
graffiti vs art in baja??!!

capt. mike - 7-13-2005 at 04:54 AM

as the Carlos thread was unfortunately throttled into graffiti I wanted to ask separately.....

what about like for instance those who paint or mark rocks, walls, structures etc to create art - blatant e.g. would be the guy in Hoctor's book who went all over baja turning large boulders into frogs?! Frankly i thought it was hilarious but i guess to a purist it would be blasphemy - can you imagine the boulder field if a bunch of neo impressionists were turned loose there and told to express themselves?!:?::rolleyes:

TMW - 7-13-2005 at 07:27 AM

Mike, you may be on to something. I suggest we get the cops to arrest the Indians and question them about all that painting in the caves and on the rocks.

On second thought we may have to rely on the spirits to do the questioning.

David K - 7-13-2005 at 08:04 AM

Bernie has a chapter in his book on the frog painted boulders... On the road to Punta San Carlos, tires were used to make eyes and a nose on a frog face shaped cliff.

Baja Bernie - 7-13-2005 at 08:13 AM

I think you would find that most Mexicans believe that they are enhancing the land they live in--Those red stick paintings that Harry Crosby wrote about were NOT painted in those caves by the 'owners.'

I think that most of these paintings show a great imagination and appreciation for their surroundings.

Check my book, Mi Baja, out and I think you will see that the cops enjoy the Frogs and other paintings very much.

Mike I think you miss the point because these 'artists' select the rocks to be painted with great care and in most cases they continue to return to repaint and maintain them.

I know that I really got pis--d when the road crews on the toll road near Baja Mar painted over the giant frog, sat in the center lsland, with white wash. I waited for the first rains to cleanse the white wash--it did but it also took off most of the paint in the process.

Ben - 7-13-2005 at 12:43 PM

Bernie I do not know what Mexicans you talk to on a daily bases. The ones I live with, work with, party with do not look on the painting of natures rocks or store front building as enhancing the world they live in.
The Mexicans I know spend a lot of time repainting their fences and walls to get rid of the vandalism. Which cops have you talked to that enjoy the destruction of nature?

What took place a hundred or more years ago is done , living in the past does not help with any of todays problems with vandalism.

Clam shell grafitti

Sharksbaja - 7-13-2005 at 01:49 PM

I really like the giant symbolic clam shell at the south end of BOC. It was nice to see a crew painting over all the ugly graffiti last March. As I passed slowly I gave the workers the thumbs up sign. As I returned from an off-road trip two days later the clam was all marked with black spray paint. I swear these people who do this make a point in bringing along spray cans just for this purpose. Sickos! Did anyone add that to "The List"?

cops arresting indians...

eetdrt88 - 7-13-2005 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by TW
Mike, you may be on to something. I suggest we get the cops to arrest the Indians and question them about all that painting in the caves and on the rocks.

On second thought we may have to rely on the spirits to do the questioning.
that may be the funniest thing i've heard today...


Baja Bernie - 7-13-2005 at 09:10 PM

So sorry! I said nothing about storefronts or private property. The 'rock' art I spoke of is wonderful and to see it you must leave most populated areas in Baja.

I was certainly not speaking of the graffitti that the mindless idiots that stoke upon the marijuana leaves to start their midnless days.

Wander around and you will find that the people I spoke of were creative and in tune with nature.

An example is the lump of volanic rock on the toll road, just south of the Half Way House--you really have to slow down to see it. Just a few dabs of black paint, a stroke or two of white, and a bunch of rusty barbed wire and you have a Christ like figure. To me that is art and well worth slowing down enough to see what is really--hell some people call it 'smelling the roses."

Ben--for the rest of your questions I refer to my books.

A question, where do you live in Baja?

I guess we all can look at the crappy side of Baja--and it is getting more so--but I prefer to look at the positive side.

i need a muralist to commission some work

capt. mike - 7-14-2005 at 02:16 AM

at my place in mulege. anyone know of someone who could do a frieze for me on the side of my white slump block building?
thinking a seascape or something "cool" and breezelike to gaze AT when its sweltering.

Phil S - 7-14-2005 at 07:21 AM

Mike. Better get 'clearance" from the ejito that wants the Hotel property back first. Probably best get it in writing. Unless the present owners have resolved that "problem". Hope they have, though Mexican courts don't move "overnight" to resolve issues like these.


Baja Bernie - 7-14-2005 at 02:49 PM

If you are serious, which I doubt, you could wait for Sara to come back and she could do one that you would make you proud.

capt. mike - 7-15-2005 at 04:32 AM

i talked to Don last week when there and am going back tomorrow to assist in an aircraft recovery. He is fine and the legal matters are under control.
i can paint whatever i want on the building but regardless of future ownership contingencies i wouldn't put big bucks into "art" on anything i didn't hold fee title to.
but, it would be fun to have something done. i think i'll inquire around town - am sure there is some talent there i can get for poco pesos. maybe a high school art student.

have spray paint, will create....:biggrin::biggrin: