
Fairly rare book about Baja fish and original oil painting of "Cowpattys"

mcgyver - 11-20-2005 at 03:33 PM

Check ebay under seller "bajarocker" for a Baja fish book and a oil painting of "Cowpattys Place" by Virginia Mills of Puertecitos.

comitan - 11-20-2005 at 03:40 PM

bajarocker in search comes up with nothing.

bajalou - 11-20-2005 at 03:48 PM

Couldn't find it either - found favorable feedback for "bajarocker" but nothing on the seller.


mcgyver - 11-20-2005 at 03:51 PM

Sorry about that that auction does not start until 7PM Pacific time. Asleep at the wheel.When it does start you can find it by using the procedure below. There will be many more Baja books and old Baja Magazines listed in the next few weeks.

To find items sold by a particular seller using the seller's User ID:
Click the ?Advanced Search? link, located below the Search button in the top right corner of most eBay pages.
Click the ?Items by Seller? link on the left side of the Search page.
Enter the requested information and click the Search button.
Find the seller you are looking for on the results page.
Click on the "View Seller's Items" button to see active listings for that seller. Note that this button will not appear if the seller has no active listings.

Baja Books

mcgyver - 11-20-2005 at 08:00 PM

They are up now, there should be some interest in Baja books that are not commonly available. The old Baja airport book has super pictures. Everything was easier in the old days, born too late!:lol:

bajalou - 11-20-2005 at 08:31 PM

Thanks Max, Some look interesting

bajalou - 11-20-2005 at 08:43 PM

Didn't see the painting of "Cow Pattys"

Baja Books and Cowpatty's Painting

mcgyver - 11-21-2005 at 09:40 AM

For some reason it was delayed a few minutes, it is now at the bottom of the page of books. You should be able to see 16 books and one painting. This part of Baja is right on the boundry for Pacific/Mountain time zone and some processes and ME have trouble with that. BTW I quit wearing a watch the day I retired, who needs one in Baja anyway!:?: