
Alternative to Sat Phone - Personnel Locator Beacon

Neal Johns - 10-6-2003 at 08:48 AM

Since July 1, 2003, Personal Locator Beacons operating on the 406 Mhz. frequency which transmit a GPS signal have been legalized for use on land. These new devices will by 2006, replace the older 121.5 Mhz. units used on aircraft and which were fairly ineffective due to the many false alarms and low accuracy location pinpointing. The new units cost around $600 or less and have no monthly charge. Two phone numbers you pre-supply will be contacted by the search agency for further information (Like "Hey Rambo, you gonna go get your buddy out of Baja or do we?).

For emergency use only.
More info here:

tunaeater - 10-8-2003 at 06:55 AM

Neal, Thank you for the link. I was looking for something like this. May become very valuable at some time Thanks Paul