

Pompano - 2-13-2006 at 06:39 AM

Okey dokey, here are some tips for the upcoming yellowtail tournament in Mulege.

Just Lately...

...there have been catches of 25-35 lbers caught with live bait (mostly a 5-6 inch bigeye is best) off the north end of San Marcos Island. An occasional larger fish here and there. There are numerous holes there, but the most productive seem to be: 1- the 55' foot mount just north of the seal rocks. 2- the 110'. 3- the 220'. If you don't have a sonar, just head over to the boats that are already fishing there. Try to get close to a local panga and be prepared to chase the birds to a boil...then cast the kitchen sink at them

...the action off Pta. Chivato, due east at the Tail Canyon (210') has not been tested enough yet. Might be the ringer!

...trolling Mirrolures south of Sta Inez Islands has produced at least one 41lber. I would ALMOST bet good money this fish would get you in first place. Look for 60-80 feet of water and make sure your drag is set...but not too tight! You want to cross it's eyes, not pull it's lips off. (please, no PETA responses.)

...if you can find Murphy's Hole near the mouth of Conception Bay you might have a chance at some really monsters caught there recently. A 42lber and some large cabrilla to 20-odd pounds. This pile of rock is about 75 feet below your hull. Live bait could try 3-4 oz egg weights or just fly-lining the bigeye out and let him swim on down to be engulfed by the contest winner.

...Mateo, a local panga outfitter, has been doing well in 200 ft or so off Pta. Rosa south of the mine. Live bait in the ticket here. Good sized yellows, too. (If I was new to the area, I would rig a towline to Mateo's stern. Alex, another guide in a panga named Victoria, is no slouch either.)

Myself, I like trolling to cover the territory first.....with Mirrolures using as small a diameter line as you can get by with...say 30lb test if you like to live dangerously, but 40-50 if you are a meat-hunter. Use either hot pink or the green/chartruese ..the Tiger. Never use a swivel or any snap with the Mirrolures, but tie directly to the line with your best knot, such as the bloodcinch or a doubled blood. Get the lure way back least 100 feet or better. Set your drag fairly tight, but not too should just be able to pull out line against the drag. Speed should be as fast as you can without popping the lure...about 6-7 knots. You want to outdistance the runts, right? Put the rod in a holder, don't hold it in your hands. You will need to open a Pacifico with those... and the holder does a better job of setting the hooks, anyway. bait will probably produce more fish in the long run, but the quality is just not there for me. But that's just me, I don't often like sitting still and soaking bait.....although live bait will always be a good way to catch fish.

Check with tournament rules and boundaries of the contest...some of my fishing recommendations may not be inside the contest boundaries.

6 best area choices for me:

1. San Marcos (this MAY be off-limits for the tourney..please check rules and boundaries of the contest.)
2. Pta. Chivato canyon
3. South of Sta. Inez Islands
4. Murphy's Hole off Conception Bay
5. Pta. Rosa to Pta. Teresa south of Pt. Conception
6. The Reef Bar (downtown Mulege)

The winning fish will come from _________________?
And will be caught using_______________________?

Reality check: As in most highly skilled fishing tournaments, the winner will be a sleeping woman who has no interest in fishing at all, accompanied by a turncoat retriever.

[Edited on 2-14-2006 by Pompano]

capt. mike - 2-13-2006 at 06:48 AM

Pompano - is that carpet lining in the boat or a painted floor? looks like indoor/outdoor glue down, a nice detail. to put in my "hatch" as i continue to dream about the boat and details i'll have one day soon i hope.

thx for the tips, you're giving away the secrets man!! - wish i was fishing, but we'll be there anyway to meet some pilots this weekend.
is Pierce throwing this shindig again, and where is the post fish party cook out being held?

wonder if Alex has sponsors? boat carpet, etc.

