
thread owner as thread administrator

Skipjack Joe - 9-29-2005 at 01:32 PM

Here's an idea.

People post informative threads that subsequently get trashed by other posters. Thread owner has no power to stop this.

Why not give a thread owner the permission to be able to delete posts that he feels are not related to the thread as he/she sees it. The ability of the thread owner to administer her own thread.

Would this be a good idea? Is this possible?

comitan - 9-29-2005 at 01:37 PM

Yes its a very good idea if it can be done.

Skipjack Joe - 9-29-2005 at 01:53 PM

If it can't be done then I think a thread owner should at least have the right to demand that Doug Means remove any post in his/her thread.

Look, people go to the trouble of composing information, taking pictures, and encouraging others to contribute to their thread. When someone hijacks it, trashes it, and turns others away from that effort. When that happens it just isn't fair to those who put in the effort to begin with.

Perhaps this right already exists.

Natalie Ann - 9-29-2005 at 01:53 PM

Used to be that way, if I remember correctly. Caused some problems in that sometimes long threads were deleted entirely and many posters felt this was not fair.

Skipjack Joe - 9-29-2005 at 02:57 PM

No, actually I take the second suggestion back. Regarding asking or demanding Doug Means for this.

By the time Doug gets involved in a trashed thread it's often too late as posters have already moved on and may not even come back. It's the owner that monitors his/her own thread, responding to every remark, and encouraging others to continue. It's the owner who should have this right over the thread.

bajalou - 9-29-2005 at 03:01 PM

Good idea - deleat posts not have to deleat whole thread.


I certainly like that idea

jrbaja - 9-29-2005 at 03:02 PM

Besides just me and me agreeing with me, everyone else would agree with me too. Or at least everyone I didn't erase.
That oughtta broaden my extremely limited horizons!:lol:

Natalie Ann - 9-29-2005 at 03:15 PM

Words which are posted to malaign another or which argue simply for argument's sake.... it is my firm belief that such words belong on the off-topic board - no matter how one might try to disguise them on an otherwise interesting and non-confrontational thread.

bajajudy - 9-29-2005 at 03:22 PM


[Edited on 10-1-2005 by bajajudy]

Paulina - 9-29-2005 at 05:47 PM

Yeah, but will you still be able to write your name in the sand!?


thebajarunner - 9-29-2005 at 09:16 PM

Skipjack, I like your idea.
(note that from mid-post on in this thread your point is clearly made....)
I call them "Thread Thieves" and it would be appropriate for the "Thread Starter" to weed out the Thieves.

BajaNomad - 9-29-2005 at 10:03 PM

As requested, it's not going to happen. There are numerous reasons, not the least of which is the software does not allow this option, nor is it worth it for me to modify the supplied software (again, for a number of reasons).

In a previous version of this forum software when the thread-starter deleted their first post, they would remove the entire thread. Not so with the current version of the software.

Besides, not all thread owners are as diligent at monitoring their threads.. especially over time, as you might be suggesting they would... nor would they necessarily be technically proficient/comfortable to figure out how to do this.

The answer is more help with moderation. But then you have to ask yourself: who?


I will volunteer !

jrbaja - 9-30-2005 at 10:36 AM

Are Nominations Accepted?

The Gull - 9-30-2005 at 10:52 AM

Baja Blackie...

If moderating my own posts

jrbaja - 9-30-2005 at 11:03 AM

means not voicing my opinions on zoos and foreign tourists meddling, this should turn into quite the group. When do your uniforms arrive?
Because it would be a real shame to start burning the books without being in uniform.:no:
Zigg Pile!

Dave - 9-30-2005 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Paulina
Yeah, but will you still be able to write your name in the sand!?


Great suggestion! Now I don't need that power washer/sand blaster I was saving up for.

Administer this!

The Gull - 9-30-2005 at 01:01 PM

The latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population.

It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats.

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

If the shoe fits, get another one just like it for the other foot.

You can't have everything, where would you put it?

Flashlight: a case for holding dead batteries.

The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.

The things that come to those who wait may be the things left by those who got there first.

Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter because nobody listens.

