
Milagro Tequila

AcuDoc - 7-2-2005 at 10:18 PM

This is a little off subject but was wondering anyones comments on this tequila. Just bought a bottle of the Anejo 100% blue agave, single barrel. Haven't tried it yet and was looking for opinions.
thanks in advance

Bruce R Leech - 7-3-2005 at 06:50 AM

try it and tell us.:light:

Truly Awesome

The Gull - 7-3-2005 at 07:58 AM

Is it the one with the glass maguery inside the bottle? If so, it is smoother and better tasting than Penca Azul Reposado, which I thought could not be beat.

Was it around $70?

elgatoloco - 7-3-2005 at 12:14 PM

It's tasty.

Have Fun!

AcuDoc - 7-3-2005 at 12:22 PM

Its in a long tall bottle with raised letters. I've seen it around $55-$60 over the internet but found it here for $35 in the store

bajaandy - 7-3-2005 at 05:36 PM

Hey Doc, is that the Milagro Silver in the tall blue bottle? I've had a couple of bottles of that and I thought it was quite tasty. One was enjoyed in the dead of winter along the pacific coast near Punta Blanca with my close friends. (I'm sure the atmosphere added to the quality of the tequila!)
Has anyone found a source for Reserva Del Dueno? I really like that particular brand and now can't find a place to buy it.

AcuDoc - 7-3-2005 at 06:30 PM

its not the silver, i'm not a fan of white or silver tequila, like the oak barrel stuff

Bruce R Leech - 7-3-2005 at 09:17 PM

here is a place to get a good price.


AcuDoc - 7-5-2005 at 03:37 PM

Here is what we found having popped open the bottle last night for the fourth.
The general consensis was it is very smooth, nice oak and a bit oily on the tongue which I personally like. It also has just a hint of a bite or after taste but a really nice smooth tequila. The taste test with a handful of friends ended with most of us liking it just as much if not more then Don Julio which is our usual sipping or shot tequila. Especially at about half the price.

The Gull - 7-5-2005 at 04:14 PM

Hopefully you finished the bottle so you can get more.


Hook - 7-5-2005 at 04:25 PM

My sources for del Dueno seemed to have disappeared as well.

Which of the Anejos did you like.....the Jerezito or the straight Riserva?

Fortunately, I still have three bottles..........;D

Doc, I have only tasted the Milagro Reposada and thought it as good a reposado as I have ever had. Hornitos is, of course, the go-to regular reposado for margaritas and the occasional shot but it is not really as good as the Milagro. Of course it is much more reasonably priced than the Milagro.

Your description seems to jive with my memory....even though you may have been tasting their anejo.

JESSE - 7-5-2005 at 05:28 PM

Heres the Tequila thats getting popular with the locals:

Tequila Don Roberto

Oso - 7-5-2005 at 06:52 PM

While most of the "good stuff" is under lock and key, our local Food City has an aisle display (i.e. open box) with a sign saying "Tequila Reposada $5.99 750 ML". It's Romero blanco- maybe 3 weeks old? While the sign says reposada, nothing on the bottles does. I spoke to the manager (one of the other 4 or 5 gringos in our town) and told him that if he was going to advertise it as reposada, the least he could do was lay the bottles on their sides. He didn't get it , just gave me a blank stare. The sign's still up. Nobody else seems to care.

Roberto - 7-5-2005 at 07:00 PM

Far be it from me to correct your Spanish, Don Maestro, but isn't Tequila masculine? As in "un tequila", not "una tequila"? So that would make it reposadO, right? :cool: