
Ensenada hotel recommendations

lindsay - 12-20-2005 at 01:55 PM

Hi nomads,

I have a student at the SD English school where I work who wants to go down to Ensenada for a few days. Can anyone give hotel and restaurants recommendations. Reasonable range for hotel would be best $50-80 a night. Thanks for your help and happy holidays to all!!

I still really like

Hook - 12-20-2005 at 02:09 PM

The San Nicholas "Resort", though I wouldn't call it a resort in the usual sense of the word. It has a LARGE swimming pool and spa, a bar and a restaurant.

But the rooms are huge and all the tile everywhere in the rooms and the grounds gives it a feel of old Mexico. Restaurant is very good and many people love the Sunday Brunch out by the pool. I haven' t ever done the brunch.

It is also a great location, IMO. Close enough to walk anywhere in the central zone, yet you avoid the noise of the central area. Gated parking at night.

We rented a jr. suite/apartamiento that was in your price range. We prefer the rooms on the 2nd floor and up.

Gracias for the Tips

lindsay - 12-20-2005 at 05:21 PM

Much appreciated info. I usually just past through the area and have some tasty tacos before continuing the long haul to Mulege so thanks for all your help!!

Hi Lindsay

Keri - 12-20-2005 at 09:56 PM

They might like Pyramid Resort. The studios are $75.00 and the minisuites are $85.00. If they come during the week the prices are even better. Have them check our website at If they are coming to relax they will love it here . If they want to party they will like Ensenada better:yes::yes::yes: ,k

bahiamia - 12-20-2005 at 10:34 PM

Across the street from the San Nicholas Hotel is "Broncos Steakhouse". Directly behind that and adjacent to them is an old standby that many of us Baja oldtimers frequent. Nothing fancy mind you, but reasonable lodging at a reasonable price. The name of the place is the "Motel Colon"....

Ok, lots of eyebrows get scrunched reading that name, but keep in mind that "Colon" in Spanish refers to "Colombus", after whom the motel is named. The owner, Sr. Miguel Soaje, is from Spain, as are his parents who also help run it.

Some rooms even come with a refrigerator. The newer rooms to the West, have heating and A/C.

For an additional treat, head on over to the bar at Broncos. Most nights, Adolfo is tending bar. Ask him for some "Higado en Escabeche", good stuff!

Prices range from $30 - $65 a night there.

BajaNomad - 12-21-2005 at 06:03 AM

The San Nicholas is a fine location, and the Pyramid Resort is a great getaway spot.

In town, within walking distance to most of the tourist activity, I still like the Villa Fontana (Days Inn) Hotel. They are about $55-85/night.


Bruce R Leech - 12-21-2005 at 07:31 AM

I would go for the Pyramid Resort.

Santiago - 12-21-2005 at 07:33 AM I've stayed here about 6 or 7 times - good place to store your rig if you're towing.

Otra Vez..Gracias

lindsay - 12-21-2005 at 12:09 PM

Once again thanks to everyone for their tips. I'm going to print out your posts for my student then she and her husband can make their plans.

Wishing everyone a muy Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!! I'll be ringing in 2006 in Mulege so I'm counting the days until my next Baja adventure!!:bounce:

Sallysouth - 12-21-2005 at 09:59 PM

OK , Linsay, before you leave this topic, I would like to offer another place for your frieinds to stay.From the pics on this board that I have seen from Keris' Place, it sure looks like the "vacation" I would want to have! So I would suggest , stay there , then wander on down to Estero Beach for a truely unique experience. For First Timers( Newlyweds), This may be a nice choice. Only IMO......just a little more south, ...:?:

bajajudy - 12-22-2005 at 02:21 PM

If you wind up at Estero Beach, be sure to go to the museum.

turtleandtoad - 12-22-2005 at 02:34 PM

Another place to check out at Estero Beach is the Mona Lisa RV park. Every available vertical surface is covered with some of the greatest bias reliefs I've seen

This is just a sample, see my website for morel;

rpleger - 12-22-2005 at 06:47 PM

Motel Colon............Very safe, park in front of your room,very reasonable priced

I always stay there while in Ensenada.

Sallysouth - 12-22-2005 at 08:25 PM

Hey Bruce, they have gutted and closed the museum.Bummer eh? It really was unique.

Motel Colon is great

Keri - 12-22-2005 at 08:25 PM

Mike and I have stayed there many times in the past.and Broncos is great. Across the street is another little motel can't remember the name nothing fancy but cheap and down the street a little further is Motel Americana again nothing fancy but it was clean and you can park in front. I've also been to the Mona Lisa park. The restaurant had great soup as I remember and it is right on the beach. I know your friends will have a great time wherever they stay. k:yes::yes::yes:

Mona Lisa Restaurant

turtleandtoad - 12-23-2005 at 10:02 AM

When I was there in Feb and then again in April of this year, the restaurant was closed. The owners (a retired US Marine & wife) had a run of bad luck, with the wife being hurt in an auto accident and (I think) a son that was killed.

This has apparently driven them into seclusion, temporarily I hope, and they closed the restaurant and turned over the day-to-day operations of the park to their staff. They seldom came out of their home while I was there.

However, the staff is doing a great job of keeping the place up and running. They were cleaning, painting and rebuilding everywhere. Almost all of the bias reliefs had been restored when I was there last.

Ensenada Hotel Phone List

Mike Supino - 12-23-2005 at 02:16 PM

All phone numbers begin with: 011/52/646
America 176-1333

Aztec Inn 172-2471

Bahia 178-2101

Baja Inn 177-2255

Casa Del Sol Best Western 178-1570

Corona 176-0901

Costa Baja 177-2255

El Cid Best Western 178-2401

El Cortez 178-2307

El Presidente 176-1476

Ensenda Inn 176-1361

Estero Beach 176-6225

Hotel Posada del Mar 174-6335

Hussong's RV Resort 174-5101

Joker 176-7201

La Pinta 176-2601

Las Dunas 176-2771

Las Rosas 174-4490

Marina Coral 175-0000

Papagayos 178-3675

Paraiso Las Palmas 177-1701

Punta Morra 174-4490

Sahara 176-0207

San Nicolas 176-1901

Santa Isabel 178-3616

Santo Tomas 174-0301

Sauzalito 174-6145

Travel Lodge 178-1601

Villa Fontana Days Inn 178-3434

Villa Marina 178-3321

larry - 12-28-2005 at 08:25 PM

Last year I stayed at the Corona Hotel---it was very nice and the price was $75. Two weeks ago I went there, and because it was a weekend, the price was $105, so I opted for the Days Inn Villa Fontana, right in the middle of all the tourist activity on Lopez Mateos. It was a delightful surprise fot $67 on a Saturday. There is so much activity on the street, but the rooms are set back from the street, quiet, clean and very nice. The hotel does a juggling act to fit all the guests cars into the tiny parking lot.

For eating I would highly recommend Mariscos Bahia de Ensenada---always well prepared seafood of all sorts. And (on Riveroll, I believe) the relatively new Birrieria Guadalajara: three kinds of birria---beef, lamb, and goat---plus great tortillas and beans. Terrific Jalisco style eating.