Roses grow from manure. Mediocre must be, so excellence can bloom.

When you go into court you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.


[Edited on 9-30-2005 by The Gull]

Dave - 9-30-2005 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by The Gull
When you go into court you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people that weren't samrt enough to get out of jury duty.

Ken Lay and Tom Delay are counting on it. :smug:

Sharksbaja - 9-30-2005 at 03:09 PM

Oh, I think there will be a public lynching of "Drug Czar" Bennet first.
I think HE is a "flamer".:mad:

The rest of this thread is almost funny.

Self-moderation....ha, that'll be the day.

Maybe some don't realize how much some others enjoy the heat and flames.

I think that's their "drug of choice".

Dave - 9-30-2005 at 04:02 PM

What's Bill gone and done now?

vandenberg - 9-30-2005 at 04:49 PM


According to him, if we abort all black babies, the crime rate will drop. Probably a true statement, but a hell of a one to make in his position:wow::wow::wow::wow:

Skipjack Joe - 9-30-2005 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja

Self-moderation....ha, that'll be the day.

Why not? People do it in public all the time. Why should this be any different. Self control is the hallmark of civilization.

Originally posted by Sharksbaja

Maybe some don't realize how much some others enjoy the heat and flames.

That fine too. Let them do it with people of a similar mind. Let the heat and flames people hang out together flaming one another. To each his own. That's what the OFF-TOPIC seems to be about anyway.

Dave - 9-30-2005 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by lencho
It is possible for two parties with highly dissenting opinions to civilly express and discuss IDEAS without personal attacks.

Possible, but not very entertaining.

Sharksbaja - 9-30-2005 at 06:12 PM

and besides, everyone loves to party:lol:

As far as Bennet goes, hell, if whites all aborted their own it would also lower the crime rate. Unless yer a publican':lol:

David K - 9-30-2005 at 06:22 PM

Bennet said more than that, but the media chose not to share that with you...

In the same breath he said that was an example of a rediculous thing that should never be considered. (He was in a discussion with a caller who said because of abortions, the social security income was (naturally) lower. So, in the same way of thinking then since more blacks per capita are in jail, then aborting black babies would lower that number).

He was showing how rediculous THAT train of thought was!

NOW... what about that abortion doctor trying to get huricane victims in to his Little Rock clinic for FREE abortions??? Isn't THAT truly racist, since all the hurricane victims seemed to be BLACKS!! Wanting to kill black babies (reduce the population of blacks, with government money) is really sick... but the media doesn't give that person any grief...

Once Bennet was mentioned in this thread: THIS ALL BELONGS IN OFF TOPIC, by the way...

[Edited on 10-1-2005 by David K]

Tucker - 9-30-2005 at 06:24 PM

Is David hi-jacking threads again?

Tucker - 9-30-2005 at 06:35 PM

Yep, sure enough, he edited his post to try to change his direction. I should know by now to hit the quote button while responding to him.

David K - 9-30-2005 at 06:38 PM

No Charles, just providing the truth, or the entire story (for balance), since the left likes to leave some facts out to make conservatives look evil.

Bill Bennet is not even close to being a racist.

His proposal to have tax breaks or vouchers so poor (black or other) families could send their kids to those same private schools Democrat politicians send their kids to, was right on...

Naturally, the teacher's unions fearing their sub-standard methods would be beat out by the private schools fought that tooth and nail.

David K - 9-30-2005 at 06:39 PM

I edited my spelling mistake (a typo) of Little Rock... THAT'S ALL!

Tucker - 9-30-2005 at 06:42 PM

You whined and cried to Doug for so long to establish the off-topic area, why don't you use it?

David K - 9-30-2005 at 06:51 PM

Who are to speaking to Charles? Must not be me, because I NEVER compained to Doug about having an Off Topic board and I did not take this thread off subject... just trying to add the truth to the falsehoods stated about Bill Bennet.

Tucker - 9-30-2005 at 06:57 PM

David K said on 5/05/2004 (edit to add date)

How about having Off Topic Posts NOT included in 'Today's Posts'?

