

Right on Bernie

Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 01:02 PM

I have no interest in taking side on this nutty stuff.

I just wandered through the members list and if we delete all of those imposters (not fitting the definition of Nomad) then we will have succeeded in making this Forum very similar to that stretch of land in the middle of Baja--a desert--In looking at the names of those who would be forced to leave the Board it would become sterile place indeed.

But, like I said, I don't like a couple of those old, long winded, coots anyway.

Kinda sad about the one guy who just became a nomad and then he moved down there--kinda liked the guy too.

movinguy - 6-27-2005 at 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
I understand that but you guys would sure be misssing a lot of real good information if only travelers posted here. I guess I'm safe because I saw the handwriting on the wall and sold my place almost 2 years ago (still miss the heck out of it) so I now qualify as a Nomad

Think I will start a thread on how many Nomads will have to drop off because of that definition.

It should be interesting to see how many of our friends will suddenly become unwelcome at a home they have contributed to for so long.

Heck! I guess that is okay 'cause I didn't like a couple of them anyway.

Bernie - you missed the skiff once again. If I did not appreciate your insights I would not have bought "Bouncing Around" off your website. I have tremendous respect for Mexican people and culture, having lived on the mainland and studied Spanish in Guadalajara. But I am a traveler - and a gringo. And I resent insinuations that just because I live on this side of the border that I must be greedy, boorish and stupid.

Keep up the good work. :coolup:

Moving guy

jrbaja - 6-27-2005 at 01:07 PM

After reading and being a part of these forums for sum time, I have considered most everyone on here a bunch of windbags at one time or another. And with as many posts as I have, I should be a regular vela on a square rigger by now.:lol:
But, I have been called that before by a few of the tourists/Nomads who are on here who prefer to either ignore or deny the truth:?: I call them the chicken coup group because the majority of what they say is just clucking.
Now, generally when they get called on something or asked to verify their "information, they resort to name calling, accusations, u2uing each other for support, and even recruiting others specifically to cause trouble and defend their position.
And then, they generally just go away.
The arguments had on here by intelligent people on the other hand are discussed and sometimes even battled over, with words. Everyone makes there point and then it goes away. No hatred, no ill wishes, just over, whether agreed upon or not.
I have been noticing that some of the newbies now want to get involved and do the name calling, accusations and even threaten physical violence if they don't agree with what is being said.
These are more than likely the same kind that I discuss on here and try and educate all as to how they are really looked at.
David tells me that because everyone on here are Nomads, I am barking up the wrong tree. But then David, as well as many others, seem to have a serious comprehension problem when it comes to what is actually being said!

One thing about me, my posts and living here, I tell the truth. And I don't wish harm on anyone, let alone inflicting it myself. I have dogs for that!:lol: And I help everyone I come in contact with if possible, sort of mandatory living here and traveling the peninsula regularly!

I learn from the Mexican people and try to relate their feelings although I am still a gringo. I see things down here every day and have for blah blah blah. I go into the remote areas while they still are and try and teach the people about working with a renewable resource to improve their lives as they don't have access to tourist dollars like the beach communities do.

The coup groupers even find fault in this!:lol::lol::lol:

So, I learn from many on this board and it has always had it's share of good and bad. Kinda like life!

But when it comes to free speech and having different opinions/views and a bunch of cluckers try to limit this, next thing you know they'll be having the same problems with owning land up there as they do down here!:light:

Sharksbaja - 6-27-2005 at 01:10 PM

Bernie, you may want to rephrase that. It can be taken in a different context.:smug:


Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 01:18 PM

This ol' brain is getting plum tared---I going to the movies and let it cool off a bit---Refraze what or who---Please give me a hint or two.

Your fren

PS--I love everbuddy cept dos two ol'coots.

movinguy - 6-27-2005 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja

One thing about me, my posts and living here, I tell the truth. And I don't wish harm on anyone, let alone inflicting it myself. I have dogs for that!:lol:

Then you gotta love ratties - feisty as hell . . .:cool:

Sharksbaja - 6-27-2005 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
This ol' brain is getting plum tared---I going to the movies and let it cool off a bit---Refraze what or who---Please give me a hint or two.

Your fren

PS--I love everbuddy cept dos two ol'coots.

Bernie said:

"Think I will start a thread on how many Nomads will have to drop off because of that definition.

It should be interesting to see how many of our friends will suddenly become unwelcome at a home they have contributed to for so long."

I am not quite sure I get it? Oh. maybe I do... can they really be that serious??

