
the beautiful cirio

woody with a view - 11-2-2005 at 06:13 PM

tis been awhile since anyone has posted a foto of the craziest/curliest/prettiest cirio they've run across. here's mine.

p.s. i think someone may have a foto of the same one. it'll be interesting to note any differences in growth.

Great Shot, Thanks

bajajudy - 11-2-2005 at 07:26 PM

I love the outline of these magnificent trees.

This one I always liked because of the detail of the one in the foreground....spooky looking trees sometimes.

Good an interesting side line...

Mexray - 11-2-2005 at 11:23 PM

we stayed o'nite at the Los Pelicanos in Rosarito last night (Nov 1), where they use lots of Cirio wood as decorations. The owner collected lots of Cirios years ago before it was outlawed to collect the downed trunks.

They have several large, intact trunk sections hung from the bar ceiling buing used as 'mood lighting'...they have lamps inside the trunks. They also use smaller sections of the Cirio trunks for lights in the rooms - kind of unique, but not really very effective as lamps, due to the small size of the holes in relation to the amount of wood in the trunk.

I took a few pic's this morning, and will post when I get my camera upacked, etc....

BTW, on the way north, this trip, all the Cirios we saw, looked to be in 'blond headed' bloom with really healty looking 'crops' of dark green leaves! A good crop, indeed!

[Edited on 11-3-2005 by Mexray]

[Edited on 11-4-2005 by Mexray]

cirios (sp)

Swatez - 11-2-2005 at 11:57 PM

Nice to see some folks still on-line. Envious that you're in Baja and I'm in the rain in Washington.

Can't wait to head down.