Pompano - 2-13-2006 at 07:20 AM

Mike...yes, that is regular boat carpeting as done in most all of these 'walleye backtroller boats' made for Up North fishermen. I would NOT recommend it to you as a saltwater fishing boat. I use it (or used to for many years) because of it's manuerability and openness of design. The whole boat is strictly used for fishing. The carpet is a bugger to keep clean with all the fish blood, salt spray, etc. and you must really wash it down thoroughly after each trip. I have gotten used to that detail, so no biggy for me. But there are much better bare hulls that are more maintenance-free.

I have the website somewhere for the Mulege touney and will post it when I find it..or someone else on here will, I am sure. The tourney has a 'committee' now and it headed by _____?..opps, I forgot.

Here it is..thanks, Bob y Susan...

(I am not much on 'committees'. If Columbus had had a committee, he would never have left the dock. Why do we bring these damn things to Baja!!..okay, that's my rant for today.)

I think the fish fry will be at Pierce, Val, and Scotty's bar at the Hacienda (Pelican Reef Bar) afterwards.

Mike, when I get my new boat, you will have to give it a look. Also here is a photo of my Yarcraft, but bear in mind that this boat was made for backtrolling for walleyes Up North. Also, a place in Los Barilles will build you a 23ft panga with T-top, 115 Yamaha 4-stroke motor, galvanized trailer for only that is a real deal.

[Edited on 2-13-2006 by Pompano]

Bob and Susan - 2-13-2006 at 07:25 AM

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 07:46 AM

the director at the dept. of fisheries has asked us to let every one now that they will be checking boats in the MULEGE YELLOWTAIL CONTEST.

they will be checking for 4 things.

1 fishing licences for everyone on board.

2 Boat permit for fishing.

3 temp importation papers and sticker. this is a new requirement this year and all boats over 14.5 feet must have it even if you got your other papers before the new year.

4 currant registration for both foreign and Mexican Pangas.

He says that if you don't have any one of the papers on Bord it is the same as having nothing.

Pompano - 2-13-2006 at 08:17 AM


The official rules committee of the Yellowtail Tournament will be checking for:

1. freezer burn
2. stretch marks
3. tire treads
4. price tags left on whole fish
5. surgically attached fish portions
6. stomachs stuffed with lead weights
7. anything caught by Pompano or motley crew

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 08:29 AM

to get the temp importation papers and sticker. you must take your boat and papers including FMT, FM3 to Santa Rosalia to the office of Aduano. the cost is 50 US and it is good for 10 years.

the problem is for the people that have boats under 4.5 meters. they are required to have it by the dept of fisheries but the office of Aduano will not give them to boats under 4.5 meters that is about 14.5 feet. we are still fighting with them about this but no luck yet.

also people who got there permits through Vagabundos or other agencies to the north the permits are not valid until you get the temp importation papers and sticker.

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Pompano

The official rules committee of the Yellowtail Tournament will be checking for:

1. freezer burn
2. stretch marks
3. tire treads
4. price tags left on whole fish
5. surgically attached fish portions
6. stomachs stuffed with lead weights
7. anything caught by Pompano or motley crew


diaz boats

capt. mike - 2-13-2006 at 09:09 AM

right on, pompano! i know all about that los barriles builder, and when my "other ship" comes in......that's the boat for me!:bounce:

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 09:10 AM

if you have a Mexican registered panga you don't need the temp importation papers. but you do need the original factura and current local registration papers from the harbormaster

Bob and Susan - 2-13-2006 at 10:09 AM

what about fish caudgt at costco?

I guarantee

Hook - 2-13-2006 at 10:48 AM

that this importation fee nonsense is going to knock several boats out. It has NEVER been applied to gringo boats on the peninsula. Even on the mainland, there is a free version of it if you are just coming down for a short time. Even there, there is no necessity to get the 10 year TIP. Sounds suspiciously like a local attempt at extortion.