Viking Bernie

yankeeirishman - 6-27-2005 at 01:51 PM

Baja Bernie ....I cant be gone for a few days without you having stir'in the nest here ? Haha! Here's my hat you can borrow, for battle with these guys!

Cincodemayo - 6-27-2005 at 02:01 PM

That's a hat for up here in my corner of the PNW...Poulsbo's main focus is Vikingfest during May! The main theme is do like the Vikings...rape and pillage for 3 full days:o:o:mad::mad::moon::moon:

Sharksbaja - 6-27-2005 at 02:02 PM

looks like Pampano:spingrin: a few yrs ago. And I've never met him personally.;)

yankeeirishman - 6-27-2005 at 02:07 PM

Well Hell..guess you all know what I look like now! Yes sir ry' that's the real me in this photo. Bought that cap and wear it during our camping trips. Most folks at camp grounds grab their kiddies a little closer to them as I walk by them :lol::lol::lol:

Me No - 6-27-2005 at 02:38 PM

Yankee, were you wearing that when you peeed of Antonio at Alfonsinas. That would explain alot.:lol:

ol' Vik

Sharksbaja - 6-27-2005 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Cincodemayo
That's a hat for up here in my corner of the PNW...Poulsbo's main focus is Vikingfest during May! The main theme is do like the Vikings...rape and pillage for 3 full days:o:o:mad::mad::moon::moon:

what happened to "plunder" ?:lol:

yes, the thread is dead... dumdedum...

[Edited on 6-27-2005 by Sharksbaja]

Mike Supino - 6-27-2005 at 03:06 PM

What about Poulsbo Bakery?

Eli - 6-27-2005 at 03:26 PM

I kind envision this forum like a cyber camp fire, all kinds of views get passed around, be it about baking, or trails, fishing, the weathe, how things used to be, how they are goin, views of life. Anyway, works good for me, even when it goes kind of lala., ect.


Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 05:22 PM

The point I was trying to make is that if you accept Movinguys definition of a Nomad as "moving from place to place" then all of the people who live in or own homes or even trailers in Baja cannot be labeled Nomads because they have fixed abodes and they do not always wander about.

I am rather sure that Movinguy did intend to banish all of those people who fell outside his definition--I was just pointing what could happen if you took what he said, I think in anger, at face value that sterile environment could be the result.


I appreciate the fact that you bought my second book--you should try my first and I'm sure that you will/have found that my heart resides, as I am sure yours does, with the Mexican people and with all of the gringos who share this love. I do not have to agree with these gringos, JR is one by my definition, all of the time and I don't about many things BUT this is no reason for us to start taking sides and in the process destroying the best board I have found for all people who have a love for this crazy placed called Baja by many and Paradise by a few.

I am not offended when I am named a gringo because almost all of my Mexican friend use that convenient handle to describe most non-Mexicans

When anyone gets on a rant I just try to ignore them. Sometimes I fail in my mission but I do try.

AND I am so glad I missed the skiff on both tries because I am no fisherman and I get sick everytime I get on a boat of any kind.


Thanks for the offer of the armor but I am not fighting with anyone and in fact I was explicit in saying I was not taking sides.

Hey! If anyone walts to see a really good movie the wife and relaxed my brain and watched "Mad Hot Ballroom" this afternoon--Very Good.

David K - 6-27-2005 at 05:31 PM

Bernie, I like your second book best!:yes::biggrin:

yankeeirishman - 6-27-2005 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Me No
Yankee, were you wearing that when you peeed of Antonio at Alfonsinas. That would explain alot.:lol:

I can?t get a good table at a restaurant either!

Bernie....I was just joshing still want the hat anyhow? :lol:

Bajaddict - 6-27-2005 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
I have been noticing that some of the newbies now want to get involved and do the name calling, accusations and even threaten physical violence if they don't agree with what is being said.
These are more than likely the same kind that I discuss on here and try and educate all as to how they are really looked at.
Got anybody in particular in mind?

When I was coming up I learned that insults and words have consequences... and that punk comments could result in quick injury.

Obviously you didn't grow up in my neighborhood, or you would save your yellow words for a face to face.

David K

Baja Bernie - 6-27-2005 at 06:07 PM

I wonder why?

yankeeirishman - 6-27-2005 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Bajaddict
Originally posted by jrbaja
I have been noticing that some of the newbies now want to get involved and do the name calling, accusations and even threaten physical violence if they don't agree with what is being said.
These are more than likely the same kind that I discuss on here and try and educate all as to how they are really looked at.
Got anybody in particular in mind?

".....When I was coming up I learned that insults and words have consequences... and that punk comments could result in quick injury.

Obviously you didn't grow up in my neighborhood, or you would save your yellow words for a face to face.

".........even threaten physical violence" Have I missed something here? I have never seen threats here of this nature.

I believe that addict was referring to

jrbaja - 6-27-2005 at 06:34 PM

his threats of knocking teeth out, etc. to Pascuale and me on the spearfishing thread but they have been deleted.
But, in spite of sr.addicts "self esteem", it was directed more at some who are having the same bs nonsense on another board and anyone who takes this stuff so seriously.
Fircrissakes, is there any better medium to convey ones thoughts, ideas, observations about Baja than on a board called Baja Nomads? But, it seems barely worth it at times and this is coming from me.
I see a serious comprehension problem here or, the things I talk about experiencing down here are being practiced by the guilty.
I hope this isn't the case and there really aren't that many who get offended by what I say as it probably doesn't apply to them.:light:
But, when some want to deny freedom of thought, and speech, seems to ring a bell somewhere from the past! And, it is very unBajalike.

Me No - 6-27-2005 at 06:43 PM

Hey Baja Addict. What else you Jones'n for.:lol::lol::lol:

Bajaddict - 6-27-2005 at 06:48 PM

Actually, Pasquale made a comment that he had a case of empty bottle at the ready for me.... I just asked you, in no uncertain terms, to make the same comments to my face that you so freely wrote. Where is the problem?

Diver - 6-27-2005 at 07:02 PM

Can we get someone to sell tickets if there is a brawl ?
Maybe a bambooza-benefit for the locals ?

Or maybe a drinking contest would be more appropriate ?
Or Baja snow skiing maybe ?

Have a cool one and chill, addict. :lol:

Threats of violence,

jrbaja - 6-27-2005 at 07:03 PM

over words, by one of DK's wonderful, caring Nomads.:lol:

Bajaddict - 6-27-2005 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Me No
Hey Baja Addict. What else you Jones'n for.:lol::lol::lol:
A beer, a Beach, and a 'But would be my fix. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to feed that monkey until my next "P-nche gringo vacation" .... Labor Day.

retaliation may cease

yankeeirishman - 6-27-2005 at 07:16 PM

People may use e-mail, postings to newsgroups and bulletin boards, chat rooms, web pages, or any combination of these to send threats to others. The Internet thus makes it easier for individuals or organizations to threaten individuals with whom they have personal, political, or other differences. Such threats are not only harmful to their victims, but are harmful to freedom of speech in cyberspace, as individuals fearing retaliation may cease to express their opinions or even enter the forum at all. What jerks there are!

Bajaddict - 6-27-2005 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by yankeeirishman
People may use e-mail, postings to newsgroups and bulletin boards, chat rooms, web pages, or any combination of these to send threats to others. The Internet thus makes it easier for individuals or organizations to threaten individuals with whom they have personal, political, or other differences. Such threats are not only harmful to their victims, but are harmful to freedom of speech in cyberspace, as individuals fearing retaliation may cease to express their opinions or even enter the forum at all. What jerks there are!
You may un-bunch your panties YIM, you will read no further discourse on this subject from me.

yankeeirishman - 6-27-2005 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Bajaddict
Originally posted by yankeeirishman
People may use e-mail, postings to newsgroups and bulletin boards, chat rooms, web pages, or any combination of these to send threats to others. The Internet thus makes it easier for individuals or organizations to threaten individuals with whom they have personal, political, or other differences. Such threats are not only harmful to their victims, but are harmful to freedom of speech in cyberspace, as individuals fearing retaliation may cease to express their opinions or even enter the forum at all. What jerks there are!
You may un-bunch your panties YIM, you will read no further discourse on this subject from me.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Thanks tough guy.

gonetobaja - 6-27-2005 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Some think that by engaging others philosophically that it does not warrant the time to read it or believe it. Especially when the dialog is in cyber-space. A deep subject indeed. AS a stimulace for debate on current subjects we enable each other to espouse their/our wisdom. And then we play.
Does the dialog cross cultural borders and barriers? Are we unwittingly adding pious and prejudice or is it the other way around.
We can ask ourselves and others questions not easily approached or answered in everyday verbal America here on the forum.
Does this shorten the societal and cultural distances.
Do you feel more or less welcome in Mexico because of all we say.
Do you feel more or less inclusive.
Does this forum enlighten your attitude about Baja.
Are you more or less comfortable with authority figures in Mexico now that you've heard so much.
Can you or do you envision the people and their society any different now as an informed Nomad.

