
U/W Video big humboldt squid(s)!!

gonetobaja - 10-29-2005 at 04:31 PM

Shot this on a recent trip to Baja on a Squid diving expedition. Wanted to let everyone see what a calimari looks like before it gets deep fried....

Thanks again to Capt Mike for hooking us up with a plane.

If you think sharks are aggressive you should see this video.


woody with a view - 10-29-2005 at 04:36 PM

can only hear the audio, black screen for the video. any suggestions?

gonetobaja - 10-29-2005 at 04:38 PM

Im not sure.... It should work, Ive been showing to everyone and their grandma. It was a rad trip.


gonetobaja - 10-29-2005 at 04:43 PM

Thanks Pampano,

I have decided to start and expanding trips to do some extreme diving stuff. We film all trips with Sony HD cameras and give the customers a copy.

Im hoping to make Squid encounters like a shark cage trip.

Or maybe Im one of the few crazy enough to get in the water and Ill get no customers from it, either way it is an unforgetable experience.

Imagine falling into the water with a bunch of 6 footers. We dive with steel cables attached to us.


Bob and Susan - 10-29-2005 at 05:19 PM

That was GREAT...I'm sending a link to Brenda...

Reeljob - 10-29-2005 at 06:56 PM

Amazing, just amazing. What a great video. Thank you.

Bajame - 10-29-2005 at 07:03 PM

Wow! Awsome! How much damage can they do?

capt. mike - 10-30-2005 at 10:09 AM

when can we go AGAIN Dale!!!!!??????

capt. mike - 10-30-2005 at 10:15 AM

just watched it!! fantastico Dale!! and the musical score!!!! who is the artist - where can i get the full sound track?? scary and eerily traumatizing!!

why go to other planets? you got creatures galore in the demon depths!!

sschaneman - 10-30-2005 at 10:31 AM

It definately gave my 11 yr old a whole different view of them....out side of the aquarium setting where they are so docile and reserved.
How many were actually there we counted almost a dozed! YIKES....
The music, was it from Pirates of the Carabean?

jerry - 10-30-2005 at 10:55 AM

dang it looks like it loaded and plays but its totally black??

capt. mike - 10-30-2005 at 01:06 PM

i MUST have that music Dale!!!!

insane footage

eetdrt88 - 10-30-2005 at 03:06 PM

where was it shot??

elizabeth - 10-30-2005 at 03:08 PM

Great footage...where were you, and at what depths?

bajajudy - 10-30-2005 at 05:17 PM

You guys did a great job. Shouldnt have any problem getting people to join you after seeing that video.
Pass the tartar sauce

gonetobaja - 10-30-2005 at 05:54 PM

Hola fellow nomads

To answer some questions,

The steel cable is to keep you from getting pulled down. The big ones will grab you and then swim very rapidly down and away from the others. Its kinda like when a seagull gets a potato chip at the beach and then takes off with it just to get away from the other gulls. Then he eats in in flight or when he gets away. The squid do the same thing. You can get them off of you pretty easy but if they pull you down too fast it can rupture an eardurm from your body not being able to equalize fast enough. Also on a very extreme case they could potentialy pull you down past your decompression limit, then even if you get to the top you spit foamy red jam from your mouth and then die.

A big Humboldt has the potential of taking bites out of you the size of an orange. Once they get ahold of you, you have a few seconds before they bite. My personal feeling is that they are much more agressive and confident than sharks. The difference is that the shark will cause damage upon contact with the mouth but the squid you have a much better chance of defense. The problem comes when you run into more that a few. You can see in the video that when they come around they come in packs. Also let it be known that this footage was shot in the daytime in under 50 feet of water.

We wear wetsuits under the Neptunic shark suits ( ) The reason is becuase we knew we where going to be grabbing on to them when they grabbed us and the longer contact results in the handler getting bit. Scott was holding the various squid and it was imperitive that he wear armor. I had no armor on and chose the "kick the chit out of them" method.

The footage was shot in the San Bruno area. We stayed in Santa Rosalia at Brendas place. She has the best hotel in the city. She is also a great hostes and made us some homemade seafood chowder!!!!!!

We have more footage that our producer is keeping for various shows in the future. The clip is so we can get some people interested in going on some expeditions.

For anyone who might get the urge to dive with these creatures please understand. The leader of our dive team Sea Wolves Unlimited has over 200 dives with the big Humboldts, The first dives where not very successfull. He saw squid alright but "I got my ass handed to me...." was his only comment to me about those early dives. These animals although gracefull and beautifull are no joke. They are fast and powerfull and not afraid of divers. We use closed circut rebreathers to increase our chance of getting good film shots but they will come in on you even with regular SCUBA. Do not take these animals lightly.

We have devised a system that makes it somewhat safe to dive with the animals however there will always be risk accociated with this dive.

This trip will be published in the Jan Issue of Outside Magazine, Its supposed to be a real popular one.

Im waiting for people Capt. Mike!! I am going to put an ad in California diver and that other one in AZ that you where talking about. Thanks again for helping us out with the dive. For everyone to know, Mike changed his schedule for us so we could get one more dive day in and it resulted in the footage you are watching. Thanks Mike!

Im glad I am a member of the Nomads, It gives me a chance to share my trips with other baja lovers. Its always better when you can share.

Squid diving trips will be going on all year pretty much. They may change locations depending on where they are at that time of the year.

In Dec and Nov they get over 6 feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can supply armor and instruction for divers requesting it. I am a divemaster and our dive team leader is a very overqualified PADI instructor, and taught at the college of oceaneering.

You best chance to dive with squid and not die.....


elgatoloco - 10-30-2005 at 07:14 PM


capt. mike - 10-31-2005 at 06:04 AM

Matt - lets do it!!

Dale.....come on now bro.....fess up on what that sound track is from!

gonetobaja - 10-31-2005 at 08:30 AM

SSchaneman got it, It was the pirates of the Carabien (I cant spell)

Let some of the inland divers know Mike, theres a new adrenilene fix in the dive world and its called Squid Diving!


capt. mike - 10-31-2005 at 03:50 PM

i am working on that bro - and now off to Amazon to get that soundtrack!


mismisty - 10-31-2005 at 07:10 PM

Great video, really enjoyed your music selection too