
Wildlife website update

gringorio - 1-24-2006 at 09:02 PM

Hola everyone,

I am pleased to announce that we have just completed a major update to the Baja & Gulf of California Wildlife and Ecology forums ( ).

The home page offers photography donated by Baja lovers as well as weekly updates for upcoming events and featured forum discussions. Forum subjects cover the Baja Peninsula, Sea of Cortez, Colorado River Delta, sea turtles, whales, research papers, Baja library, anthropology & archaeology, and a photo gallery among other forums.

Please feel free to stop by to check out or participate in the forum discussions. If you have special announcements related to ecology or wildlife of the region, please send me the information so that it can be posted on the home page.


Greg Joder


ursidae69 - 1-24-2006 at 09:20 PM

The site looks great! :cool: