
Great posters!

Me No - 7-10-2005 at 10:59 PM

It's been a while for a few great posters to come along. However, many of us who, "have been here along time", have been waiting. So, instead of lamenting the way things used to be. Show everybody the way things can be.

There is definately a, jaded/been around the block/I remember Amigos de Baja, crew.

Mike H. written anything new lately? Not a slight, by the way, because you so often describe in words things that I have felt, or done, but to relive them in such eloquent terms is great fun.

Oso. You never, ever manage to pee anyone off. I love your sence of humor.

Anyone remember ZigZag the fisherman, or Cabo Captn?

Captn. Mike wrote a GREAT! story. Now its just from here to there types of reports.

Wild Bill. Remember when him and LN, helped rescue the guy who had the head on with the Mexican army truck just south of the Erendira turnoff? What a story that was..

El Surfer Loco. This guy really laid it on the line. It might have cost him his life though.

M, If you never had the chance to read her rolled up in the surf at punta banda, you have missed alot. What a Great!!! Post.

That is just to name a few.

So, this is the mission for you "new guys".

Write a great story. Let us know, when we are stuck at home, what the el is going on there.

Sharks, Yankee, DK, don't lement what is the past. Show us the future. Great trip reports will drive this board, just as they have before. Lead and we will read.:O

I'm trying Me No

Sharksbaja - 7-11-2005 at 01:59 AM

Maybe you should look at any of my posts pre that last bunch of nofun and lies targeted at me for some unbeknownest reason. I try to draw deep from people with my posts and sometimes they are misinterpreted. I never lament this forum or I'd split. I rather enjoy all real material. It's the lies I have trouble wth.

but anyway....

I 'll be damned. Ya know, just when you think you've nailed someone down they turn around and surprise you with their more human side. :lol:Without actually standing in front of you or seeing your photo posted my mind tries to put faces on you and the rest. It's a curious thing, somewhat surreal. Your aura changes faces but always the same person remains. It is hard to explain. Because(most) peoples personalities are complex and multi-faceted they have trouble translating their true colors on to screen. Sometimes maybe they shouldn't. I've learned much on many fronts.
Now you must understand, I am not particularily a "people person" but (because I cook right in front of the clients) I continually come into contact with strangers and unwittingly sample their personality. In the restaurant biz you see many(ahem) types. Let me continue..... now , you really are a stranger but I know "stuff" about you....which I prefer to believe is true. And you know "stuff" about me. That's cool and I would hope you think I'm legit too. I also know "stuff" about a million customers but it's way different.

In the store, it's one on one,point to point. In the forum I see divisions and coalescing. I see it but I don't practice it.
I feel a kinship to honorable people be it in person or cyberspace.;)

Good to hear some encouragement Me No, gracias.;D
THough by no means do I consider myself an accomplished correspondent, I do enjoy the great stuff all you "ol' timers" and "newbies" alike toss in there but I can feel the lag too. It's to freakin' hot to go explore Baja safely, man. Especially where I plan on going. I will concentrate on getting the Hemi Baja ready and getting through August tourist season. I've got plenty of cool plans come the right season. Bottom line: The truth is I need to earn gas money.
Tanks for caring.

[Edited on 7-11-2005 by Sharksbaja]

[Edited on 7-12-2005 by Sharksbaja]

Bob H - 7-11-2005 at 08:23 AM

Sharks... Is that ICE on that truck? Huh? :O

David K - 7-11-2005 at 09:17 AM

If you go to the Trip Reports forum and the Baja Historic Interests forum, here on Nomad, you can read good stuff from past times...

yankeeirishman - 7-11-2005 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Me No
It's been a while for a few great posters to come along. However, many of us who, "have been here along time", have been waiting. So, instead of lamenting the way things used to be. Show everybody the way things can be.

There is definately a, jaded/been around the block/I remember Amigos de Baja, crew.

Mike H. written anything new lately? Not a slight, by the way, because you so often describe in words things that I have felt, or done, but to relive them in such eloquent terms is great fun.

Oso. You never, ever manage to pee anyone off. I love your sence of humor.

Anyone remember ZigZag the fisherman, or Cabo Captn?

Captn. Mike wrote a GREAT! story. Now its just from here to there types of reports.

Wild Bill. Remember when him and LN, helped rescue the guy who had the head on with the Mexican army truck just south of the Erendira turnoff? What a story that was..

El Surfer Loco. This guy really laid it on the line. It might have cost him his life though.

M, If you never had the chance to read her rolled up in the surf at punta banda, you have missed alot. What a Great!!! Post.

That is just to name a few.

So, this is the mission for you "new guys".

Write a great story. Let us know, when we are stuck at home, what the el is going on there.

Sharks, Yankee, DK, don't lement what is the past. Show us the future. Great trip reports will drive this board, just as they have before. Lead and we will read.:O

Not sure what this represents (don't lement what is the past quote). It was I that was taking the lead to stop all the warrior and beast games. It was I that was promoting good quality here. To be painted as one that was dwelling with the past is simply incorrect.

I try to promote goodwill, happy camper, informative subjects here. You do too...thanks.

we're all with ya Yankee...

