
Doug{ Is there any thing that can be done to stop the Vile and Profane Words of the Poster ND????

David K - 1-5-2006 at 06:27 PM

Skeet, I just read all the posts today, and I saw nothing you describe...

Unless it is in the off topic forum, and none of that shows on the 'Today's Posts' forum which shows all posts of the past 48 hours so we don't have to click on various forums to see new posts or replies.

Use the 'Report' button next to any posts you want Doug to check out for possible deletion. Doug sees the 'Report's before ever reading posts on the General Baja forum... or the off topic forum (which I quit reading ages ago, and am happier for it)!;D

The Sculpin - 1-5-2006 at 06:55 PM

Gee Skeet - ND isn't the ONLY one who uses such language...Gull, Beercan and others come to mind. I have dabbled in the off-topic area, and as you know it is not for the faint of heart! Kind of like a literary Fight Club....OK, that's being generous....about the literary part....

Anyway, just treat it as the Nomads badlands, and enter at your own risk!

Cincodemayo - 1-5-2006 at 07:01 PM

Baja Badlands...That's a keeper:lol:

No censorship please, Doug.

Hook - 1-5-2006 at 07:45 PM

Keep it real.

bbbait - 1-5-2006 at 09:36 PM

God, I miss JR....can you just imagine what he would say now...


Sharksbaja - 1-5-2006 at 10:00 PM


capt. mike - 1-6-2006 at 07:46 AM

Skeet - ve vant to pump you up!!

signed....Hans und Franz.:biggrin::biggrin::spingrin:

wilderone - 1-6-2006 at 10:26 AM

No censorship please, Doug.
Keep it real.

Real? These imbecilic posters always have off-topic posts - their own little creepy world. I don't bother with those categories because it's not Baja related. Why off-topic politics should be allowed here anyway is a mystery unless it's to identify those wierdos so we can all stay clear of them.

i have a feeling...

eetdrt88 - 1-6-2006 at 12:32 PM

that if the off-topic area wasnt there that alot of the B.S. would end up in the Baja discussion area's which would really suck:O:O so i'm all for keeping it there with no rules,like someone already mentioned no one is forcing anyone to look at it


academicanarchist - 1-6-2006 at 04:25 PM

Skeet, my friend. The off-topic forum is a free-for-all. I would prefer to not visit it, then to impose censorship. And take care.

bajalera - 1-6-2006 at 05:57 PM

The Off-Topic Forum, like television and elementary-school yards at recess, is a venue where vulgarity and grossness are expressed fairly often these days--and personally, I don't think it's possible to conceal this sort of thing from youngsters. In our family, we just say, "Yes, some people talk like that, but we don't." And hope for the best.

Hang in there, Skeet. Your grandson has probably been exposed to worse stuff than he saw here, and survived.

Almost makes we want to visit "off-topic"

thebajarunner - 1-6-2006 at 06:15 PM

on second thought NOT.
Went there once,
just like I once went to the "other Baja net site"
Discovered that there was nothing at either location that I needed to see again.

The Truth

Skeet/Loreto - 1-6-2006 at 06:20 PM

I have never posted or had a Rant about pat robertson!

The ability of the mind to function in a manner suitable to many people is very difficult for those who have never learned to express themselves without the use of profanity. Again "Profanity is Ignorance made Audible"

Maybe I am an Ole Fart with Ole Ideas but think about the appearance of others when your children start expressing themselves in the Vulgar Manner as is done on this Board;
Shame on any and all of you who do not have the Ability or sense to think of the Person you are Addressing.

Shame on You All !!!



Skeet/Loreto - 1-6-2006 at 07:11 PM

AA :It was nothing about Censorship; I merely ask the question, if any thing could be done?

A very common Sense thing to do would be to ask ND if he would keep his Profanity inside of the Post, therefore the only way to see the profanity would be to Click on the Thread and Open it.

To an ole Fart Like me it is called"Common Courtesy" not Censorship.

Us old folks with teary Eyes have to Hold our Vomit at the manner in which some of our Neighbors Dress and act and present their attempts to be seen in such a Vile and ill-mannered way.

Again- Shame on them All!!!!

