neilm - 12-21-2005 at 03:43 PM
here on the coast, west of Santo Tomas?,-116.645794&spn...
or this
Any ideas?
DanO - 12-21-2005 at 05:08 PM
If you're talking about the white zig zag at Punta China, that's the existing limestone quarry and the road to the point, where they load the stuff on
a barge and tug it up to Cemex in Ensenada.
Nothing's being built north of there at this time, although someone with a big Caterpillar cut a swath across the top of the dunes at the south end of
the La Bocana beach a couple of years ago. Ruined the dunes, and apparently for no reason, since the road they cut is about two hundred yards long
and goes nowhere.
Rumor was that they were going to stop barging the limestone out of the quarry and truck it all out instead, so they were planning a much smoother and
wider road out from the highway that could handle semis with double trailers (there are a couple of spots on the existing road where I just can't
imagine that happening, but I'm no engineer). Apparently, the local fishing co-op was objecting that the limestone blowing off the barges was
damaging the Santo Tomas fishery. Nothing ever came of it. They've got something else to worry about now, though -- a plan to put a major LNG port
at Puerto Santo Tomas.