If you answered any of these, any way, than it has affected your attitude. Thanks to a common thread we all share, companionship, we do postulate and we do react.

The best part being every response is unique and has the posters personality behind it.

Have they changed your mind?

I just logged on so Ill start with this.....

First of all, sharks knows alot of big words. It took me a while of reading that thing over and over to see what he is saying.

This board has changed my way of thinking/being in baja. I used to think I was one of only a few idiots who would spend time waiting for the next trip to baja. It wasnt untill I got this computer that I even knew what a talk forum was.

I feel now less a part of the tourist crowd because as a result of this board (I think) I have had people asking questions about my business (in a bad way) and none of them where mexican. They where all people from the U.S. who wanted to know if I was trying to get away with something.

As far as if this board has changed how I look at the area now, it has. I have changed things on how I operate in baja because of this board. Even if it was something like someone getting a flat tire or a fishing report with a certain lure I have taken more info off of this board than I will ever give. I personaly like the different opinions of the board. I dont really care if people attack me or call me names. On this board none of that realy matters because I am only trying to get info, and share my experiences to other baja addicts that are just waiting to get their hands on a trip report with pics just to take a little stress away from their life.

As far as the authorities in baja, I was always kinda not sure about them untill through my business I met the mayors and local police officals and other business men with some pull. Now after knowing them I realize that they are not out to get people, but if you are gonna come down to baja just to be an ass then they will be waiting.

And if there where no JR to put the pinc#e gringos in check who would do it? I like that this board is about reality and not just one persons opinion of what baja is or is about.

One thing I know is that there are alot of people on this board who are smarter than me, so I might as well try an learn something.

My biggest problem with this board now? No one insults me any more and I have no use for all of my momma jokes.....


thank you, thank you, thank you GTB

Sharksbaja - 6-27-2005 at 11:09 PM

for legitimizing the entire Nomad Forum. You have just single-handedly expressed in so many words the message was trying to extract with this thread.. You see, as many do not take any heed or value about the ramifications gleened here. You do, and so does a core of others who have faith in the fact that most other posters give truthful accounts. So my friend, a tip of the sombrero to you. I am hopeful more and more visitors and inhabitants find value in our/your opinions like you have.

Bernie, I get what your saying but his focus was narrow and he overlooked an important part of the equation:


Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin foris outside, fores door
1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas
2 : a judicial body or assembly
3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities


Baja Bernie - 6-28-2005 at 11:18 AM

Well! Don't you suppose that we all had our chance to split hairs and express our thoughts on this of the bumpiest roads leading to some of the most unusal places in Baja that I have been on in a long time

Gonetobaja----Well said! Were you talking about momma jokes or momma talk???

Yankee--I think I have just been struck blind and that I need a long vacation from this board. You are beginning to talk like me and that is really scary. Perhaps we have all learned a little something about what a great bunch of people lend their thoughts and feelings to this wonderful forum. I for one am enriched by it.

PacO - 6-28-2005 at 11:24 AM

This forum has affected my outlook somewhat by the fact that I hadn't consciously acknowledged my desire for anonymity at times..... So, for whatever that's worth, if I'm not offering you a beer or soda or continuing conversing or you the same towards me, I would take that as a clear signal that I or you want to be left alone. Of course, there are a few bros that are welcome anytime and we can hang out talking or not.
The bottom line is that I post significantly less than I used to.

[Edited on 6-28-2005 by PacO]

Me No - 6-28-2005 at 11:45 AM

Gone to Baja, post your trip report where you loose your finger to a faulty jack. That one will get everyone going. I hope it wasn't lost to cyber space on the old nomads like my gonzaga bay story was.:lol::lol:

I mean amigos de baja.

[Edited on 6-28-2005 by Me No]

I must have missed that....

Sharksbaja - 6-28-2005 at 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Me No
Gone to Baja, post your trip report where you loose your finger to a faulty jack. That one will get everyone going. I hope it wasn't lost to cyber space on the old nomads like my gonzaga bay story was.:lol::lol:

is it still orbiting around somewhere??

That hat

bajaruby - 6-28-2005 at 12:10 PM

Hey YIM,
You gonna where that hat to the river? You'll scare me and the girls to death.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Me No - 6-28-2005 at 12:22 PM

Don't follow this link if you are faint of heart, about to eat something, have children in the room........ Beware, it WILL knock your socks off. Very Graffic pictures.

