
San Miguel???

eetdrt88 - 8-12-2005 at 08:39 AM

thinking about heading down there in late sept. heard there was a good break right it usually crowded down there and is it any fun for beginners???

Yes No

jrbaja - 8-12-2005 at 08:42 AM

San Miguel...

bigzaggin - 8-19-2005 at 05:26 PM

there is a good, occasionally great wave there, a long right jetty/point combo thingy. Can be good even in heavy winds. But's it's typically crowded and the resident locals have misinterpreted localism as "be a jerk to everyone, regardless of their demeanor in the water." They are marooons. The last time I was out there, roughly the 182nd time I have surfed there in my life, I watched one of these "lokes" drop in on a perfect set wave, flail a bottom turn and fall on his face. He came up next to me and I kindly told him (in Spanish) that his wetsuit had come unzipped. Not only did he not say thank you, he warned me against paddling up to the peak (note:four guys out at the time). BUT, on occasion, you can still steal an semi-empty session there, mid-week, midday.

That said, when it's big enough, the wave will wrap around into the bay to the south, which can be a good beginner's wave and better still, 1/2 mile south of San Miguel proper, there are a few long, rolling reefbreaks ideal for learners (just find a road down to the coast there that DOESN'T cut through someone's property...and avoid the fish factory as it STINKS...and keep an eye on your car).

And don't pay just to "check" San Miguel. Just tell the guy you're gonna run down there and have a look. If you stay, go back and pay. Suerte.

Tomas Tierra - 8-22-2005 at 08:53 AM

If the Mexicans at San Miguel are buttcracks...Don't go to 3 M's (in front of fish factory) Its way worse!!

surfer jim - 8-24-2005 at 07:50 AM

Haven't heard about 3 M's in 20 years....still surf there?....after the fish factory was put in the surfing sort of "stunk".....

Tomas Tierra - 8-26-2005 at 07:20 PM

yeah the waves are still good...but pretty stinky on the off shore days

I've only surfed there a few times when invited by mexican friends..

Why do they call it 3 M's?? I've heard one story, and made up my own..

You got one Jim??

Tomas Tierra - 12-14-2005 at 10:06 AM

There are always three mexicans surfing there

There are three maquiladoras on the bluff

Sallysouth - 12-14-2005 at 08:43 PM

Holey Crap (as Frank would say)! I just realized that I surfed 3 M's when I was a teenie bopper, surfer girl over 40 yrs ago and it was called 3 M's then!Never could figure out why it was called that but there were lots of sharks in the break back then. Fun waves but stinky even back in the "old days" I like Tomas' take on the 3s'!

chino - 12-15-2005 at 05:36 PM

San Miguel translates to "Sierra Hotel" in my dictionary!

woody with a view - 12-15-2005 at 06:34 PM

the wave has changed over the years at miguel. used to be a reef break with ALOT of kelp on the outside that, when big enough, you could make it past the point and be in for a long peeler. now the river has broken through and rearranged the outside break so that you are taking off close to the rocks and when its big you better not fall. the angles are totally different than it used to be. but it does get good, as does everywhere on occassion.

Tomas Tierra - 12-20-2005 at 03:31 PM

I made it past the point a couple of years ago and continued on for more or less 300 yards.. It was VERY big that day..The only time I have ever seen SaMiguel close out. The bombie between the mainland and todos santos island was absolutely cracking that day.. Went to salsi's that afternoon and broke two boards without getting a good wave:mad:

woody with a view - 12-20-2005 at 03:36 PM

the wave of my life at salsi 12-10-83. first time out and only my amigo to record it. 6'5" single fin. the shark wouldn't bite-the bee wouldn't sting....

Tomas Tierra - 12-20-2005 at 03:56 PM

Shouldn't you be heading south right nowWoody??

I have a 4 day old Son, so it's not in my cards..

Holy Shatma it is huge out front right now!! Getting bigger every set..This will be a BIG swell..and a bigger on e coming?? I wish I could crinkle my nose right now and be at Pta Secreto.. I wonder if the beloved spots will hold this?? There's always Maria I guess..