Sharksbaja - 7-11-2005 at 12:23 PM


[Edited on 7-12-2005 by Sharksbaja]

Me No - 7-11-2005 at 02:19 PM

DK, I said write a GREAT story!:lol::lol::lol:

Yankee, not taking things so personal might be a good start also. I was speaking more in general terms.:light:

Sharks, and everybody, when you don't resize your pics correctly it screws up the thread. What you intended to be good lighthearted fun, ends up making the whole thing damn near unreadable. Also, too many irrelevant insertations (I think I just made up a new word) makes threads painfully slow to download for those who don't have High speed internet, and that is most of the people who post from Baja. Ie; those that have the most current and up to date information.

Just a few thoughts.

[Edited on 7-11-2005 by Me No]

yankeeirishman - 7-11-2005 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Me No
DK, I said write a GREAT story!:lol::lol::lol:

Yankee, not taking things so personal might be a good start also. I was speaking more in general terms.:light:

You must be talking about my "very" past posts :lol::lol::lol:

well, thx for the compliment Tomas....

capt. mike - 7-11-2005 at 06:49 PM

and i would like to pen a few more of my mis-adventures. Were you talking about the Mint 400, the baja 1000 or the night trip to lopez for the Sams? The thing is, i had boo coo time back then collecting loads of easy money.
now i am back running my own projects and have little time until they start to go on auto pilot and i can relax about cash. but i'll outline some stuff to bring up later bud.

Talking about great posters

Gypsy Jan - 7-11-2005 at 07:01 PM

Don Jimmy's stories and Eli's poetry float up on my mental recall screen most every day and Baja Bernie's stories, especially about the son who inherited his father's Baja bar and just appeared when he collected and then proceeded to drink up the profits, leaving the loyal employees to clean up after him as best they could.

I really wish that someone would search the old Amigos board and repost the hilarious story about the pub/sleazy nightclub crawl through Mexicali from about four years ago.

Oso - 7-11-2005 at 07:13 PM

I never pee anybody off? Damn, I'll have to work on that.:?:

Thanks for bringing that up.

Sharksbaja - 7-11-2005 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Me No
DK, I said write a GREAT story!:lol::lol::lol:

Yankee, not taking things so personal might be a good start also. I was speaking more in general terms.:light:

Sharks, and everybody, when you don't resize your pics correctly it screws up the thread. What you intended to be good lighthearted fun, ends up making the whole thing damn near unreadable. Also, too many irrelevant insertations (I think I just made up a new word) makes threads painfully slow to download for those who don't have High speed internet, and that is most of the people who post from Baja. Ie; those that have the most current and up to date information.

Just a few thoughts.

I forgot how slow downloads are with dial-up. I'll limit the large ones unless detail is needed and post appropriate material.

not everyone is a book writer

eetdrt88 - 7-11-2005 at 07:56 PM

or a story teller and not everyone wants to read long winded tales of dismay....i tend to like both types of posts but actually prefer shorter more "to the point" stuff...also i think part of the beauty of a story is the story-teller which makes me wish that i could hear it straight from the person writing it...but until that happens this will have to do:tumble::tumble:

Me No - 7-11-2005 at 09:05 PM

Captn Mike, Mi amigo. I understand your delema. You need to repost those stories. I can only hope they have not been lost to cyberspace.

Jan, Yes, and Yes, goodness my tiny list was not a list but just a place to start. I am sure many of us have favorite posters, please feel free to mention them, Sara and Don Jimmy are certainly right at the top. Great Posters indeed.

Wait a second Oso. I think shaking that bears ass at me just might be offencive.LOL

Bruce Leach. That one was for you!:lol:

Eat dirt, I have to admit, you are an up in cummer. Feel free to ignore any of my posts.

Now, Who remembers my disclaimer? don't make me start posting it again. Saludos

jeans - 7-11-2005 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
I really wish that someone would search the old Amigos board and repost the hilarious story about the pub/sleazy nightclub crawl through Mexicali from about four years ago.

I remember that...Someone (I think it was Tunaeater?) took shy, southern boy Desert Rat out for a night on the town. Very funny!

surfer jim - 7-11-2005 at 10:10 PM

DESERT RAT !!....the best storyteller there any link to his walking tour that he posted...?...I could read that again.....

David K - 7-11-2005 at 10:17 PM

The photos of his walking trip is on my web site (in the Contributed Photos section)... Desert Rat so enjoyed Graham Mackintosh's book ('Into a Desert Place') that he wanted to duplicate Graham's walk around Baja! Desert Rat called it his 'Baja Cha-Cha'!

Desert Rat's Baja Cha-Cha

[Edited on 7-12-2005 by David K]

surfer jim - 7-11-2005 at 10:28 PM

Yeah , that was the trip.....what about the story that he wrote? that still around?.....

WALKING in BAJA!!....I think driving around and remote camping is something special....but the desire to walk it.... gets my respect.....

Me No - 7-11-2005 at 10:57 PM

Finally, we are getting somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What about El Camote and the Mike H Vegetarian spectacular?:lol::lol::lol:

Jeans, I remember some funny stuff from you too. Seems you are a real ass kisser? Hmmm, how can that be. In spanish. Si Como No!:lol::lol::lol:

The Tuna eater and D Rat Mexicali story has to be an alltime classic!

[Edited on 7-12-2005 by Me No]

[Edited on 7-12-2005 by Me No]