BajaNomad - 12-5-2005 at 10:17 AM
I've had a great number of inquiries about advertising on this site, and while I've installed and been learning about a particular ad-serving software
system, I am just not in a position presently to administer clients, deal with billing issues, etc. at this time.
And Google now offers the ability to implement such for just this site. So, I've made it available to those here that are interested in advertising
on this site.
Let me know if you have any questions about this, or follow the link under the ad space above that says "Advertise on this site."
Basic (current) statistics:
- Over 9,000 unique visitors per month (consistent).
- Average 3 visits per month per visitor.
- Right now there are consistently anywhere from 7,000 (weekends) to 12,000 (weekdays) page views per day - sometimes less (Thanksgiving day),
sometimes more (the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend).
Thanks for those of you who have contacted me on this already. Sorry for the delay in availability, and hope you will find this an appealing option
at this time.
Although your participation in this program will directly support this site (thank you), since you will sign up with Google directly, they will have
your info, but they do not share it with me - so I could be oblivious as to who is involved directly in this way. Shoot me a note if would like to
create awareness on this side of things. If you are an advertising participant, I'm happy to share more statistics with you.
Thanks again!
Doug Means