
Help Shut The Dolphinarium Down

Stephanie Jackter - 10-12-2003 at 10:44 PM

If you are as disgusted as I am at the cruelty and neglect these animals have endured, here are the people you can write to.

Letters in spanish are great, but don't worry if you don't speak the language. Your letters will be heard and understood by those who recieve them, especially if a great number of people respond to this insanity.

Please help apply the political pressure necessary to shut this operation down and save the remaining 4 dolphins (if they still can be saved). It will only take a few minutes to let the government of Mexico know that, as aficionados of the beauty of Baja California, you are enraged at the neglectful and horrible way these animals have been allowed to die.

Thanks for your support. Contacts and addresses below (most importantly, the President of Mexico). - Stephanie Jackter

Lic Vicente Fox Quesada
Presidente Constitucional de M?xico

The other (revised), list of people to write to about this, is in my later post below.- Stephanie

[Edited on 10-15-2003 by Stephanie Jackter]

Dave - 10-13-2003 at 01:35 PM

Writing letters would certainly be helpful but I have a more proactive idea.

This board and others like it network hundreds perhaps thousands of folks who travel to and spend dollars in Baja. A letter signed by everyone, expressing their displeasure and a pledge of some sort of financial boycott would get a prompt response. I'm sure the Gringo Gazette would LOVE a story like this.

Family Guy - 10-13-2003 at 04:58 PM


Count me in. :fire:

Like an internet petition, Dave?

Stephanie Jackter - 10-13-2003 at 10:43 PM

I'm afraid I'd have no idea how to do one. Do you? If not, what format did you have in mind? - Stephanie

Looks like turnover at Semarnap and Profepa

Stephanie Jackter - 10-14-2003 at 09:31 PM

Here is the latest info on who to write with your disgust at what's happened at the Delfinario. Unfortunately some of the people have changed since the list I posted earlier was made a couple of years ago. My apologies for furnishing the wrong names initially. -Stephanie

----- Original Message -----
From: Conservaci?n de Mam?feros Marinos de M?xico A.C.
To: Stephanie Jackter
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: Are you still working against the Delfinario?

Dear Friend
Yes, I am still working on this issue.Please go to "The Toronto Star" on line article
Trapped in an underwater hell

Yes you can help.Please ask all the people to write to the Secreatry of environment and the Procurator to act inmediatly and confiscate the dolphins and let them to go into a rehabilitation and release project that we "Conservaci?n de Mam?feros Marinos de Mexico (comarino) have offered to the federal goverment

These are the e-mails and names of the persons to write

Ing: Alberto Card##as

Secretario del Medio Ambiente (SEMARNAT)

Ing. Jose Luis Luege Tamargo

Procurador del Medio Ambiente (PROFEPA)

With copy to comarino

Dave - 10-14-2003 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Stephanie Jackter
I'm afraid I'd have no idea how to do one. Do you? If not, what format did you have in mind? - Stephanie

Draft a letter and/or poll the board to get some consensus. If you can get a couple hundred signatures I will see that the Gringo Gazette gets it. I think they would publish it.

JESSE - 10-31-2003 at 02:47 PM

There is one thing that the Fox administration hates the most, and that is BAD PRESS, specifically international bad press, try contacting U.S. based media to alert them of this problem, if U.S. media has the power to pressure Mexican officials into releasing convicted american criminals simply because they look "innocent", maybe they can help.

Sorry, I forgot to post it here.

Stephanie Jackter - 10-31-2003 at 04:00 PM

But the immediate problem of the dolphins has been resolved. They have been moved to a concrete tank in Puerto Vallarta. I just hope their lives there will be more worth living.

You are correct that embarrassment of any govt. including the Mexicans is a very effective way of getting action. I've been thinking about going to Phoenix, where Fox will speak next week to picket on behalf of Russell Ames, the elderly man who lives in Oaxaca and is being evicted from his home by the greedy creeps at the UDLA. More on that later...- Stephanie

[Edited on 10-31-2003 by Stephanie Jackter]