
San Felipe trip report Sept 2003

Bajame - 9-10-2005 at 09:52 AM

It was at a time that I needed to get away for a few days. My mother had a health crises and now she was stable again. So I packed up my things and headed to San Felipe to be by myself. I was a little wary of the traffic in Mexicali but with only one wrong turn I made it there in good time. I had heard it could be hot in Sept but I lived in the desert and thought it would not be that bad. Wrong! It was scorching! :wow: The humidity was high and the town was almost deserted. I found a cheap room about a block from the main drag and settled in. After having dinner I went for a walk on the beach and heard alot of laughing. There was a woman there chatting with the locals and I watched as she joked around with them. I stopped and talk to her and found out that she was there alone too. She was camping on the beach and had paid one of the men to protect her things when she wanted to go out of town. We hit it off from the start as she was outgoing and I was more reserved. We spent alot of time along the beach and chatting about everything. When she went back to camp the man she hired to watch her things had cleaned the sand from her tent and raked all around the area and decorated the place up with shells and driftwood. We went to a junk shop out on the highway and Deb said she wanted to get her friend a good used bike so he could get around eaiser. So she found one and they held it for her so she could give it to him on the day she would leave. The next mourning after breakfast we got into a heated chat about the importance of Mother Mary of God. Well in no time we had a small crowd listening to our debate and I suggested that this was not the place to say that Mary has no importance in the divine play! Just look around! :?: We spent the next few days taking in the beautiful sunsets and enjoying the warm waters and fantastic views. At night it was a different story as I sit on the bed with a stick smashing c-ckroaches that come in under the door. Wow they get big down here! :o Thats the last time I will let someone give me a downstairs room next to a shed! It's good to check the clearence of the bottom of the door as to what might be able to slither under. I decited to leave town and drive out south of town to enjoy the the quiet beaches and soak in the spa like waters. It was great! found some shade to park the suv under and pulled out my chairs, ate lunch and was reading as a nice soft wind whip through my hair. Perched on a cliff above the shoreline I seen other than a few fishermen I had this place to myself. I was trying to get to the water but the sand was so soft and hot that it was burning my feet even though my feet were covered! So I had to wait till sunset to get there, by then it was ok. The fish were jumping all around me as the fishermen watched with hooks empty we started to laugh and they wanted me to float close to them so the fish would come. The water was wonderful! I could swim out pretty far on my float and just nap as the gentle waves would bring me back to shore. I knew that I would never stay in town again! The beaches to the south would be where I would camp from now on. It was now dark and time to go back. In town my friends were looking all over for me and were ready to go to the police as they were worried because I was alone. We had our last dinner in town together and made plans to follow each other for safety as her car was not in the best of shape. Deb gave the bike to her friend who looked after her and the camp site.
He was so excited! He spent hours cleaning and shining it up! I help Deb get the car packed and she brought out this jar of what looked like jelly candies a big jar it was! She ask me if I wanted one and I said no. She said that she also thought they were candies and after she looked closer she seen that they were fruit falvored condoms :?: She was laughing so hard as did others who were close by. Well she put them in the trunk and planned to dispose of them before getting to the boarder. On our way back we were stopped along the road where the main check point is. I was a few cars back and I seen the guys going through Debs trunk. She reached in and brought out the jar and thought the boy's could use the comdoms for sure! At that moment as she was describing what they were and the guys had just caught on and were so surprized that they tossed the jar in the air!:o Then they started playing what looked like the game of hot potato! They were blushing and tried to give the jar back to Deb who said that she did not want to take it back over the boarder. When they came over to my car they ask me if she was my friend? Nope, don't know her and thought she was loco! They agreed!
Well that was a short trip and one of the one's I will never forget! Deb and I still keep in touch and she taught me alot about giving in a good way! :bounce:

Bajagato - 9-12-2005 at 07:33 AM

Thanks for the trip report. It sounds like, despite the heat, you had a great time. We were down south of san Felipe over labor day. Where did you camp south of town, Nuevo Matzalan? Yes, it was scorchin', nothing to prepare you for that, I do not think. But even in the heat, Baja is the best! Thanks again for the report!