Boy oh boy, if they begin to enforce this off the north end of San Marcos, there will be many crying inside SLC. Plenty of boats under 14 feet in there, too.


eetdrt88 - 2-13-2006 at 10:49 AM

thats a great lookin boat,definitely beats out my 10' dinghy:lol::lol::lol: by the way,i'm heading out to the big island of Hawaii manana to see my pops but i'm wondering if you or or any other nomads can reccomend a charter boat or captain over there that youve had any luck with??? Looking to catch some monster sized tuna,actually any tuna would be great:spingrin::spingrin:

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Hook
that this importation fee nonsense is going to knock several boats out. It has NEVER been applied to gringo boats on the peninsula. Even on the mainland, there is a free version of it if you are just coming down for a short time. Even there, there is no necessity to get the 10 year TIP. Sounds suspiciously like a local attempt at extortion.

Boy oh boy, if they begin to enforce this off the north end of San Marcos, there will be many crying inside SLC. Plenty of boats under 14 feet in there, too.

you better check it out hook, you are wrong. will your guarantee pay the boat owner back when they lose there Boat and all equipment?

any one who doubts this is right feel free to check for them selves. this info comes from the horses mouth

Hook you are doing a great disservice to your fellow Nomads here

[Edited on 2-13-2006 by Bruce R Leech]

Pompano - 2-13-2006 at 12:34 PM

eetdrt88....I would go with any of the highliners of the Kona Coast on big island of Hawaii. Pretty much things are the same as here...follow the top-dog flaggers from the day before. Been a while for me...too 'touristy' ;) Aloha nuwaee kow kow.

Frank - 2-13-2006 at 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
to get the temp importation papers and sticker. you must take your boat and papers including FMT, FM3 to Santa Rosalia to the office of Aduano. the cost is 50 US and it is good for 10 years.

the problem is for the people that have boats under 4.5 meters. they are required to have it by the dept of fisheries but the office of Aduano will not give them to boats under 4.5 meters that is about 14.5 feet. we are still fighting with them about this but no luck yet.

also people who got there permits through Vagabundos or other agencies to the north the permits are not valid until you get the temp importation papers and sticker.

Bruce, you also wrote


3 temp importation papers and sticker. this is a new requirement this year and all boats over 14.5 feet must have it even if you got your other papers before the new year.

I'm confused. Who requirement is it? Dept. Fisheries wants this for boats only over 14.5 feet{4.5 meters}. The office of Aduano will only issue for boats over 4.5 meters {14.5 feet}. My boat is 14 feet and I want to be legal.

Don Alley - 2-13-2006 at 04:37 PM

I have not heard of a requirement about a temporary import fee in Loreto yet, but I don't have a boat, yet.

I do have a kayak, 12.5 feet. I do fish from it and I do have a boat fishing license for it, as required, since Mexican regulations do consider a kayak a boat when used for fishing.

So, do I need to import my kayak?

Bruce, it seems to me that you are saying that I need the import permit, but that they won't give me one 'cause my "boat" is not long enough.

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
any one who doubts this is right feel free to check for them selves. this info comes from the horses mouth

Hook you are doing a great disservice to your fellow Nomads here

[Edited on 2-13-2006 by Bruce R Leech]

Horse? What horse? I don't trust horses. Especially talking horses:

I'm with Hook on this one.


talking horse?

eetdrt88 - 2-13-2006 at 04:52 PM

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 05:28 PM

I'm tired of trying to help people who think they know everything and insist that nothing ever changes in Mexico.

I told what they told me so do what ever makes you people feel good.

Don Alley - 2-13-2006 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
I'm tired of trying to help people who think they know everything and insist that nothing ever changes in Mexico.

I told what they told me so do what ever makes you people feel good.

Sorry, I apologize.

It is something I'll look into.

But if, as you seem to be saying, agency A requires a permit from agencyB that agency B will not produce (permits for small boats), than is not some humor OK?

But again, I apologize and I thank you for the heads fact for the many heads up in the past as well.

Frank - 2-13-2006 at 06:39 PM

Sorry Bruce, just trying to be legal, and understand what that will take.

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Don Alley
Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
I'm tired of trying to help people who think they know everything and insist that nothing ever changes in Mexico.

I told what they told me so do what ever makes you people feel good.

Sorry, I apologize.

It is something I'll look into.

But if, as you seem to be saying, agency A requires a permit from agencyB that agency B will not produce (permits for small boats), than is not some humor OK?

