
Before you wring the wrong neck...

Sharksbaja - 9-5-2005 at 11:45 AM

make sure you are prepared for the embarassment, if that's possible.
Yes, another late night on the Bayfront
Came home and made a couple quick posts.

Guess what, they're not here today. Por que?

The only other post late last night was an Anon, Margie.

I informed her of the nifty way of finding her IP.

Every post made last night between 5:30pm and 1:30am
are gone. All gone, except...............

Now the picture is getting clearer.

I think you have been duped JR.

It started when I was supposedly

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 11:51 AM

kicked off of here. Looks as if the lifeless souls have finally found something to do with their lack of lives. Perfect their coop group techniques!

Personally, I think it would take someone so intelligent they can send rockets to mars, yet not intelligent enough to remember to attach an outboard to a transom before boating!:lol::lol::lol:

Or one of her friends!

[Edited on 9/5/2005 by jrbaja]

Sharksbaja - 9-5-2005 at 11:54 AM


Mike Humfreville - 9-5-2005 at 12:27 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
kicked off of here. Looks as if the lifeless souls have finally found something to do with their lack of lives. Perfect their coop group techniques!

Personally, I think it would take someone so intelligent they can send rockets to mars, yet not intelligent enough to remember to attach an outboard to a transom before boating!:lol::lol::lol:

Or one of her friends!

[Edited on 9/5/2005 by jrbaja]

Hey JR! Are you refering to someone in particular here??? Who??? Please spell out the name in full!

I was referring to you

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 12:37 PM

because I assume your work would give you insight and friends who are extremely intelligent in the computer world.
Then, combined with some coop group techniques, this is what happens.
But, I am no longer allowed to use names.
And I would like to be wrong in this case, but, I doubt it.

JZ - 9-5-2005 at 01:08 PM

Confusion, distration, conspiracy theories, computer hacking, IP address spoofing, etc.; JR: this is a better defense than what was offered up at the OJ trial!

Will it be enough!

Doesn't matter

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 01:20 PM

especially since pretty much all the head groupers seem to be involved with this one. People I haven't talked to in months (on purpose) are all chiming in on this one. Must be the brown egg bunch!:lol::lol::lol:

backninedan - 9-5-2005 at 01:44 PM

If the ip doesnt fit, you must aquit.

Debra - 9-5-2005 at 02:01 PM

Okay,.......Doug kick me off the board if you must, but, I just HAD IT! I have just a couple of things to say and then I will be done....

First: JR please explaine to me, what are "coop groupers"? and P*inche Gringos?" I have been confused about this for a good long keep talking about "U2.s, and me, if they were there, I would be in the loop.....hasn't happened. I have supported your charity efforts and you really seem to have your heart in a good place, but you do THIS?

Second: (and I know I will get in trouble for this one) Mike H. is one of the most caring and giving people I know, and for you to trash him is just, WEIRD! (sorry Mike, I "outed you") Sometimes he can be a turd, (as we all can be) but a more helpful friend you will never meet! And for you to refer to his life's work and talk about losing his boat motor, you wern't there, you are hearing rumors, which you seem to love (BTW his friends lost it, which he loaned to them) is just UGLY! Perhaps you should share a campfire and a "fine" box of wine before you open your mouth again......OR? Get the heck out of that "P*inche Gringo enclave that you live in and really get to know some of the people that you trash?

Or? Stay off the computer for 5 mins. per day and do some of the things that you claim you are doing! (I mean this in a "kind and loving way") SHEESE!


Baja Bernie - 9-5-2005 at 02:18 PM


A bunch of drivel in defense by JR.

Perhaps the Baja People will now return.

Sharksbaja--I hope someday to have a friend such as you.

Oh most charitable debra

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 02:25 PM

I am tired of explaining terminology to the coop groupers. Either pay attention when it's being discussed or go back and find it yourself.
You can chime in in defense of mike if you wish but I really don't see that as any of your business. he knows what i am talking about. Coop group!

I don't take false accusations lightly. Although, it seems to be a highly respectable thing amongst a few of the "Nomads". Including bernie no less!

From Debra
"First: JR please explaine to me, what are "coop groupers"? and P*inche Gringos?" I have been confused about this for a good long keep talking about "U2.s, and me, if they were there, I would be in the loop.....hasn't happened. I have supported your charity efforts and you really seem to have your heart in a good place, but you do THIS?"

