
Ensenada Aug 5-8

Don Jorge - 8-9-2005 at 06:37 PM

We did the Ensenada inside and outside fishing thing from the Coral this past Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon.

I traveled to Ensenada with my 16 year old daughter Bianca and my 24 year old nephew Tim. Tim is home on a two week leave from the 81st Airborne and staying with us till Sunday. Then he ships out to Alaska and then Iraq. Juxtapositioning army style.

Fishing for pelagics sucked. No tuna, yellowtail or doardo to be found within 80 miles. Saved the "fishing" trip with a rockfishing day at Punta San Jose at the 15 fathoms spot. It was wide open reds and lings.

Nevermind I was bottom fishing in August, Tim and Bianca had a blast and that was all that counted.

This really wasn't a fishing trip, just a chance to show my nephew, Tim, a place and an experience he might not have the chance to do again and another chance to spend some time with my daughter in Baja, her birthplace and our favorite place on earth.

As the kids say, peace out.

Good job...

Mexray - 8-9-2005 at 07:54 PM of those 'special' times we work days to be able to enjoy! Just show you, the good-life is out ther for us to grab...sounds like a great week-end - Please tell Tim we're wishing him God-speed and to keep his head down, out there!

bajaandy - 8-9-2005 at 08:11 PM

Don Jorge,
I'll warrant a guess that the worst day fishing in Baja is better than any day posted in Iraq. Good on 'ya for taking the kids fishing in Baja! And God speed to your nephew Tim.


Don Jorge - 8-9-2005 at 08:37 PM

Mex Ray: It was a indeed a special time in a special place for no particular reason other than we were there together.
I starting fishing 45 years ago off of the San Clemente peir, the old man, my brother and me. It isn't the same but it is.

I suggest to Tim, try and forget about the bangs and learn to be a friggin diesel/hydraulic mechanic while you are getting paid and you will have earned the bucks and a comfortable living while living in an uncomfortable place. Life works that way sometimes.

BajaAndy: Indeed you are right. Baja vs. Iraq?
Yes, we worry and we think about it from a perspective our kids have yet to fully grasp and please we also wish Godspeed to all who serve that I may live the life I do.

Fishing is like baseball, it transcends and unites.