Just a thought... but it seems very few people can mix politics and Baja friendships... With so many more posts lately on the Off Topic/non-Baja forum, when one opens the Today's Posts list, he/she sees fewer and fewer Baja related posts.

Franky, when I come to Baja Nomad... I prefer to read Baja posts... I bet I am not alone. The Off Topic forum is very popular and I enjoy it as well (to a point), but it may be turning more Nomads off than on???

What to do? Well, I am not sure and this is Doug's baby. I don't know if it is possible, but is a seperate location for the Off Topic forum doable OR make Off Topic posts not pop up, mixed with Baja articles when we open the Today's Posts page.

I am just wondering if this will bring back some of the regular Baja contributors of the past, who may be not posting to avoid confrontations of a political narture. Some of the anti Bush, anti American posts are so distracting from what we go to Baja for and why we read Baja Nomad.

[Edited on 10-1-2005 by Tucker]

David K - 9-30-2005 at 07:03 PM

That was not complaing about having an off topic board (it is fine with me), that was asking if it could not show up with the Baja topic boards when one clicks on 'Today's Posts', as I too do not want threads going political.

In this thread it was Dave who made a funny (to him) comment naming Republicans... Then sharksbaja added the Bennet story (part of the story)...
That's two libs first... I as one conservative, just added some balance...

Of course it does.....

Anonymous - 9-30-2005 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by David K
[Edited on 10-1-2005 by David K]
after you get your two censt in, that is!!! :lol::lol:

Tucker - 9-30-2005 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Tucker
David K said on 5/05/2004 (edit to add date)

How about having Off Topic Posts NOT included in 'Today's Posts'?

Just a thought... but it seems very few people can mix politics and Baja friendships... With so many more posts lately on the Off Topic/non-Baja forum, when one opens the Today's Posts list, he/she sees fewer and fewer Baja related posts.

Franky, when I come to Baja Nomad... I prefer to read Baja posts... I bet I am not alone. The Off Topic forum is very popular and I enjoy it as well (to a point), but it may be turning more Nomads off than on???

What to do? Well, I am not sure and this is Doug's baby. I don't know if it is possible, but is a seperate location for the Off Topic forum doable OR make Off Topic posts not pop up, mixed with Baja articles when we open the Today's Posts page.

I am just wondering if this will bring back some of the regular Baja contributors of the past, who may be not posting to avoid confrontations of a political narture. Some of the anti Bush, anti American posts are so distracting from what we go to Baja for and why we read Baja Nomad.

[Edited on 10-1-2005 by Tucker]

Dave - 9-30-2005 at 07:53 PM

Originally posted by David K
In this thread it was Dave who made a funny (to him) comment naming Republicans... Then sharksbaja added the Bennet story (part of the story)...
That's two libs first... I as one conservative, just added some balance...


You didn't think it was funny?

And what's this calling me a lib?

THAT'S IT! I'm calling you out!

<Meet me around back of the nomad forum>

Dave - 9-30-2005 at 07:55 PM

Doug, PLEASE do something!

DK just called me a liberal.

Sharksbaja - 9-30-2005 at 08:15 PM

Hey, please get yer arse straight DK. Just cause that idiot Bennet can't control his vocal chords like many "Libs", doesn't make me a liberal and it doesn't make me any of the other "choices" either. :moon:

Why do you always try to paint someone a donkey or an elephant DK? Is that all the viewpoints there are or are all the others politically impotent to you?


Sharksbaja - 9-30-2005 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Tucker. Some of the anti Bush, anti American posts are so distracting from what we go to Baja for and why we read Baja Nomad.

[Edited on 10-1-2005 by Tucker]

Really? I think the GOP is much more strongly defended than libs are around here. But then again, there are many wall-walkers everywhere that have leaned left because of certain "major" events. And it seems liberals are reluctant to go up against some well-heeled politically motivated posters. Any party in office would suffer indignation and negative sentiments regardless of party affiliation. To say it wouldn't would be akin to the political division over what's happened to our country the last 4 years. Total partisanship, and it shows it's ugly head in here all the time. Never gaining trust or loyalty of many. Shame, shame! We've taken perfectly good hate and turned it against each other.

With Bush, it's kinda like here. People love to pile on the public underdog.

Anonymous - 9-30-2005 at 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by lencho
It is possible for two parties with highly dissenting opinions to civilly express and discuss IDEAS without personal attacks.

Possible, but not very entertaining.
Now now, Dave; You are one of the most capable practitioners here of CIVIL discourse; I admire that about you.

So civil in fact you are mistaken for a liberal.

I bet that hurt. :lol:

-your secret admirer

Dave, don't let your guard down...

The Gull - 10-1-2005 at 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous
Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by lencho
It is possible for two parties with highly dissenting opinions to civilly express and discuss IDEAS without personal attacks.

Possible, but not very entertaining.
Now now, Dave; You are one of the most capable practitioners here of CIVIL discourse; I admire that about you.

So civil in fact you are mistaken for a liberal.

I bet that hurt. :lol:

-your secret admirer

Dave, you better take anon to the woodshed along with DK. These guys need a lesson.

David K - 10-1-2005 at 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by David K
In this thread it was Dave who made a funny (to him) comment naming Republicans... Then sharksbaja added the Bennet story (part of the story)...
That's two libs first... I as one conservative, just added some balance...


You didn't think it was funny?

And what's this calling me a lib?

THAT'S IT! I'm calling you out!

<Meet me around back of the nomad forum>

>>>>> OK Dave, but make me a pastrami sandwich FIRST!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

bajaden - 10-1-2005 at 12:23 PM

Welcome back Jr. Im a firm beleiver of freedom of speech. One always has the right to say what one thinks. I also have the right not to listen. Im sort of a fanatic about freedom. I believe there's more freedom in baja now than there is in the united states. The main freedom we have lost is the freedom to be stupid if we wish.

Where's the feedom to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. The freedom to drive a car without a seatbelt, etc, etc. All good ideas, but when they become manditory, another freedom is gone. I know most will disagree with me, but isn't freedom about the right to choose, even if its the wrong choice.

There I go, getting off subject again.

Tucker - 10-1-2005 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Originally posted by Tucker. Some of the anti Bush, anti American posts are so distracting from what we go to Baja for and why we read Baja Nomad.

[Edited on 10-1-2005 by Tucker]

Really? I think the GOP is much more strongly defended than libs are around here. But then again, there are many wall-walkers everywhere that have leaned left because of certain "major" events. And it seems liberals are reluctant to go up against some well-heeled politically motivated posters. Any party in office would suffer indignation and negative sentiments regardless of party affiliation. To say it wouldn't would be akin to the political division over what's happened to our country the last 4 years. Total partisanship, and it shows it's ugly head in here all the time. Never gaining trust or loyalty of many. Shame, shame! We've taken perfectly good hate and turned it against each other.

With Bush, it's kinda like here. People love to pile on the public underdog.

That is not a quote from me......that is a quote of a quote, etc. from David K.

Thanks Den

jrbaja - 10-1-2005 at 12:32 PM

As far as this statement goes, " The main freedom we have lost is the freedom to be stupid if we wish."

Seems to me that many on this board come to Mexico specifically to regain that freedom!:lol::lol::lol:

comitan - 10-1-2005 at 12:49 PM

Well JR that explaines everything!!!!!!!!!!!!:O:O:O

rpleger - 10-1-2005 at 01:09 PM

Sure does.....................

Sharksbaja - 10-1-2005 at 01:16 PM

Are you kidding Den? Look at our politicians.......stupid....and proud of it!:biggrin:

Sorry Tuck, slip of the paste! Should have caught that, sorry, thanx.

Excepting of course

jrbaja - 10-1-2005 at 03:57 PM

the brilliance of Comitan, protector of the lifeless:lol:

[Edited on 10/1/2005 by jrbaja]

comitan - 10-1-2005 at 04:27 PM


If it would make you feel better protector of the Bamboozler ie; agitator,provoker,instigator,muckraker, mudslinger, belittler, discreditor------------------------------------

Diver - 10-1-2005 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
As far as this statement goes, " The main freedom we have lost is the freedom to be stupid if we wish."