What exactly is "this"? defend myself against false accusations? Go flocking figure!!


Debra - 9-5-2005 at 02:33 PM

I din't ask you to defend yourself against false accuations, I asked you to explain what the heck you are saying, is that too hard? And please, don't tell me to go back for months of the crap to figure this stuff out, ("coop group") Lay it out........go ahead, I'm sure I'm not the only one confused, you keep saying just how "up front" you are...........GO FOR I

I type your name with a capital letter, I would hope I deserve the same respect.. It's "Debra" Thank you.....

[Edited on 9-5-2005 by Debra]

Like I said,

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 02:41 PM

look it up! And you don't need to ask me to defend myself against false accusations, I do that on my own. Just like you will be doing if you are interested in definitions.:light:

And besides that, your trying to change the subject. Go lay an egg!

foghornleghorn is the name of a famous politician

beercan - 9-5-2005 at 02:41 PM

here in Arizona.
But I don't think that he would be using the same ISP address as jr .:lol::lol::lol:

However, I have the same question

WHAT IS A CHICKEN COOP GROUP ??????????????????????????:light::light::light::light::light::light:

Hit search

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 02:43 PM

No---You need to either explain

beercan - 9-5-2005 at 02:46 PM

or back away from the keyboard for a couple of days !!!!!!!!

You're outa control !!!

Ain't happening dude

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 02:52 PM

when I am attacked, I defend.
Not sure why the coop group is so important to you "newbies"??? at this time but it's been discussed, explained, referred to for about 4 years now. Personally, I'm tired of explaining it. Everyone that needs to know, knows. Anybody else, look it up.

Guess I really don't give a sh!t,

beercan - 9-5-2005 at 02:57 PM

and I will just add you to that list too.

I didn't attack you and I just opposed your stupid and uniformed views on the off topic area.

Have fun playing with yourself. I think IMHO, that you are peeing a bunch of folks off and if you keep this attitude up, you will be one lonely bamboo stalk!!

Have a nice day !!

Off topic is different

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 03:05 PM

and you have every right. I don't even mind the name calling over there.

But if you will notice, this is about false accusations in the general discussion area. And they are being made by the same people I refer to as the chicken coop group. Which is one of the reasons they are named that. Their lives are based on gossip.

And although it seems like there is a whole bunch of them because they chime in together on their attacks and gossip, there's really not many comparatively speaking.

I definitely disagree with you on many issues Can, but I don't see you as the coop group type! That's because you stand behind your posts rather than deleting them.

Debra - 9-5-2005 at 03:39 PM


Put up, or shut up, Post a link please.......

Again, I didn't ask you to defend youself, I asked you to explaine what you are saying (as many others have) and you just avoid direct questions.

Phil S - 9-5-2005 at 04:01 PM

I think that JR was the bully in grade school & Jr. High & High school (if he graduated). Today, he is the bully on the great chatroom of Baja Nomad

Read my typing

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 04:01 PM

hit search, then type in chicken coop group. Simple as that. I am not avoiding anything. I am just tired of retyping evertime a coop grouper doesn't remember something or some newbie needs info.
That's why the search button is there.

And for the really dense, this isn't about what I am saying, it's about what someone using my IP was saying. And for the really really dense, foghorn is not me and vice versa.

rpleger - 9-5-2005 at 04:02 PM

?What in the hell has this thread have to do with Baja?

comitan - 9-5-2005 at 04:15 PM


He can't be much of a bully when he's crawling in chicken dooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

fdt - 9-5-2005 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by rpleger
?What in the hell has this thread have to do with Baja?



Sonora Wind - 9-5-2005 at 04:17 PM

Who go to Baja are a group. Some are in, some out of the coup.

Jr spends a lot of time growing Bambo and herdin chickens. Both of which are noble and time consuming causes. This may leave him very little time for other persutes. But you gota admit, he's good at what he does.:cool:

I am a chicken couper. And someday when I know what that is I'm gona be very proud.:yes:

Wrong Sonora

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 04:23 PM

you are not a chicken cooper. Unless of course, you were u2u'd to chime in with the hens and did!

But, I'm pretty sure you have a mind of your own and can find places besides BOLA to play in Baja.

