
La Palapa south of Mulege

losfrailes - 2-3-2006 at 05:22 PM

There is no finer breakfast available between Santa Rosalia and La Paz. Great prices, more than adequate servings and service that makes the difference.

There is a reason it is the favorite restaurant of the Muleginos!

oladulce - 2-3-2006 at 09:08 PM

Love the chile rellenos at La Palapa.

vandenberg - 2-5-2006 at 01:03 PM

There's a place just north of the pemex on the opposite side of the road. Round palapa type building, bar on right opposite wall and coffee maker on left opposte wall. Excellent fare. Breakfast, hamburgers etc. That the place you're talking about ?

Sharksbaja - 2-5-2006 at 02:17 PM

Yes! Mulege Map
Printable version

[Edited on 2-6-2006 by Sharksbaja]

La Palapa location

Pompano - 2-5-2006 at 04:18 PM

Yes, Vandenburg...Saul's La Palapa cafe has the round palapa roof and is right next to the Eleven-Seven Store. On the right going south from Mulege and just before the Pemex station.

Get by with a little help from...

Sharksbaja - 2-5-2006 at 04:22 PM

So what is the map for????:lol: hint;D

and I don't think it's not useful either.
Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
Originally posted by David K
De nada woody!

Bruce, put out the rough draft of your Mulege map and let us have a look or offer suggestions... improve from there as you wish.

It doesn't need to be pretty, just useful! THANKS!!!

right now it is pretty, but not useful.:lol:
Although some streets are a little haywire for the most part the locations are correct. I used the info Pompano gave me which helped alot but don't blame Bruce, he didn't lay it out.
AS far as accuracy on the streets. I was supposed to get info from him but alas, he's been too busy.
Maybe you could look at it again. I would like to finish it up and then post it permanently on ALL the Nomad mulege web-sites if they want it. I have many hours in it. It is at a point where changes are quite simple to make on the map and since they are all vector graphics it will retain it's quality.
I'll be happy to update/upgrade the thing with logos, fishin guide notes or other convenient info we think is particular to Mulege. Thanx, Corky

[Edited on 2-5-2006 by Sharksbaja]


Mexray - 2-5-2006 at 05:12 PM

The Mulege Map is great...however, the document is so big, I can't figure out how to print it out with my PC & HP printer???I can only print upper LH corner...tried everything I can think of, but can't get it on paper...any suggestions?

Sharksbaja - 2-5-2006 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Mexray
The Mulege Map is great...however, the document is so big, I can't figure out how to print it out with my PC & HP printer???I can only print upper LH corner...tried everything I can think of, but can't get it on paper...any suggestions?

Some printers won't resize properly.

Try this:Printable Mulege Map

[Edited on 2-6-2006 by Sharksbaja]

[Edited on 2-6-2006 by Sharksbaja]