Pappy Jon - 11-11-2005 at 01:39 PM
First, thanks to a buddy and his cohort for making this file (both GIS pros). Here is a link to a Google Earth file. This is the exploration route I
did to La Trinidad. These two guys took my GPS route and made a KML file that runs in Google Earth. You must have Goole Earth installed on your
computer ... go to and download the free file.
Then open and save this file, (or right click on the link and save). Make sure you save the file with the KML extention, not
as a text file. Then double click on the file from your hard drive. It will launch Google Earth, and fly to Baja showing the route to La Trinidad. I
found it works a bit better to start Google Earth first, then File/Open latrinidad.kml.
For some fun set Tools/Options/View/Elevation Exaggeration = 3 then click in the middle with the scroll button (don't scroll the button) and drag the
mouse. Ohhh baby. Then zoom in to the route, and grab the map with the left button and drag following the route.
[Edited on 11-13-2005 by Pappy Jon]