I am a changed man

bajabum - 6-28-2005 at 12:32 PM

And its JR and Sharks fault :yes:. I have to honestly say that after reading this thread several times, I have changed my position. ALL information, stories, opinions and view points should be welcomed and wanted here, things would get a little stagnent without diversity. In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I thought the board should be for "Baja enthusiasts to share" blah blah blah. Jr definetly qualifies as a Baja enthusist and he certainly shares! (and I mean that as a compliment), he just gets enthused about different things than I do! Baja is seen through each individuals eyes differently depending on what thier interests and activities are and each should share thier views and insights making the information available for the rest of us to digest and if applicable, use to enhance eaches Baja experience! Thanks Guys!

Me No - 6-28-2005 at 12:37 PM

I have to admit also, this thread has helped me turn from a tormentor to more of a sharer again. Kind of like it was in the early days. You are a good bunch of people. Mostly.:P:lol:

Bajabum, I only have one thing to say 'bout that...

Sharksbaja - 6-28-2005 at 12:41 PM

"enthused" was not a word when I went to college.:lol::lol::lol:

But thank you for understanding.

Sharksbaja - 6-28-2005 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Me No
Don't follow this link if you are faint of heart, about to eat something, have children in the room........ Beware, it WILL knock your socks off. Very Graffic pictures.

ouch,.....double ouch. And now? What a coincidence, one of my fingers is shorter too. But dang, did not have a camera:lol:

Osprey - 6-28-2005 at 01:00 PM

Sharks, you must have gone to a strange college: Enthuse. To stimulate enthusiasm in. To show enthusiasm. Webster's Dictionary


Sharksbaja - 6-28-2005 at 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Sharks, you must have gone to a strange college: Enthuse. To stimulate enthusiasm in. To show enthusiasm. Webster's Dictionary

my college prof insisted it was not a word. Of course that was way before dirt was invented.:lol:

Root=enthuse......To have had enthusiasm. Past, present tense=enthusiastic. He claimed it a bastardized word and can not correctly have -ed- added to it. Yes, he was very strange indeed. I thought HE wrote the English language, but I do agree to some extent with that exception.

yankeeirishman - 6-28-2005 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
Well! Don't you suppose that we all had our chance to split hairs and express our thoughts on this of the bumpiest roads leading to some of the most unusal places in Baja that I have been on in a long time

Gonetobaja----Well said! Were you talking about momma jokes or momma talk???

Yankee--I think I have just been struck blind and that I need a long vacation from this board. You are beginning to talk like me and that is really scary. Perhaps we have all learned a little something about what a great bunch of people lend their thoughts and feelings to this wonderful forum. I for one am enriched by it.

Peacemakers strive for mutuality in relationship because they have learned that domination only cultivates more resistance.

Sharksbaja - 6-28-2005 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by yankeeirishman

Peacemakers strive for mutuality in relationship because they have learned that domination only cultivates more resistance.

Well, that explains JR.:lol:

Eli - 6-28-2005 at 03:06 PM

Upon reflection after reading all said above, by golly, I must admit, I have learned some things from this board. Not in particular about Mexican culture or even Baja, I still believe I learn that in my daily life. Ah, but about how people enteract in a forum situation, about a great pie recipe, medicine for them pesky intistine bugs, an on line spanish dictonary, (now if I will just have the scense to use it.

I now know that I am not the only one that would cure a hangover with a dip in the Sea of Cortez, or have a love for aloneness, or with fond memories of In & Out burgers, (yes the best). Daily, without realizing it, I do assimalte something besides comadare on this board. Thanks for pointing that out to me Sharks. Saludos a todos, Sara

[Edited on 6-28-2005 by Eli]

Thanks Sara

Sharksbaja - 6-28-2005 at 03:34 PM

You are blessed with the gift of expressing yourself clearly with an element of prose. You're a good teacher of the written script. Thank you too! Gotta go...

Me NO!!!!

gonetobaja - 6-28-2005 at 06:31 PM

After all of this time you have to tell people about the falulty jack!!!

Man I had the best story going on how I was taken by the mexican secret service and tourtured with a wire and piece of wood on my finger trying to get the location of my last ice cold 12 pack of pacificos. I tried to hold out but they smashed my finger off with a dull axe, so I broke down and told them where 6 of the beers where....

Now you go and tell everyone about the jack.....

Id like to say "Gracias uno vez mas" to my friend Doctor Pepe at Campo Delicias for giving me the best nerve block a guy can get.:biggrin:

and now for my momma joke.....

It really happend because my friends momma tried to bite a kit kat out of my hand, she likes her candy...alot....

Sharks, this thread is the first thing I ever lagetimized
but Im glad to help!