
Weather - Bahia De Los Angeles

bowser - 7-19-2005 at 01:12 PM

We are heading down to Bahia this weekend for two weeks. What's the weather been like and what do you expect for the next two weeks?

It's been 95 in the mountains of northern CA so I can only imagine.

A group that was there last week

Hook - 7-19-2005 at 01:15 PM

reported temps of 115. No mention of any untoward humidity except that the southeast winds have begun to blow and it couldn't be far behind.

bowser - 7-19-2005 at 01:27 PM

115 --- Yikes!

yankeeirishman - 7-19-2005 at 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Hook
reported temps of 115. No mention of any untoward humidity except that the southeast winds have begun to blow and it couldn't be far behind.

Is this higher than the norm? I though it was much cooler than SF...

Mike Humfreville - 7-19-2005 at 03:48 PM

We've been there 8 weeks over the last three months and we monitor the heat and humidity constantly. The hottest it got was 93 degrees and the highest the humidity got was 80. Those temps/humidity readings came on the two uncomfortable days. The rest were mid 80's and average humidity was ~40.

Bahia Weather

bahiamia - 7-19-2005 at 05:00 PM

It is very, very HUMID and hot down here right now. There are big thunderheads to the South so things are quite muggy. Doesn't cool of a whole lot at night either, unfortunately.

I try to update the weather daily on my website if that helps you out. The link to the weather page is:

Bahia Weather

100 degrees+ is not uncommon this time of year.

bajajudy - 7-19-2005 at 05:09 PM


Nice shots
I wanted to order a margarita when I saw the twilight photo.

[Edited on 7-20-2005 by bajajudy]

bowser - 7-19-2005 at 05:24 PM

Thanks Mia -- Great website

bajajudy - 7-19-2005 at 05:40 PM

Learn the sting ray shuffle before you go in the water! Cause I think that you will be going into the water....a lot
Have fun.

Hook - 7-19-2005 at 10:31 PM


Have you got a Davis weather station or something similar down at the Bahia? Can you remotely download your monthly data?

Or are you using a mercury thermometer?

Would love to find a real-time weather station at the Bahia.

bahiamia - 7-20-2005 at 12:37 PM

Weather Stuff...

Hola Hook,

No I don't get too scientific about the weather stuff. I just take a look at the big dial thermometer we have mounted outside, and we have a barometer too. For example, for here at our location when the barometer rises and shows high pressure, it means big North wind. When it falls, and is very low, that means the West wind is on its way and also possibly rain or inclement weather.

You can tell by the clouds, looking at the sun, moon, even certain smells in the air; they all have their tales to tell as far as weather goes.

I just try to give an overall picture of the weather here to give folks an idea of the conditions. Also, I live a little ways out of town and we have our own little microclimate working; generally it's much more humid in down in town, and the evening temperatures there are alot hotter too.

wilderone - 7-20-2005 at 01:47 PM

In San Diego the weather forecast has indicated a possible affect from Hurricane Emily, as it proceeds west and possibly gets caught up in some predominate circular weather patterns. Otherwise, if it starts to break up, it will be heading southwest, across the Gulf of CA, bringing thundershowers. Supposed to happen Sat./Sun.

David K - 7-20-2005 at 03:16 PM

If the thunderstorms are active near Gonzaga/Catavina, then the Santa Maria trip may be postponed, as the road drives in the wet arroyo a mile from the mission.... I also never heard back (yet) from Julia at INAH... It would be best if they were there, per their past emails.

How might T-storms

Hook - 7-20-2005 at 08:18 PM

affect any of the El Rosario routes, David? Looks like this moisture could form t-storms even over the coastal plain.

PacO - 7-20-2005 at 09:21 PM

So, anyway, I hear it's hot in BoLA. I hope so, I dig the heat and watching the T-storms on the mainland in August.

freinds are heading down to LA bay next tue.

eetdrt88 - 7-22-2005 at 09:57 AM

what kind of weather can they expect???i heard of a possible snowstorm coming through this area,is that just a rumour???:lol:

PacO - 7-22-2005 at 12:07 PM

Best to bring lots of long pants and jackets just to make sure. And watch out for the banditos, they're bad there.........:saint: Oh, and those drunken norteamericanos ensconced in thier enclaves there, they're real ashholes.:yawn:


yankeeirishman - 7-22-2005 at 02:47 PM

Was 78 here yesterday. Does that match SF for yesterday?