But again, I apologize and I thank you for the heads fact for the many heads up in the past as well.

OK I know it is frustrating to you as it is to me. I have had to turn away at least 47 boat permits since they started this on Jan 1.

I will keep you all informed on what I learn about this problem. as I am fighting with them on a daily bases.

please let me know what ever you find out. I have had no luck finding out how other areas are handling this. hopefully some one from Loreto or La Paz or some where will give us current info.

[Edited on 2-14-2006 by Bruce R Leech]

Bruce R Leech - 2-13-2006 at 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Frank
Sorry Bruce, just trying to be legal, and understand what that will take.

no problem Frank. last year over half the boat we processed were for boats under 4.5 meters.


Pompano - 2-14-2006 at 01:06 PM

Please check with the rules and boundaries committee on regulations, licenses, and the areas where you can fish in this contest. Some areas that I fish and recommend that you do likewise... may indeed be out of bounds in this particular contest.

You are forewarned. Be prepared!! It's a rules and committee thing.:rolleyes:


mulege marv - 2-15-2006 at 07:34 AM

so what im hearing is my boat permit that is still up to date is NO good without a TIP ? i can see having to get one when the permit expires but come on. long liners in the bay all summer, shrimp boats here now, and they are targeting the boats that are entering a tournament that benefits a local charity. well i guess it all makes perfect CENTS.
there should be a way to find out what the laws are before you get caught unintentionally violating one.

[Edited on 2-15-2006 by mulege marv]

[Edited on 2-15-2006 by mulege marv]

Bruce R Leech - 2-15-2006 at 08:09 AM

most of the laws are available for you to read. we have some of them here. others can be viewed on line. or at the dept. of fisheries. there are many new ones this year so it would be good to check. I would post more of them here but my typing is very slow.

I would think that the ones putting on the tournament would give out a paper with at least the new laws.

Bruce R Leech - 2-15-2006 at 08:20 AM

Taking your Boat to Mexico

some of these laws have not been enforced in the past in Baja Ca. sur. but apparently now they are going to. I don't know about Baja Ca. north.

Page Map ? General Information | updated 8/30/05 Feedback Legal Info

The following guideline is based on brochures supplied by SECTUR. Reprint of those brochures is made with approval of the Mexican Consulate. Be sure to check with SECTUR or the Mexican Consulate prior to your departure to make sure you have the most up to date information.

What papers do I need to enter my vessel temporarily into Mexico?

1. Title (lease agreement in your name if the vessel is rented).
2. Proof of citizenship or resisdency in a foreign country.
3. Choose one of the following depending on the way you entered the country:

a) Departure clearance from the original point of departure, or similar official document in the event that you enter by sea.
b) Title for the trailer (or lease agreement in your name if trailer is rented), in the event that you enter by land.
What should I do when I arrive in Mexico?

1. Obtain a Tourist Visa (FMT) from the immigration office.
2. Obtain from Customs a temporary import permit for the vessel and the trailer.
3. Pay $ 10.00 (in U.S. Currency) with an international credit card, or deposit with the Armed Forces Bank, BANJERCITO, a bond for the value of the vessel (this procedure is applicable only when the vessel enters by sea, if you enter by land the permit for your vehicle will cover your vessel).
In the event that you decide to return to your country of origin and leave your vesel in the care of the marina, you must return to the marina at least once a year.

Requirements To Bring Your Boat Into Mexico

If you want to bring into the country a touring motor boat or a sailboat more than four and a half meters long (14'-6"), you must comply the following requirements:

I. If you are going to enter by sea:
1. Upon your arrival at the first port of entry in Mexico, go to the immigration office and obtain a Tourist Entry Form for each passenger aboard, if you had not previously obtained this form from a Mexican consulate, Mexican Government Tourism Office or embassy.
2. Proceed to customs and obtain a Temporary Import Permit, presenting the following information:
a) Vessel Ownership Title
b) Document verifying that the vessel's owner resides in a foreign country (Tourist Entry Form)
c) The credit card, bond or deposit mechanisms are three available alternatives.

II. If you are going to enter by land:
1. Proceed to the immigration office at the crossing where you enter into the country and obtain your Tourist Entry Form.
2. Proceed to customs and obtain a Temporary Vehicle Import Permit, stating on the back of said permit the following information about your vessel:
a) Vessel Ownership Title
b) Document verifying that the owner of the vessel resides in a foreign country (Tourist Entry Form)
c) The credit card, bond or deposit mechanisms are three available alternatives.
It is important to indicate that once you enter the country (whether you came by sea or by land) you will be able to proceed to a marina, and obtain a form to register your vessel. Once this has been done, remind the marine operator to inform the proper Tax Office for the area where the marina is located, or the Customs office at the port of entry, that your boat is registered at the marina.

In the event that you decide to return to your country of origin, and leave your vessel in the care of the marina, you must return once a year to the marina.

If you want to bring into the country a touring motor boat or a sailboat less than four and a half meters long (14'-6"), you must comply with the procedure for temporary import, meeting the following requirements:

1. The vessel is the property of the person residing in a foreign country.

2. Present identification verifying your nationality and a current Tourist Entry Form.

Your motor boat or sailboat can remain in the country for the period authorized on the Tourist Entry Form.

NOTES: In the event that rented sailboats or motor boats are involved, you must present proper rental agreement in your name.

The Temporary Import Permit for your car, together with the vessel information will provide legal authorization to enter your vessel into the country until you arrive to a tourist marina.

Requirements For The Temporary Entry Of Trailers

The trailer used to transport your vessel can be imported under two conditions:
Tourist Marines Regulation which allows you to leave your trailer in the care of the marina for the length of time you desire.

Temporary Immigration Regulations, according to which your trailer can remain in Mexico for the length of your authorized stay.

You may chose the tourist marine regulations whenever:
1. The trailer is your property,
2. It is registered with an authorized marina, which shall be resposible for the same; and
3. You file through the Marina, a notice to the customs Office or the local tax collection office for the area in which the marina is located , stating that said trailer shall not be taken out of the country while under the care of the marina.
You should take into account that trailers brought into the country, according to tourist marinas regulations, can only travel within the national territory while transporting said vessel, therefore, if the trailer leaves the country, so must the vessel.

In the event you want to leave your vessel in the care of a marina, but want to leave with your trailer, all you need to do is leave the vessel in the care of the marina meeting all the tourist marina regulations, and bring the trailer under the temporary import regulations, which allows trailers to be in the country for one month, having to be taken out of the country after that period of time.

When you bring your vessel on a trailer that does not belong to you, it shall enter the country under the temporary import regulations.


In those cases when a vessel has to be pulled by a three ton or larger tractor trailer, arrival and departure arrangements must be made with a Mexican carrier to transport your vessel inside national territory.

In those cases when a vessel is pulled by a private vehicle owned by a tourist importing the vessel, you shall register the vessel and it's trailer on the back side of the temporary import permit used for the vehicle, describing with precision the characteristics of both the vessel and trailer.

In those cases when a vessel is pulled by a foreign private vehicle not owned by the tourist importing the vessel, a permit shall be issued for the vessel and trailer and a separate temporary import permit for the vehicle, using the same forms used for automobiles.

It is important to point out that the marina operator where the vessel is docked can import any parts required for its maintenance and repair.

Requirements To Sail In Mexican Waters

Arrival and Departures Upon your arrival in Mexico, if you want to sail from one port or marina to another, even if you do not leave the country, you need to have the proper arrival and departure clearances:


To authorize the arrival of you vessel to a marina or port you need:

a) Coastal Sailing:
Departure clearance from the port of origin or any other legal document verifying the vessel's point of departure.
b) Open Sea Sailing:
1) A departure clearance from the port of origin or any other legal document verifying the vessel's point of departure.
2) A Health Permit, whenever so required by the proper authority, taking into account the vessel's original point of departure.*

*NOTE: Please check with the nearest Mexican Consulate if this regulation applies to you.


To authorize the departure of your vessel to a marina or port you need:

a) Sailing within the same port:
A verbal agreement from the Harbor Master or his representative.

b) Coastal Sailing:
1) Special form for vessel departure clearance.
2) Inspection Certificate from the vessel's country of origin or similar document to verify it.
3) Verification that there are no accounts pending at the marina.
4) Health permit, whenever so required by the proper authority, taking into account the vessel's original point of departure.*

*NOTE: Please check with the nearest Mexican Consulate if this regulation applies to you.

Regulations For Renting Your Vessel When You Decide To Leave It In The Care Of The Tourist Marina

Tourist marinas can market for profit the vessel you left in thier care as long as the following requirements are met:
a) The recreational yachts or sailboats left in their care are 4.5 meters long (14'-6") or larger.
b) The vessel is marketed through the tourist marina itself or a third party who, together with the owner of the vessel, is responsible for all fiscal obliagations.
c) The tourist marina or authorized third party has entered into a rental agreement with the owner of the vessel.
These vessels may not be marketed without the required permits issued by the Ministry of Treasury and the Ministry of Communications and Transportation.

[Edited on 2-15-2006 by Bruce R Leech]

Bruce R Leech - 2-15-2006 at 08:49 AM

these are some of last years regulations this list dose not include even half of the regulations.

Mexican Sportfishing Regulations from Oficina de Pesca
In order to operate a boat that carries fishing equipment in Mexican waters, it is necessary to hold a valid boat permit and personal fishing licenses for everybody aboard the boat, regardless of age and whether fishing or not. A fishing license is not required when fishing from land.
Only one rod or line with hook is permitted in the water, per person, but there is no restriction regarding the number of replacement items.

This fishing license allows to capture only fin fish. It does not allow to capture any mollusks or crustaceans, and their capture by anyone is strictly prohibited. Totuava, turtles and marine mammals are under protection of the Ministry and may not be captured at any time.

To capture bottom fish, up to four hooks on a vertical line may be used.
The use of electric reels is restricted to disabled fisherman only, after written authorization from the Ministry before use.
Bag and Possession Limits
In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten fish per day, with no more than 5 catches of a single species, except of the species of marlin, sailfish, swordfish and shark of which only one specimen of either is allowed and which counts as five toward the overall 10 fish limit, or dorado, roosterfish, shad or tarpon, of which only two samples of each species are allowed, and which count as five toward the overall 10 fish limit.
Limit on inland bodies of water (rivers, lakes, dams, etc.) is five fish per day, whether of a single species or in combination.
Underwater fishing is limited to five fish per day, using rubber band or spring type harpoons, and only while skindiving.
There is not limit to the practice of "catch and release" as long as the fish that exceed the bag limit be returned to their environment in good survival condition.
Where sportfishing is conducted from boats out at sea for longer that three days, the bag limit will be the equivalent of three times the amounts mentioned above.
It is illegal to capture and maintain alive any fish for ornamental purposes.
It is prohibited to receive any financial gain from the product obtained through sportfishing.
It is prohibited to dump trash, litter or substances that harm the aquatic flora or fauna, whether on lakes, river banks, shores or oceanic waters.
It is prohibited to collect shells, corals, sea anemones and snails, or to disturb the original ecosystem environment.
It is prohibited to practice sportfishing 250 meters or less from swimmers.
It is prohibited to use artificial lighting to attract large quantities of fish.
It is prohibited to discharge firearms in Mexican waters.
Fish caught under a sportfishing license may not be filleted aboard the vessel from which it was caught.
It is requested that all unusual activities, occurrences or record catches to be reported to the nearest Oficina de Pesca, or to its representation in San Diego, CA., in order to ensure the preservation of natural resources for the continued enjoyment of all fisherman.

It seems that this is, indeed, a new rule this year

Hook - 2-15-2006 at 12:18 PM

Bruce, thank you for printing out the letter of the law.

I apologize for my suspicions on this being yet another "soak the gringo" scheme.

I wouldn't, however, call my statements a disservice. I never advocated that anyone ignore the law; in fact, I accepted the fact that it would be enforced and warned about the howling that would occur in the area.

It's hard to tell but the regs could be interpreted to EXCLUDING the need for a TIP for boats under 14.5 feet. It SEEMS to say that the basic vehicle import stuff is good enough for them. It DEFINITELY SAYS THE TIP is for boats over 14.5 feet.

So, if the TIP is available through Customs (Aduana), then I am wondering if it is available at San Ysidro? It would be so much easier to get all the permits in one location at the border. I am not expecting that you would know this; just wondering aloud. Also wondering if this applies to BCN.

Sounds like a good topic for a separate post. I think I'll post it shortly.

Thanks again for keeping all of us informed and I apologize if some may have interpreted my reply as a suggestion to ignore the law. Compliance is the only course; complaining about the poor notice and confusing implementation by the Mexican Govt. is the norm. Remember the implementation of the FMTs?

I won't be in this tournament, due to work committments.

Pompano - 2-15-2006 at 01:00 PM

Thanks, Bruce... for posting the fishing license and regs. info. I read it the same way on my copy.

Things have changed a little since the old days, no? It is for the best, I suspect. I recollect mi amigo Hector, an old harbor captaino, who for years thought he was doing me a favor by telling me that I did not need a fishing license because I was his friend. I always had to go to another town to get it... because I did not want to insult his friendship by insisting on one from him. Now I am inunadated with boat importation, multiple person fishing licenses, registrations, fees, taxes, renewals, certificates, and permits upon permits. Like Pogo says, "We have met the enemy .. and he is us."

As much as I gripe about all the permits, Pomp......

Hook - 2-15-2006 at 01:33 PM

.....I pay for them.

The thing that really burns me is how difficult the Mexican Government make securing all this. Multiple copies, runs to the banks, this office, that office, enforcement officers not allowed to issue permits, etc., etc.

Not to mention how poorly they notify the public of changes in all of the above. I just received word from someone who showed the Aduana guys at San Ysidro his TIP and they looked at it with wonder :O and callled their friends over to see the new "gringo permit." Even the officials that are supposed to issue them are unaware.

That's Mexico.......

[Edited on 2-15-2006 by Hook]

Hook...could not agree more.

Pompano - 2-15-2006 at 01:46 PM

It is..... Mass Confusion Time Again.

This photo always reminds me of events due to new rules and regs in Baja.

Roberto - 2-15-2006 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Hook
that this importation fee nonsense is going to knock several boats out. It has NEVER been applied to gringo boats on the peninsula. Even on the mainland, there is a free version of it if you are just coming down for a short time. Even there, there is no necessity to get the 10 year TIP. Sounds suspiciously like a local attempt at extortion.

Boy oh boy, if they begin to enforce this off the north end of San Marcos, there will be many crying inside SLC. Plenty of boats under 14 feet in there, too.

I guess you've never slipped at the Coral? They have ALWAYS required the TIP, even though they do the paperwork on the spot. This is also true of all other marinas I have stayed at in Mexico.

I think slipping is the key

Hook - 2-16-2006 at 02:14 PM

No one slips from BOLA to La Paz, and that's where most all of my boating has been.

When I towed twice to San Carlos, I cant recall paying for a TIP. It seems to me they had some other type of boat permit that was free.

Roberto - 2-16-2006 at 02:45 PM

The TIP at Marina San Carlos is there, you pay for it when you register for a slip. The TIP has always been a requirement, but trailer boaters have not had to pay for it because it's enforced in ways that do not affect them (unless they slip in a Marina). Looks like this may be changing.

Pompano - 2-17-2006 at 12:18 AM

Tip for today is .... wear raingear....going to be windy with lots of spray from waves and swells....could be some seasick contestants. :barf:

Yellowtail first results...

