
Adam Carolla's modest proposal

Gypsy Jan - 8-16-2005 at 08:55 PM

Adam Carolla is a comedian with a talk show on the Comedy Channel.

He proposed that all the Israelis being displaced from Gaza (and maybe all of Israel) be relocated to Baja.

His thesis goes like this: blue skies and desert, just like home; open spaces, just like home; no one in a jellabah trying to kill you, and, the Israelis will work hard, be industrious and bring order to the bad economy and protect the environment.

Funny stuff, Adam is Jewish, but I can't comment, since I am not of the religion and I've never been to Israel (or New York for that matter).

Mike Supino - 8-16-2005 at 08:58 PM

Israelis have guns.....and know how to use them.

Diver - 8-17-2005 at 06:17 AM

Funny stuff ? NOT ! He sounds like an arrogant jerk !
Who says the mexicans need/want anyone to take over their state ?

TacoFeliz - 8-17-2005 at 12:00 PM

Really really really, truly unfunny. A group of folks with an agressive agenda and weapons. Everything I would hate to see more of in Baja. :moon: Perhaps the funny man should be relocated.

Bruce R Leech - 8-17-2005 at 12:18 PM

seems like a tough crowd Gypsy Jan:lol::lol::lol::lol:

it is hard to get some of these guys to laugh.:lol:

[Edited on 8-17-2005 by Bruce R Leech]

So true Bruce...

bigzaggin - 8-17-2005 at 01:02 PM

if there's one thing I've learned on these boards it's that irony and an appreciation of the absurd are in SHORT SHORT supply. You people should all go see The'll LOVE IT!


Pops - 8-17-2005 at 01:08 PM

Baja Bernie - 8-17-2005 at 05:51 PM

I really don't think Dave would like the competition.

I don't know who the guy who suggested this is--but I do understand he is a 'humorist'.

Oso - 8-17-2005 at 06:19 PM

This brings up a fuzzy memory of something I read a long time ago about the late Ibn Saud and the manueverings of the allied leaders after WWII. The king could not understand why they were so intent on relocating thousands of displaced European Jews to Palestine, where they in turn would displace thousands of Arabs who happened to be there at the time, even if it was historically the home of the Jews before the Diaspora (sp?). His point was why should the Arabs, who (up till then) had done no great evil to the Jews, be made to move over to accomodate them when it was the Germans who were guilty of such great murder and atrocities against them? Why, posited the king, did they not punish Germany, now rightfully defeated and found guilty of great crime, by cutting out a good chunk of the Fatherland and giving that to the Jews as compensation?

I'm no expert on history, I don't have a clear memory on this, it could be apocraphyl or I could have the details wrong, but if there's any truth to the story at all, old Ibn raised a pretty good question. Why wasn't Germany made to pay for "its" crime with territory?

Dave? History buffs? Anybody want to straighten me out on this one?

Bruce R Leech - 8-17-2005 at 06:42 PM

Germany should be a US state with burgers and Wall mart and all the trimmings. along with japan and Iraq.:lol::lol::lol:

apparently some people on this board...

eetdrt88 - 8-17-2005 at 09:06 PM

never got to see an episode of the "Man Show" which Adam Corrola of the greatest shows ever on tv...2 dorky guys sitting around drinking beer with lots of clips of scantily clad women jumping up and down on trampolines:lol::lol:great stuff....oh and i have to agree with the comment about humor on this board,it seems like it would ease some of the tension on here if people learned to just laugh at some of the goofy stuff said here and not take it so offensively:light:

bajalou - 8-17-2005 at 10:01 PM

Ah yes, The Man Show. Funny, my wife didn't seem to appreciate it.


Dave - 8-17-2005 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
Adam is Jewish, but I can't comment, since I am not of the religion and I've never been to Israel (or New York for that matter).


Guess again.;D

why not relocate

neilmac - 8-18-2005 at 12:43 PM

Adam Corrola to Gaza! Ha!

funny enough?


Gypsy Jan - 8-18-2005 at 06:48 PM


My bad. I don't know where I picked up the opinion that Carolla was Jewish, I'm probably guilty of *profiling*.

But, just doing some daydreaming about his suggestion, what if the Mexican government invited these displaced and disaffected Israelis to come and settle here...and offer those interested jobs in drug interdiction and civil authority?

I do know that all Israelis have a mandatory time of service in the military, so all of them have some level of competency. Given the force of hatred trained on that nation by the Arab world, they have proven over and over again that they can defend themselves and survive and thrive.

Imagine how Mexico could benefit by an infusion of that kind of mental toughness and resourcefulness.

Gypsy Jan

Baja Bernie - 8-18-2005 at 08:09 PM

They would make the desert bloom and Baja would be forever green.

Then where would the off roaders play.

And, of course, the Arabs would come and claim the land so they could grow dates.

And the Pope wouldn't like it because he figures that this is his turf.

Really a terrible idea except for those who wish to play golf.

At least we are glad to see you posting again.:lol::lol: