
Braggin' Rights - Fishing for $$$$

djh - 1-1-2006 at 08:42 PM

Happy New Years.

Found this in today's Spokesman Review Newspaper (Spokane, Washington).... and I'm wondering if I have somehow miss-cast my balance of work-play-income.... Any of you think you're in the top 5% of fishermen ? ! ?

Braggin? Rights
Fishing for Dollars
Spokesman-Review Newspaper 1-1-2006

One angler earned $39,620 in 2005 fishing for northern pikeminnows with a hook and line, followed by another angler who reeled in $38,084 during the five-month bounty season.
Both are veterans of Washington State?s BPA-funded Northern Pikeminnow Sport Reward Fishery, a 15-year-old program that pays anglers to catch as many pike minnows as possible of the Columbia and Snake Rivers.
Anglers earned $4 each for the first 100 northern pikeminnows they caught; $5 each for 101 to 400 pikeminnows; and $800 each for any additional pikeminnows above 400.
More than 5,000 anglers took part in this year?s fishery, catching a total of 240,955 pikeminnows and earning a total of $1.5 million. This year?s total catch was second only to last year?s record harvest of 267,215 fish.
This year?s top money-earner caught 4,740 pikeminnows - including six tagged fish that earned up to $500 apiece. The average angler in this fishery catches six to seven fish per day, program officials said, but as with salmon or steelhead anglers, the top 5 percent catches 80 percent of the fish.

[Edited on 1-2-2006 by djh]

jerry - 1-2-2006 at 07:41 AM

at this rate combinning your catch with a buddy would get you to the big buck fick pretty fast?? maybe a good way to suplement retirment in baja?? wonder how many other fish they cought while fishing for the payday fish??? are theses pike minnows acually little northen pike?? walleye pike?? or just another trash fish?? have a good one jerry


turtleandtoad - 1-2-2006 at 10:08 AM

A pikeminnow used to be called a Northern Squawfish. See link for more info Pikeminnow Reward Program


djh - 1-2-2006 at 10:20 AM

My stepmom's stepdad (RIP)... Used to call Squaw Fish (and other bottom feeders) "Bugle-Mouth Bass" (always accompanied with a smart wink).

I think that was a phrase he learned in Arkansas or somewhere he worked back in the pre WW2 days.... he always said Beeeuuugle Meowth Baaaaaass with a Deliverance-style drawl !