Pompano - 2-17-2006 at 12:28 AM

First day results are:

biggest yellowtail.........31.8 lbs

Caught by 'Two Dogs' ... a boat I just happened to buy in the calcutta.:yes:

One more day to go.

but wait

mulege marv - 2-17-2006 at 05:22 AM

thats not all the results, who's currently in second place ? oh thats right , its me ! with san marcos mike tied for third. with one more day to go with less than ideal conditions, its all still up for grabs !

capt. mike - 2-17-2006 at 05:49 AM

way to go Marv! see you later today.

Awake now....

Pompano - 2-17-2006 at 07:27 AM

Sorry, Mulege Marv, I did not mean to exclude anyone from my 'observations' last night. It was very late and I was a little sleepy when I wrote the last report above on the yellowtail contest. (and in need of some menudo, if you know what I mean).;)

So...for any Nomads interested in fishing....Here is what happened the first day.

Ist Day of 2:
(approx weights)

First place..........Two Dogs Gary...............31 lbs
Second place.....Mulege Marv...........28 lbs
Third place.........San Marcos Mike....27 lbs

Biggest other species fish

I was informed this is a 29 lb grouper-type caught by San Marcos Mike.

Note: These contests are supposed to fun and so.....

There is no 'smallest fish caught' prize, but if there were it would go to ..........Marty's Boat. Nice catch, Marty!! ::spingrin: (Marty caught the big one last time!...and a 25 lber this time.)

Good Fishing and Bueno suerte to all!

[Edited on 2-17-2006 by Pompano]

Bob and Susan - 2-17-2006 at 07:00 PM

hey pompano i just got here....who won???

is tomorrow nite the party?

rain from cativina to guerrero negro...not bad just small drops

doesn't look too bad here in mulege

Bruce R Leech - 2-17-2006 at 07:12 PM

I haven't herd anything yet ether. come on fishermen.

fishing tourney (approx. weights)

mulege marv - 2-18-2006 at 04:10 AM

first place- Gary Bendix 31 lbs

second place- John Dinning 29 lbs

third place- Marv Perrigo 28 lbs

other- san marcos Mike 29lbs (grouper)

Bob and Susan - 2-18-2006 at 06:21 AM

Congrats Gary and John

and ALRIGHT MARV!!!!:lol:

Pompano - 2-18-2006 at 07:13 AM

Still half asleep....I meant to post my report on this thread but is on the one posted by Capt Mike. Oh,'s Baja and I am allowed to screw up, right?

the contest results....

Pompano - 2-18-2006 at 07:17 AM

Good fishing guys...congrats to Gary, John, Marv and teammates.

Hey, Pomp, get us some details.....

Hook - 2-18-2006 at 09:02 PM

.......on what the YT were caught on.

Any on trolled Mirro/Rapala/Yo Zuri types? Dinning always seems to be trolling, every time I see him.

What about locations? All at the n. end of SM?

Yellowtail contest

Pompano - 2-19-2006 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Hook
.......on what the YT were caught on.

Any on trolled Mirro/Rapala/Yo Zuri types? Dinning always seems to be trolling, every time I see him.

What about locations? All at the n. end of SM?

Hook..there was some variety to the fishing, using Mirrolures, yo-yo's, etc....although most fish were caught on live bait. Bigeyes made before dawn at Punta Prieta just outside the Muluge esturary and north of the lighthouse.

It seems even local die-hard Mirrolure trollers like Marty R. and John D. were trying their luck with live-bait. Anything to get into the winner's circle! Paid off for OB John, who got second place.

A lot of yellowtail were caught up by San Marcos, but the real big ones came from an area just south of the Pt. Conception mine in about 200-240 ft. This is an area we call 'The Slide'...from a noticeable nearby hillside. This hole has been a good producer over the just have to keep an eye on it. (could be some people confuse it with Santa Inez Islands.;D)

A fun tourney and lots of people at the dinner ceremony last night, too. Cash prizes for the fishermen and calcutta were awarded with large percentages going to a local charity, along with money raised from dinner ticket and raffle sales. A good event for this Baja community and will surely grow in the years ahead.

(A certain Coyote Bay resident happened to win the calcutta by bidding on the right team...I hear he had some inside information!)

[Edited on 2-20-2006 by Pompano]