
Boarding animals in Rosarito or Ensenada

modhatter - 7-31-2005 at 09:17 AM

Has anyone had the experience of boarding their dogs in either the Rosarito or Ensenada area. If so, could they reccommend a place? Was it clean and did they appear well cared for.



Keri - 7-31-2005 at 09:36 AM

my friends have a wonderful lady, Martina Dobesh that comes to their house and stays while they are gone instead of boarding. They like that so much better and I think your pet would enjoy staying in it's own surroundings while you are gone. She is one of our Baja authors and a great artist also. If you are interested u2u me and I'll give you her email, k :yes:

modhatter - 7-31-2005 at 07:09 PM

Well, if I had a home for the lady to come to, that would diffinately be a better option, I agree. However, I am going there to look for a place to buy, but wanted to rent for a couple of months to look around, but no one wants to even rent to us short term with pets. So it's kind of a catch 22 at the momment. Certainly, can't leave my dogs behind. No one else to watch them and they are my best friends. A little bit of a delema. But I would like her e-mail, as at some later date, I will want to find someone like that.
