
Cruiser Tree

Phil C - 8-29-2005 at 06:27 PM

Anyone know where the Cruiser Tree is? My friend left something there in the 70's. He thinks it was north of Loreto. Is it still in use? It's a tree that cruisers left notes sculptures,art, and poems and messages.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-29-2005 at 06:38 PM

The Tree is located in the Bay at San Juanico. If you come in from on the road youwill have to walk a bit on the North side to find the LocationIf you are coming from the Sea stay to the north side of the small island and youshoul be able to see it.

When I would go fishing many years ago i would stop and see the additions each year.

If my directions are not good. go on the web side for the Sea Of cortez and ask the Capt. of the "Blue Chablis}" He can direct you.


Bruce R Leech - 8-29-2005 at 07:53 PM

it is Worth the walk

maybe some one has GPS address

Jack Swords - 8-30-2005 at 07:39 AM

Hola Phil,

Skeet's description is correct. Cruisers call it the Cruiser's Shrine and it is in the N end of the San Juanico Bay which is a very popular anchorage spot in the Sea. It is not a large tree, but covered with mementos of all types from people who have anchored there. The ground around the tree is also covered with mementos. Usually the names are boat names enscribed in wood, plastic, and even rocks. Some quite creative stuff! Its remote location kinda preserves it.

By the way, Steve on Blue Chablis was not in the Sea last year as he had other adventures in Europe. Hopefully we'll see him and Barb this year.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-31-2005 at 06:17 AM

Many years ago, Virginia and i on one of our trips North to Pulpito, met the Crew of theBlue chablis anchored near the Tree. We again met and talked to them the following year. Very nce pople!

They lived in "Leadville Colo." Home of the Highest Airport in the US!
Jack, when you see them say Hi from the "Patricia " out of Loreto.


Jack Swords - 8-31-2005 at 07:47 AM

Sure Skeet, be happy to. If it was a while ago you might have met up with Barb and Steve on their small sailboat, a 25 footer. They have a 40 foot Valient now and go out to the Socorros helping with whale surveys each year. Still live in Leadville, but in the Sea during the winter. Barb usually runs net control several days a week on the Chubasco Net and you can hear her southern accent easily on a noisy radio. They are doing well. We will give your regards to them this year. Take care.

Pompano - 8-31-2005 at 08:05 AM

Jack & Skeet, I am thinking I have heard that southern voice many times on my old friend's radio listening to the Chubasco net. Jake (Robert Jackobson) on the Hill at Coyote. Unfortunately Jake..'Wino' on vhf..don't know his radio designation info..passed away just a while ago. Maybe some will remember his radio attendance as he was on every morning for many years. Sorry to take this off thread, but wanted to note about the southern gal and Jake.