Seems to me that many on this board come to Mexico specifically to regain that freedom!:lol::lol::lol:

So bamboo and helping locals wasn't your main reason for moving to Baja after all, eh JR ?? :lol:

Diver - 10-1-2005 at 05:57 PM

Back to the original subject of this post for a minute;

This editing and administering stuff is crapola in my opinion.
We have a report button and we can chose what to read or not.
Numerous post managers could only confuse things.

I actually kinda like the scene at Fred's board; no editing, no deleting, just oversite as the administrator choses (by Doug in this case which I have no problem with)

The biggest problem I have with the workings of this forum is that a poster can delete his post at any time. This often removes a linking thread within the post and/or makes other posters' comments seem ridiculous or worse, without even leaving a bookmark that the post was deleted.

Der Yup

jrbaja - 10-1-2005 at 06:03 PM

Wi I cun bearley spell let alone keep up with the stellar intellagince on iss hear board:lol::lol::lol::lol:

And as far as "agitator,provoker,instigator,muckraker, mudslinger, belittler, discreditor------------------------------------

Since I got back, I made a statement regarding a zoo. Everything else has been basically replying to er , um, let's just say a couple Baja Nomads complaining and name calling. Same board, same people.

Only difference is, I don't need gossip and rumors to make most of them look even stoopider than me.

Far as I know, this all started because of that flocked up zoo. And then it turned to your attacks on me. personally. You don't know chit about me aother than gossip from others who don't know me other than a few meetings, yet you continue to make silly accusations about things you know nothing of.

You might notice that I am also the only one who can actually back up every thing I say with facts and the experience of seeing most all of Baja, more than once, with friends in all places.

Does this bother you? Too bad.

The rest is just disagreeing or agreeing on certain topics. Happens all the time amongst my friends, of which you or anyone I have met briefly through this medium are just acquantances, good or bad. You are just looking for nits to pick or as know down here, pica de cebolla.

Now, if you want to find something better to do, like knitting, I would rather tell these stories . Better than Punta Banda even.

Gotta go, got a life, I'll be back :lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 10/2/2005 by jrbaja]

rpleger - 10-1-2005 at 06:09 PM

Nice to have you back JR.

Missed you there for a few days.

comitan - 10-1-2005 at 06:23 PM


If you continue to use the same post as a reply to all the abuse you get you should copywrite it.

Anonymous - 10-1-2005 at 06:23 PM

"might notice that I am also the only one "

being the only one that knows anything puts you in bed with David.... hmmmm thats a horrible thought

bajaden - 10-1-2005 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Are you kidding Den? Look at our politicians.......stupid....and proud of it!:biggrin:

Sorry Tuck, slip of the paste! Should have caught that, sorry, thanx.

Sharky, you know the politicians are excempt from the rules. How bad is that. Stupid people telling us were not allowed to be stupid anymore. What do you do if your a stupid person? What a quandry.

Sharksbaja - 10-1-2005 at 07:22 PM not no??? Unless politics tickles yer fancy.

Diver - 10-1-2005 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja

"agitator,provoker,instigator,muckraker, mudslinger, belittler, discreditor------" CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE !
"Same board, same people." SAME OLD JR :lol:

"even stoopider than me."
*****************************?? :lol:

"you continue to make silly accusations about things you know nothing of."

"I am also the only one"

"just looking for nits to pick"
************** :lol:

"Gotta go, got a life,"

"I'll be back"
CAN'T WAIT !!?! :lol:

[Edited on 10-2-2005 by BajaNomad]

bajalera - 10-1-2005 at 08:09 PM

I guess I must like things the way they are. Otherwise I wouldn't have plodded through all these posts to page 4.

2 Nomads trying to interpret this

jrbaja - 10-1-2005 at 09:18 PM

"You might notice that I am also the only one who can actually back up every thing I say with facts and the experience of seeing most all of Baja, more than once, with friends in all places."

into this "I am the only one" doesn't surprise me in the least. I just hope yall are drunk, because I would hate to think yall are that stoopid.