Oso - 2-7-2006 at 08:56 PM
For those interested in entymology of trans-lingual phraseology:
Apenas en la ?ltima edici?n del diccionario, la Real Academia Espa?ola dio entrada a la voz "checar", que los mexicanos usamos desde hace tiempo. La
historia de este anglicismo, nos remonta hasta hace unos 400 a?os a.C.,en el Valle del Indo, cuando se inventaba el juego de ajedr?z.
Si lo crees interesante, puedes leer el art?culo "Checa esta historia", en:
Arturo Ortega Mor
BOLABOUND - 2-7-2006 at 09:02 PM
Algo interesante
como todo; las cosas cambian
fdt - 2-8-2006 at 10:49 AM
When I worked at the Hotel del Coronado, I used to laugh because they would say "Ve a serapear la mesa" set up the table or "que te ringueen el
cheque" ring up the check, and another funy one was " me cambiaron mi skechu" they changed my schedule. Recently when in Tucson I hired a housekeeper
for the hotel and she was beeing trained to knock on the door of a room and call out "Housekeeping", well she was calling out "lanskeipin"
The other day a guy told me que su caro era Silverio, he meant to say silver.
bajajudy - 2-8-2006 at 11:44 AM
Voy checar!