Mike Humfreville - 12-6-2005 at 05:05 PM
Not to promote myself and I'm not certain you'd consider it literature, although I did try to be literary and appeal to a wider audience that just us
Baja lovers, my new book is titled "In the Shadow of the Volcano." It's available at major booksellers for ~$15 and thr first half tells the story of
my wife and I as newlyweds in 1974 living at the south end of Bahia de Los Angeles in a cactus hut we built where Camp Gecko is located today. The
other half of the book is from 1985 when our boys were 6 and 8 and we lived at Las Cuevitas, just north of La Gringa at the other end of the bay and
again in a self-constructeed bamboo hut. I would never encourage you to buy it unless you think it might be interesting and entertaining. If by
chance you read it I would appreciate any comments you have, good, bad or otherwise. If this book does well, I have many more stories.
For as many times
jrbaja - 12-6-2005 at 06:02 PM
as you have accused me of being self promotional when I have asked for donations for the rural areas on here, I can surely understand why you keep
reposting why it's not self promotion to promote "Your" book.
But that would mean that a certain amount of the sales are going to help the locals, schools or something down here correct?
David K - 12-6-2005 at 06:43 PM
Mike, I regret not being at the Discover Baja Party last Friday (conflict with another event commitment) to have you autograph a copy for me...
I am looking forward to reading your stories (in book form) and to have a copy of your published work, as I KNOW what was involved to some extent...
It has also been a honor knowing both you and Mary Ann for these past six years since we met at the San Clemente Pier event!
I would love to add your book to the other new Baja books listed in my Baja Notebook with details. Jennifer has already contacted me about promoting
your work. However, never be ashamed to talk about your book... only be proud, anyone who trys to sour your enthusiasm must only be jealous.
Viva 'In the Shadow of the Volcano'!!!
Roberto - 12-6-2005 at 07:46 PM
Mike, if you're going to promote your book, why be ashamed of it? You say you're not, yet you do - which is it?
Congratulations, Mike---------
Barry A. - 12-6-2005 at 08:06 PM
I am sure that most of us totally support your efforts, and we sure appreciate the insights into your writing ability that you have shared on this,
and other, Baja Boards.
I salute you, and can assure you that I will buy the book-----
Way to go!!!!
Best to you, Barry
Bajaboy - 12-6-2005 at 08:08 PM
I think you should hold a book-signing party at your casa in BoLA. By the way, when are you headed down?
jeans - 12-6-2005 at 08:41 PM
Hooray for you!
I am proud to be the first to put money in your hands for the book last Friday at the Discover Baja Christmas Party! I will read it soon before
wrapping it up and giving it to Mom for Christmas.
She had enjoyed your story about Epifanio Ybarra last year because she has been traveling the pennisula for 30 years too.
Mike Humfreville - 12-7-2005 at 01:36 PM
Thanks for the encouragement. We're heading back to Bahia immediately after Christmas. Stop by for a visit!
Bajaboy - 12-7-2005 at 02:33 PM
We're heading through Bahia on 12/21 so we'll miss you. But there will be plenty of other chances, I'm sure.