Originally posted by Barry A.
-----I can tell you that El Carrizo has thousands of palms, but many of them were destroyed many years ago by a humongous flash flood, or two. As you
hike up, there is a small off-shoot to the south that in itself has hundreds of palms, including Blue Palms. Carrizo is a rough canyon, and you
cannot drive up it, but you can drive fairly close to the mouth on an access road on the south side of the wash. The road takes off from the main
Valle Chico road at a small rancho---(Carricitos on the Map).
Then there is El Barrendo (next one south) which also has litterally thousands of palms, not only in the canyon bottom, but all over the sides, on
both sides of the canyon----there is a major fault that passes through this country and spring-feeds the palms on both sides of Barrendo-------it is
truly beautiful, and the fantastic sandy bottom is ideal for camping-----you can drive right to some of the palms with big tires and 4x4 rigs----sand
is granitic, and really soft and deep when dry. When wet, or moist, you could drive a 2 wheel drive veh. right to some of the palms.