msrla - 1-13-2006 at 01:41 PM
Just tried to book our annual trip...airline NO LONGER has an early morning outbound flight from LA, we always took an early morning Saturday flight.
Now we lose the entire day and don't get in until 8PM. AND, what is normally about a 2 hour flight is now 3.5 hours, as it looks like they are not
going nonstop!
Also, returning the following Saturday, no longer a later afternoon flight, and the early morning flight (yes we lose another day having to leave so
early!) is NO LONGER non stop either, another 3.5 hour flight! WHAT GIVES? We've been going the last four years, and the flights have always been
full! What are they doing???
Not to mention the airfare is much I book now, or do any of you amigos think the fare will go down between now and April?
Where is a competitive airline (Alaska!) when you really need them...and why is aerocalifornia limiting these la paz flights now and making them NON
non stop! Like I said, these flights have always been very full in prior years! What GIVES???
Skeet/Loreto - 1-13-2006 at 02:22 PM
Not Sure about the changes, but have you checked about leaving out of TJ/
The last time I checked it was still on Schedule/
Oso - 1-13-2006 at 06:54 PM
Just for the hekuvit, I checked cost of an DOMESTIC RT from Mexicali to La Paz on Aeromexico. Damn near $8,000 pesos, like 3 times the cost of a U.S.
cross-country flight of 3 times the distance. Que me la pelan, pues. Voy en el bus.
bajalera - 1-14-2006 at 08:24 AM
Don't leave from TJ if you have much luggage. Not long ago I brought along a bunch of books, and the baggage fee cost nearly as much as my ticket.
Skeet/Loreto - 1-14-2006 at 08:53 AM
When I leave Amarillo to go to La Paz, I have to fly into Los Angeles , catch the flight, go to Hermasillo, then to La Paz, takes all Day!!
The only good thing about the flight is I can buy some of that RealGood Sonora Beef Jerky.
Natalie Ann - 1-14-2006 at 11:00 AM
msrla - when are you flying? I just checked several non-stop AeroCalifornia flights for February, LAX to La Paz on a Saturday. For
each Saturday I found a flight leaving LAX at 8 a.m. and arriving 11 or 11:15 a.m. La Paz is on Mountain Time; Los Angeles is on Pacific Time. After
you subtract the hour for the time difference, travel time is right about 2 hours.
Price is $211 one-way, and yes that's more than they charged a few years ago. If you want a better price, you could fly in to Cabo.. cost is only
$113 one way from LAX. Round trip cost is double the price of one-way.
However you decide to fly, have a wonderful trip!
msrla - 1-14-2006 at 04:23 PM
Hi Natalie Ann.......yes, thats the flight we take every year.....we're travelling the first week in May this year and it doesn't appear on any of the
schedules I've checked!
I'm starting a letter writing campaign to Alaska Airlines to reinstate their La Paz flights....historically, they used to offer service during peak
season, April thru Sept? and they abruptly stopped about 2 years ago........... If any nomads here want to join in, it would be great, there is
definate power in numbers! I don't want to be obnoxious and start a new subject on this board about a letter writing campaign, but if anyone here
thinks we should, let's go for it, there appears to be very limited air travel to La Paz, yet I know many people who do travel there! THANKS!!!
btw, here is the reply they sent me, be sure to request they forward your suggestion to their planning department:
<<We will forward your suggestion to our Planning department. We are continuously looking to expand the destination choices for our customer
base in
the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and West Coast region. In doing so, we ensure there is sufficient demand to support any new markets we enter, and
conduct these analyses on a regular basis. In markets that we do not serve, we strive to make codeshare partnerships with other airlines who will
provide quality service for our valued Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air customers>>