Phil S - 10-21-2005 at 02:51 PM
Was in our Vagabundos newsletter that came yesturday.
Good news, huh???????????? Says because of lack of water and other (what was that???) Maybe it was 'complications'???
I also read somewhere. Maybe the Gringo Gazette, that Grupo something in Mexico City was about to put together a multi million dollar deal with
FONATUR Puerto Escondido.
That one will probably be scrapped also when they see that the utilities will have to be totally torn up & replaced. Also something about wanting
to build a hotel there at the same time. Probably was because there was an 'empty Marine Pemex station on the sealwall, that interested them for the
200-500 foot yachats to "belly up to the gas dock". Though the water is there & in place, will there be enough from "that well", plus take care of
Tripui, etc????
[Edited on 10-21-2005 by Phil S]
elgatoloco - 10-22-2005 at 09:31 AM