A-OK - 1-6-2006 at 07:15 PM

F- all y'all !!!!!!!!!!!!

now lets all have a group hug and pop a TkT.

FEEL BETTER?........ NO?

pop another.

wornout - 1-6-2006 at 08:58 PM

Never Mind!

[Edited on 1-7-2006 by wornout]

Skeet-----You have hit the nail right on the head------

Barry A. - 1-6-2006 at 11:58 PM

I agree with all you say here.

Thanks for saying it, and know that I support you.



vgabndo - 1-7-2006 at 12:49 AM

Let me get clear than I am very much opposed to censorship. And, I'm in agreement that the off-topic section is a fine grade of isolation ward for some of the attitudes that might otherwise infect the Baja portion of this fine meeting place. That said, I can't help thinking that you are being a bit thin skinned. Unilateral preemptive war is vulgar. Lying politicians are vulgar. Applying the supernatural to cognition may even be vulgar. Cussing, by comparison, is merely colorful.

I was taught to cuss by highly trained professionals. Now bear in mind that I was raised in a family where corporal punishment could result from farting outside of a toilet room.
As you might imagine, it came as something of a shock to a fellow who had frequently been marched as a Boy Scouts to the Congregational Church across the street to later learn that Jusus Christ had a middle name which in the ebonic dialect was Muffin.

I also learned that if you could cuss loud enough to make the veins stand out on your neck, and spittle to fly into the faces of others, there was a good chance they would make you a Sargeant.

After I had been taught to kill people with my bare hands, and how to plant boobie-traps to blow people up; time passed and the men with whom I suffered, shat, showered and shaved drew close. In retrospect I have come to understand that we still un-bloodied boys each secretly wanted to be the first to spot the enemy hand grenade so we could jump on it, save our buddies and win the Congressioinal Medal of Honor. We were well trained, (brainwashed) and we cussed often and furiously. What we felt, and what some of us later did was vulgar, but it had nothing to do with language.

In my life and in my writing, I try to be civil. However, if need be, I can still set fire to a pine tree with my language. In the right place and under the proper circumstances I reserve the right to cuss if I damned well please. I won't be being vulgar, I'll just be being a well trained ex-Marine.

What is vulgar, I think Skeet, is largely a matter of perspective and experience.

I've seldom seen any language in this forum that was offensive, but I stick to the Baja part.

Semper Fi

San Nicholas Marine

Skeet/Loreto - 1-7-2006 at 12:49 PM

Very well said. I too have been in the various situtations that you speak of in your Post.
I was a Sailor/cussed like a Sailor until I found that excerising some control I could make some money-Which I proceeded to do with out Profanity=

I reckin it goes to the "If it feels good, Just doe it" no abiity to control the manner of Speaking-Seems as if most younger people only know F====r, or You Know?You Know?

Wanting to see young people do better in their lives makes me want to grab them and "Shake the Puckie' out of them so maybe thaey can make some money and not have to live off of the Guvmit the rest of ther Lives.

The next time you go into a MACs see how many of the Servers you Profanity???
People just barely getting by, low Pay, Lots of Illegals still know that when they are speaking in Public:Which this Board is} have the abilty to Speak properly.

I wonder how many on this Thread have a College Education stillhasve not learned that Profanity cost them Money!!


How is all the Folks at San Nicholas?

The Sculpin - 1-7-2006 at 01:38 PM

Very good points, Vagabundo and Skeet, however, I fear that we are doomed to suffer our parents fate. How many times did our parents shake us and tell us that if we "continue to go down that road", that we will never amount to anything, or that we had better shape up, or if we don't do "x", or "y", that all sorts of misfortune will befall us and render us into poverty and homelessness. I tell this to my kids all the time (albeit with a chuckle inside). For the most part, we all survive our parents, and our childhoods, and some of us even luck into a little money!

Anyway, this has been a fun's kind of inbetween baja and off-topics...maybe a new category, Doug? eh?

Sharksbaja - 1-7-2006 at 07:01 PM

Well, that otta solve this rant! "Touche' " says the Grove as he thrust his sword of manliness at the hapless unexpecting Nomad!