
Old Mill - Molina Vieja - San Quintin

bajabound2005 - 12-9-2005 at 12:48 PM

Old Mill ? Molino Viejo, San Quintin
South of San Quintin, turn west off Carr Transpeninsular at Km-C1. There is an electrical substation on the east side of the road where the turn off is. (Also plenty of signs). Drive about 3 miles to the end. Not the best road but the end result is worth it. Right on the bay, boat launch facilities, RV park, fishing trips, boat rentals, really cute motel and great dining in what was an old sardine cannery. We can only vouch for breakfast, chilaquiles con pollo and huevos with tons of machaca. The best chilaquiles I?ve ever had. Easy on the perfectly crisped tortillas strips and lots of chicken.

CWF - 4-10-2006 at 09:01 AM

Excellent steamed clams and the paprika crab legs are oh so good and oh so messy to eat (and take a long time to eat as well). Delicious bread rolls. Very good wine selection. Service can be slow sometimes.

You can get coffee there at 5:30am in case you want to get up early and watch that sunrise.