Sharksbaja - 9-5-2005 at 04:27 PM

uh......uh......I forgot... Damn you rpleger!:biggrin:


Sonora Wind - 9-5-2005 at 04:39 PM

I finally get up enough guts to join the Grand Order of Chicken Coopers and you kick my butt out.:no:

Now I shall wander the the Beachs of Baja alone, with no group in my coop.

Really Jr when it comes to Baja, I'm the light weight on this board. However I have met some wonderful folks in BOLA.

If you could, at some future time, find it in your heart to let me return to the coop. I will never pass a stranded motorest or fail to offer a fellow Baja lover a Cold Beer. And I swear I will never kill another Bambo Shoot.:cool:

[Edited on 9-5-2005 by Sonora Wind]

Debra - 9-5-2005 at 06:38 PM

Well I guess. I for one have figured out that JR dosen't PUT up or shut up????????????????

No facts, no real nothing, just BLAH, BLAH, BLAH......about things and people he knows nothing ABOUT! I'm tired of your stiring up trouble just for your own fun! And I sign this as "Charitable Debra" Just like you to use me and my small donations against me!



jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 07:07 PM

your donations supplied a lot of kids with school equipment. I by no means think that is small.
As far as argueing about things that have already been argued about, ain't gonna happen!

Debra - 9-5-2005 at 07:30 PM

AGAIN, Please just post a link to the thread that shows just how mean Nomads have been to you.........I for one would really like (again) to understand just what "coop crooper" means..........

Point the way please, Thank you JR......From Debra

Not until you

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 07:48 PM

can spell it!:lol::lol::lol: No wonder finding it through search has been such an issue for you. But, your still going to need a dictionary because the info you want is in the archives.

Chill Debra, you might be surprised at the outcome of all this chit today.

wornout - 9-5-2005 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by rpleger
?What in the hell has this thread have to do with Baja?

AMEN!!! Years ago, and I mean many years ago, when I got a CB radio, I was told, 'CB Radio has become Comic Radio'. This forum has become 'Comic Forum' at its best and it is a shame nothing has been done about it.

This is no longer a place to come to and look for information about Baja or to answer questions from people who don't live here, but are seeking information, it has become a soap opera.

Some of the threads look interesting when you read the subject but it doesn't take reading more than a few posts in that thread and it turns to the same name calling by the same people, over and over.

post numbers

jerry - 9-5-2005 at 08:15 PM

this apears nothing more then a act to get ppls number of posts up im loosing a lot of respect for some ppl on this board i think its pretty sick when ppl think there number of posts are their almighty, there lifes net worth? by the way jr your wrong about me im not part of any group never have been and seeing your wrong about me im sure your wrong about a lot of ppl and things. Your know it all opinion of your self and what seems like parinoia has made you a easy target. have a good one

Although I don't remember classifying you into any group

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 08:19 PM

I think your post was very well thought out and brilliantly written. Good job there matie!

jerry - 9-5-2005 at 08:24 PM

perhaps jr you should look it up in search?? because you sure did jerry

I'm not that interested.

jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 08:26 PM

But one thing for sure, if I said it, I said it for a reason!:light:

and im saying it for a reason

jerry - 9-5-2005 at 08:31 PM

you will say anything that suits your needs at the time your transparency is is getting obvious jerry

Debra - 9-5-2005 at 08:43 PM

Okay, a spelling lesson from JR.........

JR, can you please point out the spelling mistake I made?


jrbaja - 9-5-2005 at 08:51 PM

Yep, I'll bet you can see that fogleg coming right out of me there jerry.

"coop crooper" isn't this silly?:lol::lol::lol:

what ?? speak english

jerry - 9-5-2005 at 08:56 PM

if you have something to say jr say it


jerry - 9-5-2005 at 09:00 PM

when ever you get in a corner insult and head off in a different direction. The End your not worth the effort

bajaden - 9-6-2005 at 02:59 PM

Jr I've said this before and I guess I'll say it again. You don't change the way people think by beating them over the head. I for one don't know what coop crooper means and really don't care. There are a lot of new people on this board and they deserve the same respect as the 5 star people. I don't think taking a holier than thou attidude with them is very poductive If your intent is to educate and convince people about what you believe in. If that is not your intent, then I must beleive that your just tooting you own horn. I prefer to believe the former. By the way I would be interested in how many types of bamboo you grow, and can I get a good price on a chair? Just kidding Jr.