
GTB Spearfishing

pangamadness - 6-30-2005 at 10:39 AM

GTB said!

You are implying that I will eventually be responsible of the death of one of my customers and then the mexican authorities will be there to teach me a lesson? The worst case possible with 2 kids and one on the way? You have some imagination. I dive safe and make my customers do the same. I am responsible and take saftey seriously. If someone dies from an accident than I will feel awfull but I will know it will have nothing to do with me. I am also a certified rescue diver for my customers saftey and carry a full med kit with a pony tank and regulator for use in case of such an emergency.

GTB you are in a risky business. I did not use my imagination to come up with those stories. They are true stories one from Gonzaga and one from Santa Rosalia.
sorry if I offended you. Just giving you food for thought.
It will not be your falt But the family will not see it that way.

Either way

jrbaja - 6-30-2005 at 10:44 AM

it's still better than getting shot or run over on one o them la freeways eh?:light:

Everything has risk.....

gonetobaja - 7-1-2005 at 09:28 AM

Some sports more than others.

I pray that nothing ever happens to my customers however anytime someone pushes their limits accidents can happen. I am aware of the two past incedents you mention, as well as others. We have performed a few rescues of people who have had problems, and my partner has assisted in a few "recoveries" as well. Its not that I am in denial about the risk its just that I have wrecked my brain already going through the senario again and again. People make the decision to go on these expeditions alone, I dont force them. Yes there is risk, but if people want a risk free vacation they are better off on a cruise ship or some other highly toursity type of operation. I would agree with you that an expedition to the Enchanted Islands to freedive and spearfish for huge fish does not qualify as your average family vacation. But as long as people want to pay me to take them to the edge where I play, well I gotta eat too.

In the meantime, the good news is that all of this paperwork stuff has led me to find out that I am the only dive operator legaly allowed to be bringing customers to the Enchanted Islands. Permits are required for diving and you have to have a permit for each island you want to dive. After doing my anual renewal I did some checking.

So if its saftey you want, Im the only legal and trained dive operator North of Bahia De Los Angeles(from San Felipe down). Any other pangas you take out to the islands for diving are operating illegaly and you take the risk of having your gear confiscated along withe the boat you are on. Besides my 22ft Montery with 50mile VHF radio, emergency water, emergency pack, survival kit, etc. along with a "LEGAL" (so we dont have to go through that again) guide who is certified as a rescue diver and has 1000s of hrs in the water is the safest ride for hire.

Besides, I never had a customer come back that said he didnt make it.....:o


Awesome advertising GTB!

jrbaja - 7-1-2005 at 03:07 PM

Sometimes things sure work out in a funny way;D:lol:
Buena suerte Amigo. If they're afraid of adventure, they shouldn't be on one!

Its true....

gonetobaja - 7-1-2005 at 07:56 PM

I think I get more free advertising trying to explain my existance than any other way. But like the producer of our videos says,

"Calm down man, good, bad, its all publicity. By the way, we sold another 100 videos....";)

All this press and Im gonna have to get another boat.....

Gracias por el suerte Jr, when you get a chance you have to hit the bottom with me. I just spent the day dodging road rage freeway drivers:fire: that cant stand the thought of a big truck in front of them. I think the safest place for me is at the bottom of the ocean....:yes:

I hear if you never leave your bed you can never stub your toe.....:lol:

For those of us who cant go on the expeditions you can get the video.

GTB (new trailer for windows media is ready)

[Edited on 7-2-2005 by gonetobaja]

[Edited on 7-2-2005 by gonetobaja]

Roberto - 7-2-2005 at 08:04 AM

GTB, good on ya for doing it right! (and I mean that). But, what's a 50 mile VHF radio? Do you mean 50 watt?

gonetobaja - 7-2-2005 at 08:40 AM

Gracias Roberto, getting all of my paperwork was a trick. many trips to mexicali and ensenada and san felipe.

No I mean 50 miles on the radio, its not a type of radio its how far my radio will reach with my new super b-tchen Antenna that I got for the boat. Its not a regular whip antenna its the big thick ones that dont bend. It gave me way more range. I can be at the islands and get Puertecitos on the VHF for help and rescue if need be.

My buddies pangas cant reach like my new antenna can. It feels good to pick that thing up and do my check in and hear someone respond right a way.

That way I can contact my form of "vessel assist" if need be.

We can also get ahold of Dr. Lopez at campo delicias and he can arange for medivac flights if necessary. I have very good friends that are paramedics on Aero medivac, and we have a plan worked out in case of an emergency. Dr. Lopez is the "refering physican" and my friends who work at El Centro hospital are the receiving physicans. Hopefully its a plan that never has to get used.

When I chopped off my finger that time, we used the plan except for the medivac part. The hospital had the port of entry waiting for me and I blew right through the border and got to the hospital.

For diving problems DAN insurance is the way to go. Its a divers insurance that covers you all over the world and its pretty cheap.

The one great thing about the island permits is when I find a dude out there setting a gill net I can tell him "If you have no permit for this island you cant set your net here" Thats when my new antenna comes into play. The mexican military has two interceptor boats in Puertecitos now and they check all of the boats comming in for "stuff"